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[专八辅导] 专四专八之文学翻译一起练(第二十五期)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" H1 s$ h0 v, d9 n4 ?  s) \# q7 N  The Cafe of the simple inn where they stayed was the meeting place of the notabilities of the little city; the Sindaco, the avvocato, the doctor, and a few others; and among them they noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man, with bright black eyes and snow-white hair — tall and straight and still with the figure of a youth, although the waiter told them with pride that the Conte was molto vecchio — would in fact be eightey in the following year. He was the last of his family, the waiter added — they had once been great and rich people — but he had no descendants; in fact the waiter mentioned with complacency, as if it were a story on which the locality prided itself, that the Conte had been unfortunate in love, and had never married.
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  他们住进了一家简陋的旅馆. 旅馆的餐厅是小城名流云聚之地.有市长,律师,医生,还有其他的一些人.在这些人之中,有一位英俊健谈的高个老人引起了他们的注意.他有一双乌黑的眼睛,头发雪白,高大挺直的身板,像年轻人一样.然而,餐[考试*大]厅的服务生却有些自豪地告诉他们,这位伯爵年事已高,来年就有八十高龄了.服务生还说,他是他们家族最后一员,也曾是豪门巨富,然而他却没有子嗣.这位服务生还得意地提到,他爱情失意,终身未娶,好像这是一件本地值得炫耀的事情.

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