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[专八辅导] 英语专八改错突击练习(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  What is corporate culture? At its most basic, it’s described like the personality of an organization, __1__
, O/ p( {2 ~% ~7 o& ?6 q0 ?  or simply as “how things are done around here.” It guides what employees think, act, and feel. __2__0 {; d2 F7 v2 l. M0 ^" D. d' {
  Corporate culture is a wide term used to define the unique personality __3__. a1 g( [* y# }1 a( Z
  or character of a particular company or organization, and include such elements as core values __4__) a" T# _& G) E8 A
  and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior. Corporate culture can be expressed in the$ H* u- H$ i* B' {# ]
  company’s mission statement and other communications, in the architectural style or interior decoration,- x% [. J- r0 K& ^) }+ [. [
  by what people wear to work, by how people address to each other, and in the titles given to various __5__
$ A' k& A9 ~, O4 I  employees. How do you uncover the corporate culture of a potential employer? The truth is that you will never really know the corporate culture after you have worked at the company for a number of months, __6__% `! j; H( x3 |! W% b+ |
  but you can get close to it through research and observation. Understanding culture is a
$ Z! t3 ~: C- R+ y  T9 d  two-step process, starting with the research before the interview and ending with observation __7__
' c* g& a9 i. d2 l  at the interview. The bottom line is that you are going to spend a lot of time on the work environment- __8__2 x0 D1 N8 Y: i5 i6 b& [, x: @
  and to be happy, successful, and productive, you will want to be ina place where you fit for the culture, __9__# f6 Y: O( g$ G' ?# Y
  a place where you can have voice, be respected, and have opportunities for growth. __10__" J: I  h+ o  v" f0 z
  答案:$ p2 v0 b9 _% G' h
  1.like改为as。as 作为连词可以用在形容词前,和动词regard或describe搭配,表示“看作,描述成”。3 N5 z9 E2 N. o) ^: y& Q/ }
  2.what改为how。这里要表达的是“怎样想”,而不是“想什么”,联系前一句“how things are done around here”也可以帮助发现错误。4 R7 p& h3 }$ r% H, S- m
  3.wide改为broad。wide和broad容易错用。表示宽度时既可用broad,wide,wide更常用,如:a wide river;a broad river。但是表示具体的物件时只用wide,如 a wide bed,一般不说 a broad bed。 表示生理,概念或范围时,要用broad,如:a broad smile、broad shoulders、a broad meaning。& y) f) U- _5 @6 Q$ ?( X3 g
  4.include 改为includes。include 的主语是主句主语 corporate culture,所以应该是第三人称的单数形式。
# l) r* k% A" e% y  _5 A# o  5.去掉to。address解释为“对某人说话”时是及物动词,无需加介词。
# Z5 C" O- J& e0 u, _  6.after改为until。根据上下文的逻辑,文章是说,只有当求职者真正在公司工作了几个月后,才能了解它的文化。  V# c/ A/ A% I
2 H$ b: T* }" }1 e  8.on改为in。这里的介词并不是和动词spend搭配,而是和名词词组work environment一起作状语。
( B8 N$ F$ x: d& ]4 S" j  9.去掉for。fit作为动词时,如果是及物动词,可以说fit something/somewhere。如果作为形容词,可以说 be fit for something,但是没有fit for 的用法。% ?  y1 w, P$ N  q+ x' m+ G7 p* p$ j
  10.voice前面a。have a voice in something 的意思是“有权利对某事发表看法”。这个词组中的不定冠词不能省略

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