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[专八辅导] 专四专八之文学翻译一起练(第二十九期)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 u/ M+ T+ O$ \) Z4 l  y$ c  The Pleasure of Reading+ R4 z! ?2 b; O/ h+ e" }0 A
  All the wisdom of the ages,all the stories that delighted mankind for centries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how get the most value from it.The unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books.
* J2 J; n- b" h- r: g* G  I am most interested in people, in meeting them and finding out about them.Some
5 r  I* d1 m. v3 ~9 _( J# t  of the remarkable people I'v met exited only in writer's imagination, then on the pages of his book, and then again, in my imagination.I have found in books new friend, new society and new words.
1 r1 c+ m# K' j7 C9 [0 X! h( L  If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who
* @! v6 H' J% b$ A1 g0 R  as in how. Who in the books inculdes everybody from science-fiction
7 j6 ^; B" z# M, G! i  S4 D  superman two hunreds years in the future all the way back to the first figure in history. How covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discoveries of science and the ways of teaching manners to childers.
9 V6 C# b/ k& ~& `% J  译文:
0 H6 N% @$ T0 e$ _# t* W, J  读书的乐趣) M+ o5 ~) t' e  M+ X! H5 x
  历代的智慧,几个世纪以来人类一直籍以为乐的故事,所有这些都可以从书中方便而又便宜地获得.但是我必须懂得如何利用这份宝藏,懂得如何才能使它对我们最为有益.世界上最为不幸的人,也就是那些从未考(试^*大体验过读好书之乐趣的人吧* _3 f( v5 f) D" f6 n7 |  C
8 d7 j+ C7 ^3 Q8 @: ]  如果说我对人感兴趣的话,别人感兴趣的就是事.书中的人形形色色,从历史上第一个伟人一直到科幻小说中200年后的超人.书中的事也无奇不有,从福尔摩斯里的精彩案情,到各种科学发现,再到如何让孩子懂得礼貌.

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