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[专八辅导] 大家来找错之大学专业八级的改错练习28

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  One of our main arguments is that we in Western countries actually have part to play in causing the __1__ problems of the Third World. Many Third World countries are saddle with immense debt burdens, for __2__ example. They were lent money with low interest rates __3__ in the 1970s, when money flooded into Western banks from the oil-producing countries and was lent out to the Third World. The interest rates have then been risen __4__ dramatically. So you have a situation where a country in many cases can’t even repay the interest, letting alone __5__ the capital, on the debt. And I suppose the best example from what I have come across is a country in West Africa where the consumption, the local consumption of peanuts was banned, because peanuts, if they are imported can bring in a great deal of foreign income. __6__ The peanut is a major source of protein in this country.So you have people go hungry as a result of that. __7__ The peanuts were exported to Great Britain and the United States to feed our cattle. Those cattle then produced a surplus of milk which we do not know what to do with.We have enough milk, more milk than we can cope with in the Western World. And also that milk __8__ was transformed into dried milk powder and then taken back to this country to help feed children who were  suffering from malnutrition. So that’s the kind of insanely __9__ economic relationship that we have got ourselves in __10__ the Third World.0 ~* L4 Y6 k2 C) P7 D
  答案:; ~# K0 g  c* H! Q$ t" w2 N
  1.在part前加上a。词组have a part to play in…的意思是“有份儿”/ L! d  k0 R; e  u" D- o  B
  2.saddle改为saddled。此处为被动语态,应该把动词变为过去分词形式。, F- b6 i5 a2 p1 `
  3.把with改为at。此处介词与interest rates搭配。
4 \9 E3 ~( ~- Z! M/ P  4.删除been(这里应该是把risen改为rising,答案应该错了)。rise是不及物动词,不用于被动语态。
" t( X; l1 u$ R) H2 ?0 u; X  5.把letting改为let。let alone 意思为“更不用提”。
: Q/ J/ Q% v: ]* ^: k/ d8 L  6.把imported改为exported。下文说花生可以带来外汇收益,出口才会带来外汇,所以此处应用exported。! e& _5 L( G0 k  g/ x, z
8 n8 R7 X! e8 o  ^2 g" b  8.把also改为so。必须把与此相关的几个句子联系在一起理解,上文说:花生出口到英国和美国去喂了牛,而牛又产出了过剩的牛奶,我们不知道怎么处理这些牛奶。在西方世界,我们的牛奶够多了,多得无法处理。本句说:这些牛奶就被制成奶粉拿到该国去喂养那些营养不良的儿童。由此可见本句与上文是因果关系,不能用also来连接。
) }  t) g( Q) Z' r1 u  9.insanely改为insane。此处表达“荒唐的经济关系”insane修饰的是relationship,而非economic,因此要用形容词代替。. m7 ]+ z2 I+ e4 a4 C5 X
  10.把in改为into。词组get in 虽然也可以表达“ 进入,陷入”,但是in为副词,后面不能跟地点,所以应该改为into

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