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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(113)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  We Americans are incredible lazy. Instead of __1__
4 ?% d. R4 X. v/ k# v- t3 ~  Cooking a simple, nourishing meal, we pop a freezing __2__: k% {- {" H) P' C# u* k
  dinner into the oven. Instead of studying daily __3__  ^5 o8 J0 I  u" B" [
  newspaper, we are contented with the capsule
1 \2 o) W  y% u8 ]/ B/ S5 j2 }  summaries on the network news. Worse of all, instead __4__
& n8 q. D# {: t8 c# S# Z# @7 Q  of walking evenly a few blocks to the local __5__
! L0 [5 H" x, f2 e  convenience store, we jump into our car. This __6__
% x; T" P1 |! q* \  independence on the automobile, even for short __7__
( r  T6 V! L" t0 Y3 d! m  trips, have robbed us of a valuable experience- __8__" G* ?' j$ \2 ?1 r% X
  walking. If we drove less and walked less, we __9__
+ H1 m( J* x, S- d  would save money, and become healthier, and discover __10__
6 E9 Y% y6 y6 {! J# k# R  fascinating things about our surroundings.
; f. E, `* b0 J, k! ?  答案及解析:
9 u& e; S6 w5 p  1.
6 C3 J. J# w1 S5 F. v" m  incredible 改为 incredibly
; Y2 C5 d' h) r  L" D! c- f/ {  需要副词来修饰形容词lazy6 N8 d* d* G* A8 W
  2.. M: Z% I7 ?! T  I% _% `: s+ M
  freezing 改为 frozen4 b5 |  z4 B  I! ^% @- h  b8 P
  freezing 指的是“极冷的”,而frozen指的是“冷冻的,冷冻过的”
7 d, G0 e& d+ B0 z3 s  3.- U6 }* I, w% F3 W+ D& ^
  studying 后加a 或者把newspaper 改为newspapers
, ?2 W5 X: w) b7 i$ F  中心词是可数名词,它或者以单数形式出现,前面加限定词a,或者以复数形式出现。* i( s$ n" k6 e4 u7 D) R5 E' M
  4.) e" e  B% {& r/ Q# v. i" O
8 H9 h+ n* q. ~* g  “of all”之前需要搭配最高级,表示“其中最…….的”
4 y( e$ Z5 |: h# q4 W/ |  5.& f* W# m) _! B# ^' N
  evenly 改为 even
4 o7 d  W, v' X# ]$ V8 r( ], R  evenly是副词,表示“平均地,均匀地”
4 H7 s0 ^$ J  p( J  6.
) o4 q5 ]2 X, Q+ O- B# d  car改为cars
0 o/ X( \# [- x0 E  据上下文判断,这里泛指美国人跳进自己的车,而不是统统跳进一辆车,故应该为复数cars
$ I: }3 T8 ~" [# d* t  7.
, r  S* [. f6 z! q( s1 S  independence 改为dependence
: g$ b5 _7 _8 n5 R  8.' i1 ~0 F+ j9 m0 W% L( F2 o
! K: w# d# e3 Z9 y4 p3 }  9.0 |' _2 A- }! v% X- ~8 \
# y5 s8 X& u5 S8 L  10.
' E9 f8 f# p& z+ C/ S5 ]  去掉第一个and$ H4 ]' Y6 }; p1 g3 w* g

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