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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(105)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Ismail Kadare, who was rewarded the Man Booker __1__6 N; x  j6 s- [' @% N
  international Prize for literature this year, is the first Alabanian" @# B8 `( R8 v0 U* T+ o  {9 r
  writer to be taken notice in nearly 80 years. His classic novel, __2__+ J( t: h9 N3 g2 a. ~
  The General of the Dead Army, is a meditation on the consequences" v( d4 Y- `. z: E' U, q
  of war, a hugely moved account of the meaning of duty and the __3__
' z8 d& ^4 V: x  tragedy that blind obedience entails.
# ~* T/ l3 C/ o  It is early 1960s, nearly 20 years as the Second World War __4__6 L; I# E' Y; ]) J- @
  ended. An Italian General, accompanied with a sinister priest __5__8 m) K9 N$ v! H0 R5 S0 P
  who is also Italian army colonel, is sent to Alabania to locate __6__( t- O6 f! s4 }  d' q5 v, }
  and collect the bones of his countrymen who had died during the
$ F$ K% s1 s& [: S4 c2 j3 o  S  War and return them for burial in their native land. They are; U( f) B. }4 O  `% v2 t0 U9 j
  armed with maps, lists, and other important informations such as __7__
& b; z4 a' `$ c1 t/ h& S  measurements, dental and other records of the missing personnel.6 M9 c  L5 y. @
  The team tours the countryside, organizing digs and disinterment# t2 B; m/ [' W4 l& c
  and, as they try to find the dead sons of forgotten families, they
+ D1 ]' T6 |# i! F  wonder at the sense and scale of their task. The General constantly5 e, I9 C; R; T/ K6 Q+ f
  talks to the priest who is accompanying them the futility of __8__
) v. C" X+ d* @. n  war and the sheer meaningless of the whole enterprise.% ?# w' S$ `/ _5 n1 M: ]3 J
  As they go deeper into the Alabanian countryside they find( Y  y  E, a" k4 K; _5 i, `
  their footsteps follow, sometimes anticipated, by a fellow General __9__1 L) V# h) {( E
  who is also looking for bodies—the bodies of German countrymen.
* v1 R& h' k/ y# u: A8 l! W  H  Like this Italian counterpart, the German too struggles in the remote
5 c  y6 u8 m# I! A  countryside, against the cold and rain and the hostile terrain. It is a
2 z0 c" N8 ^; `  thankless job looking for the remains of dead “souls” merely to take* k5 [; g- [2 h' \! q
  them back home for a decent burial. Is it worthy the exercise? Isn’t __10__
" N. R+ s' s; s6 p% k% D  this a mistaken sense of national honor?4 D) S0 N: t; e6 \1 ^4 T/ [
  答案:( i- l& O- Q& y! H! j1 J
  1. rewarded—awarded8 K$ R" U& k& t1 B9 T2 V
9 `. v" P- Q0 N4 @  2. ^in—of
% e. f: o0 |( C' I9 _$ j  take notice of 给固定搭配,不可省略  h5 T4 T2 D+ ^3 V/ ?& g
  3. moved—moving
- C3 w+ f/ p3 e  s: U. O  动人的,用moving
+ l; `6 j0 c$ Y# l* K: O  4. as—since
% @. D' S) U" W* {  “自从……起”应该用since
- ?$ n3 K8 H( e- W: I! \1 H- L  5.with—by
7 X5 }/ g# E( J; l  be accompanied by “由……陪伴”为固定搭配
5 C; U1 ^" |, F/ s  6.^Italian—an
! F" M3 p& C& O/ t  colonel 是可数名词单数,又在Italian之前,所以应该加上不定冠词an
9 y& {& U3 A% @% h: ?  7. informations—information5 m! b( R5 I" V( w- @$ m
7 ]$ w, F" s0 e* f9 E& i  talk about意思是谈论,为固定搭配
# ]( l1 u" q" C4 R& N; w  9.follow—followed
( Y8 Y1 p0 B' {% o! S6 P; y  这里应该用过去分词,表被动0 f! J( t. A- ~3 X5 m% r
  10. worthy—worth, O# u/ f2 u; I% B0 B
  worth 是“值;相等于……”而worthy和of 连用是“值得……的;足以……的”之意

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