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[专八辅导] 翻译练习:大学英语八级汉译英练习2老帽山

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& ~  q& p" Q. m, u7 ?3 B  The Old Hat Mountain-The Laomao Mountain  Mount Laomao
9 B) T1 h$ @  N6 P/ x  *老帽山位于普兰店市北部、全国战斗英雄于庆阳的家乡--同益乡,其主峰海拔848米。该山因峰秀、石峭、林密、松奇、花异而远近闻名,素有辽南“小黄山”之美誉。
/ [( S1 a" Q, T& n  *老帽山雄伟壮观、景色宜人。山中怪石千姿百态,惟妙惟肖;清泉四季长流,瀑布溅石有声;动植物资源极其丰富;各种花卉竞相开放,各种野果随处可见,野生动物时隐时现;一些珍贵中草药材应有尽有,人称辽南“百草园”。4 C: b7 w# I" r4 x3 |% l' p# V
' ~% }5 j9 ^8 q" i  老帽山位于普兰店市北部、全国战斗英雄于庆阳的家乡--同益乡,其主峰海拔848米。
/ M8 S4 ^, ^& @1 @$ y+ ]+ }  * 战斗英雄: combat hero; F' M3 o6 ^. D7 K
  * 主峰:main peak; highest peak; dominant peak
% t; s" ^& g) P& z2 [& ~  * 海拔:in elevation; above sea level,be elevated ??? meters* b' M) K9 e# _  Q- A
# ~$ a7 F/ ]8 g' _  *The Old Hat Mountain is situated in the Town of Tongyi in the north of Pulandian, the home town of Yu Qingyang, a national combat hero, with its main peak as high as 848 meters/with its dominant peak at an elevation of 848 meters/with its highest peak elevated 848 meters.
% J& f5 Y, f: v  参考译文
9 c; \6 j0 I0 q' C+ M  S# K# M7 P  *In the Town of Tongyi in northern Pulandian, the home town of Yu Qingyang, a national combat hero, stands the Old Hat Mountain, whose main peak is 848 meters above sea level.
4 Q% E, S" K! f! y$ ?: n+ ^  该山因峰秀、石峭、林密、松奇、花异而远近闻名,素有辽南“小黄山”之美誉。! `5 x' X" h5 r* E
( }# g5 c+ m+ x0 |  *峰秀→秀峰:magnificent, beautiful peaks' _3 U0 X+ q3 s* w" Y; R. F
  *石峭→峭石:steep, precipitous cliffs
$ w$ H: z4 b  v7 y$ u* w  *林密→密林:dense, thick woods& J! z# X/ \! I# c! G
  *松奇→奇松:奇:奇形怪状grotesque pines% A8 W: G0 Z+ K( M9 `3 ]
  *花异→异花:奇异:exotic, rare,# P- n% N, u. ~9 m- D
  峰秀、石峭、林密、松奇、花异4 O0 G4 O5 g! R" N' m8 J
  *远近闻名:famous far and wide0 {; N/ Q1 D- w0 A+ A) Q- r! ]% G
  *素有 ……之美誉 :素:ever, all the time, always
# W- B" `) l- x7 t5 x3 \! j0 g  *美誉:good fame,(good ) reputation; R- [0 c8 S: F# ^' X
  *素有 ……之美誉 :ever enjoys the reputation of3 t7 c9 }$ x2 {) \9 C/ O( A
  参考译文# K/ F- p0 N7 {5 {( _  K
  *Known far and wide for its magnificent peaks, precipitous cliffs, thick woods, grotesque pines and exotic flowers, it ever enjoys the reputation of the Small Huangshan Mountain in southern Liaoning.* e/ ]3 o) A# t& k+ l: |0 Z
% `- {5 y- T# [  S7 A- [  *雄伟:majestic(majesty),magnificent, grand,imposing
8 D8 Z8 M( B# V4 A, L  *壮观:spectacular(spectacularity),magnificent3 ?# g' A4 J4 L& v
  *景色宜人:宜人:pleasant,delightful, charming, fascinating, enchanting(使心醉)' f( m5 j* R- l$ ~& l
  参考译文2 W; m1 t! T# o( ^; p7 I( K3 Y
  *The Old Hat Mountain is both majestic and spectacular, offering enchanting views.
