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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(107)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  One question is often risen in response to international __1__% c/ |+ h+ W; P
  test comparisons: Do these results really mean anything? In6 \( c3 ]% o6 N* [, }
  the past, international testing programs have been criticized
# w  f" m- b/ F' a  on variety of grounds. Two allegations, in particular, have __2__8 i) V6 n  a  l2 I4 |) l; P- c, L
  been common: first, that other nations have not tested as large& I( v8 s' ~# m7 Y  b0 \
  a percentage of their student population, and nevertheless their __3__
8 n9 B/ B7 E+ \! ?- R: t: }9 X% h  scores have been inflated; and second, that our best students are
5 s: K5 Y$ e8 J  among the world’s best, with our average brought down by a __4__
' Q# T0 s% p" X4 B& `" \% L  large cohort of low-achievers.: t: _( L( u$ f  X9 E: c3 s' U& P
  Whatever the historic validity of such concerns, they are now, __5__* b3 O- O' f9 z, f# z6 g, N  l9 O
  if anything, reversed. Particularly in the fourth and eighth grade,/ P6 C7 L) g* r. E* X1 F4 |7 m- c8 m* n
  education has become universal in all of the leading nations.
# x" b- x$ ~/ Q' C" O  ?  Therefore, in science, the percentage of randomly selected __6__
: N) G, y- j. j2 r4 x. R% b  U.S. schools and students that actually did participate at the
1 f( a, v. V% S1 I* j1 v7 H  eighth-grade level was just 73 percent—the third-lowest of all7 c% q* `, U2 |2 z; {& p8 V, P8 _
  45 participating countries, and 11 percentage points under the __7__
8 G4 u% m8 V1 ]1 _. S# B) Z, A  United States had third-lowest overall participation rate for both __8__
, |$ a) S4 a$ D5 g8 D  Y9 \: S8 v  grades in both subjects. Japan, Taiwan and Singapore all had: M" O) L1 `0 c
  participation percentages in the 90s.
. ^6 E* W7 S) f) O1 _1 _  How about our best and brightest? At the fourth-grade level,/ E+ e* A4 t% W7 s* f6 a
  there is some real truth to the idea that the best American students __9__
6 S! C5 i2 I4 M; z& h3 j$ a5 ?% y  are among the best in the world. Looking only at the top 5 percent# _1 ~6 n, C8 n/ x% ^
  of test-takers, American fourth-graders beat the average of wealthy3 E3 h: E  X5 W  D5 k- c& x7 l4 R2 O
  nations by 13 percentage points. By the eighth grade, however, the1 B# |( b0 ^, T6 T
  tables have turned, with America’s brightest students fallen to __10__- i5 k! }) ~7 w( e7 l4 Y
  percentage points behind their foreign peers.
2 Y) j7 S8 y8 a( z, \. k6 b. j( h  答案:
( Z( e, E# ~* }4 n  1. risen—raised6 U1 }9 Q+ W( \( `4 e0 @0 i
  提出问题应该用及物动词raise* ~# r- `0 \/ l
  2. ^variety—a
! r1 b# y1 M2 _+ @; G' j) E; ~  A variety of 为固定搭配# e  E  \" e* a* {
  3.nevertheless—hence/thus/consequently! s0 d8 r: V. ]/ Y9 [5 ]
  根据上下文,这里应该用表示结果关系的连接词,而不是转折关系的连接词( q) S; d$ g. E, `1 c
  4.^brought—being1 j  C6 p( g; Q8 l( D
  这里应该用表示被动的现在分词短语做独立主格结构. c- Y0 j: y! r4 w
  5.historic—historical: I" F4 P+ w9 k  e
  Historic是“历史上着名的;与过去时代有关的”这里应该用historical是“历史上的”9 d2 M1 t2 M) F. `
! a) i0 _. k8 [1 z$ W; P  这里应该用表示递进关系的连接词,而不是结果关系的连接词。; v5 _; C* k8 c& t$ Y
  7.under—below, W$ W2 D1 l) S: r7 u
  低于平均值多少百分点用介词below- y  F; {1 U% `2 N2 l1 @6 ?
  8.^third—the7 M' d  p/ T5 R2 h. j$ Y
9 n1 s. e( G  H  9.real--/
- ]- |( v8 k  Q+ o  real 多余,应删除
) v! V- I' e6 q0 _% T+ q7 a  10.fallen—falling
2 O7 ]" V: d( |$ ]: n+ E7 i  应该用现在分词作独立逐个结构

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