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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(九十七)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A number of colleges and universities have announced steep: ^+ D7 N9 `% k! Z# w  s
  tuition increases for next year much steeper than the current,7 |7 E% I" H! b- [5 Z0 E
  very low rate of inflation. They say the increases are needed because
$ |- a! J( k9 v4 a  of a loss in value of university endowments' heavily investing in common __1__- H* O# x% e  l. P2 k3 ?
  stock. I am skeptical. A business firm chooses the price that maximizes
6 o6 ]/ s# l2 `+ k! m/ W  its net revenues, irrespective fluctuations in income; and increasingly the __2__
/ e( M  o% o6 w. A1 r" G  outlook of universities in the United States is indistinguishable from those of __3__+ {/ @; ^% q0 k6 v+ C
  business firms. The rise in tuitions may reflect the fact economic uncertainty __4__% j4 N) ?: w9 z
  increases the demand for education. The biggest cost of being
( |8 I) G& j, a& x' W  in the school is foregoing income from a job (this is primarily a factor in __5__2 i% H$ P  F( D9 K) B
  graduate and professional-school tuition); the poor one' s job prospects, __6__
! g  z1 u- ^% b" c; \9 ]: S5 d  the more sense it makes to reallocate time from the job market to education,
- I4 p# O( l- [0 m' [7 N, y  in order to make oneself more marketable.5 u3 A% C$ k8 W
  The ways which universities make themselves attractive to students __7__, h/ {& e) b4 h6 Y
  include soft majors, student evaluations of teachers, giving students
  j. H' `+ _3 e) W  a governance role, and eliminate required courses. __8__" R  B+ H2 Q% G) a9 A5 X( F0 ]
  Sky-high tuitions have caused universities to regard their students as
6 ^' q" Y4 o  p" f  customers. Just as business firms sometimes collude to shorten the __9__' C( o! d; v) Y! I% [
  rigors of competition, universities collude to minimize the cost to them of the7 q1 c, e6 p2 _( L8 H6 R, i1 x
  athletes whom they recruit in order to stimulate alumni donations, so the best% z' L6 ^! q$ o! h- ~5 c
  athletes now often bypass higher education in order to obtain salaries earlier9 D7 q' V& M3 \2 |! r( E& A0 H% M; w: K
  from professional teams. And until they were stopped by the antitrust authorities,% @- N8 C( [2 R; J% G) O
  the Ivy League schools colluded to limit competition for the best students, by
3 {; b$ A( @& b  _/ y5 s1 \  agreeing not to award scholarships on the basis of merit rather than purely2 w6 D2 f: Q2 P$ w  D
  of need-just like business firms agreeing not to give discounts on their best __10__
7 M  Y9 F" L2 ~+ k' r3 h  customer.
2 T: R; ?; ^$ u$ K  答案及解析:
: O* Y8 Q+ [$ T% e  h& ~! m$ t; ~  Y  1. investing应改为invested。  ]; L- P3 |1 p+ r2 q
  这里说“投资于”普通股中的捐赠金价值损失惨重,既然是投资,就是指人去投资,即endowments (that were)heavily invested in.括号内的部分是被省略的部分,本句形式上是主动,实际意义上为被动,因此应该把investing改为invested,否则逻辑上和语法上都是说不通的。) N8 E% X9 ~6 f! I$ ^
  2. 在irrespective和fluctuations之间加上介词of。irrespectiveOf是一固定用法,意指“不论,不管,不顾,”等,如:irrespectiveOfthecost不惜工本,irrespective of the consequences不顾后果,irrespective of duty status不论职位高低。此处指公司不顾收入的波动变化。
+ @& |) t9 s) O  3. 把those改为that。本句的后半部分主要强调的是大学里的“看法或观点”(outlook)与企业公司的看法或观点不一样,即着眼点在于对两种
( C- ?) }& g) w8 N! _0 r  不同团体看法的对比。既然前面用的是单数形式,后面也应用单数形式,基本语法规则是前后应一致,本句为代词those的误用,所以应把
0 |0 U2 }) @% Y% d* _0 Y7 ^4 Q  those改为that。
6 |2 w( C6 z) @  4.在fact和economic之间力口上关系代词that。这是一个同位语从语,that在同位语从句中是不能省略的,否则就很可能出现意思所指不清的
0 H7 K- g1 d$ O# ^8 x  麻烦,所以此处必须加上关系代词that。" m" h% A2 h1 B! d0 y; P% K& ~
  5.把定冠词the去掉。定冠词与一名词连用,表示某个或某些特定的人或物或机构等,而此处的in the school,一则意思不清,二则可能指在某人正在某个具体学校做某事。这一层意思与本文上下文不相吻合。比较之下,inschool是一固定说法,表示“在上学或求学”、“在校读书”正符合本文上下文的意思。因此应把定冠词去掉。* L- D$ u; r5 Q" U' \- @8 T
5 y5 X, K) R' [2 ]1 c) x3 f# U  7.在ways和which之间加上一个介词in。在ways和which之间加上一个介词in,表示in these ways,即指通过前面提到的这些方法。相似的句子较多,如:Not all sounds made by animals serve as language,and we have only to turn to that extra ordinary discovery of echo-location in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role.(动物发出的声音并不是都能当作语言,因此我们只好求助于蝙蝠回声定位的这种非凡的发展,探究一下语音在何种情况下起着绝对有用的作用。)$ z* Z; }6 R1 s/ G7 m) g+ r
  8.这里应该用动词的—lng形式,即eliminating,以便使句型结构与前面的giving(students a governance role)保持一致,否则句子结构和意思都显得不正确。
0 f3 s- K$ D$ Z# U0 R& t! V& C! X  9.将shorten(缩短;使变短)改为reduce或weaken。此处属于用词不当。应将shorten(缩短;使变短)改为reduce(使精神垮下来;使身体弱)或weaken(使削弱;使衰减),可表示文中所表示的“减弱竞争的残酷性”。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


  10.将to give discounts on改为to give discounts to their best customer。1 Y( H& y, g1 `* J* j# t' ]
  意为实业公司给最好的客户提供优惠。而give discount on something则指就某一商品打折扣,显然与本文的上下文是相悖的。因为本文一直在讨论就如何避免为抢最好的生源而展开恶性竞争,为抢好学生捉供优厚奖学金,与公司为抢客源,给最好的客户提供优惠道理是一样的。所以应做上述改动
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