5 A: G- e6 T9 p  *除了并列之外,我们可以对汉语的多个描述词语进行分解,分散在英文句子中的不同位置,如定语和表语;或者寻找一个中心点,其他围绕这个中心,此句的中心是“景色宜人”。* a* i& K8 C% @) h4 p) @' T, d& A
  *The majestic and spectacular mountain presents enchanting views.  a4 m, t3 ~) }6 A. I- r+ [
  *With its majesty and spectacularity, the Old Hat presents enchanting views.# q( N* n/ I& |$ S3 V
  *With its spectacular majesty, the Old Hat presents enchanting views.
* f  J& [/ b8 h3 h! d2 R# r' ?  山中怪石千姿百态,惟妙惟肖;+ ]; _% I. {5 l9 N* z
5 W% a/ `" E/ K  m) }5 f( y# I, L, ?  *姿态:姿势形态:postures, shape
$ L4 B4 c% ?) A# P; t4 ~! v$ }  *惟妙惟肖:remarkably true to life; be absolutely lifelike
9 v0 \# r$ W! C: z) {  参考译文- J$ a4 e, ?+ t  w
  *Its unique rocks of all shapes and postures can find their resemblance in life.7 ^  H9 l2 o  t3 T, ~3 s- ^
  清泉四季长流,瀑布溅石有声;, P5 q/ T  j5 ~) w8 M3 u1 w# @
  *清:清澈 limpid,crystal clear
0 Q' O+ t/ G' x* W" z9 j8 K  *四季: the four seasons;all year round
4 d5 O9 [8 N5 y/ I  *瀑布:waterfall, cataract, cascade(小)
! U7 {5 P. L( z2 h8 e  参考译文
. u! q, o: i5 S% R% w  *Crystal clear spring keeps running all year round, with cascades splashing down onto rocks (, creating roars).
% Q1 X" Q+ E. Z% ~  动植物资源极其丰富;
1 ?, o3 P: v0 \' e  *It abounds in animal and plant resources.# u9 [2 e: z- Y- a
  各种花卉竞相开放,各种野果随处可见,# \( B- V. [( z7 J2 T9 Q, b
  *竞相:互相争胜 contend for/compete for…with each other! P+ o9 @9 {, h  @0 C" o
  *Blooming flowers of all sorts contend for beauty and wild fruits are grown everywhere.
( k: y6 G# r/ v  A  野生动物时隐时现;4 N# Y  l4 W$ E0 m. X: G
  *时隐时现:时…时…:now…and then…;now appear and then disappear
! n/ f' O. G+ i/ m1 G5 W& j, J  *Occasionally one can see wild animals here.5 M4 I2 w. O9 z7 f! |4 ^/ t- w
  一些珍贵中草药材应有尽有,4 F5 o# L  h8 c: S$ f' ^: D2 R$ r
  *中草药:Chinese herbal medicine. |+ C0 u( z( h! O
  *药材:medicinal materials;crude drugs$ O; R- F: }& x" Z8 Z: N/ a
9 Y( y1 |$ s8 w0 [8 B9 f6 o6 k
  *应有尽有:have everything one expects to find; in great plenty and variety

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  *One can also find some kinds of valuable /precious /rare Chinese herbal medicines in plenty.7 p0 m- p) @5 |2 p3 c, Q
) f) J9 X1 [6 u# @! ~5 A  *Hence it is also known as the Hundred Grasses Garden of southern Liaoning.+ Y) G7 r) f& z- [; E( z3 s# h6 [
  老帽山四季有景,生机无限。! O3 R  @1 X& @; n" a# e) u* J
  *The Old Hat Mountain presents sceneries in all seasons/all year round, with endless vitality/with infinite livelihood.; V' c" T, P/ i5 |1 Y
  “觅英雄足迹,赏帽山风光”,# s0 z( F* b/ t2 A% ?4 y
1 L) X# I' [2 A1 H8 [  *“Let’s follow the footsteps of the hero and enjoy/admire the beautiful scenery of the Old Hat Mountain”.$ N' x! c& _- Q* M: _
  好客的同益人民真诚欢迎海内外朋友来老帽山旅游观光。4 m. X% h: _3 e  `
  *The hospitable people of Tongyi sincerely welcome friends from home and abroad to the Old Hat Mountain.
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