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[专八辅导] 大家来找错之大学专业八级的改错练习54

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Middle age has its compensations. Youth is bound hand and foot with the shackles of public opinion. Middle age enjoys freedom.I remember that when i left the school i said to myself: __1__ "Hence forward. I can get up when i like and go to bed when i like." That of course was an exaggeration, and i soon found that whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to achieve it. But by the time you have reached middle age you discovered how __2__ much freedom it was worth to sacrifice in order to achieve any aim that __3__ you have on view. When i was a boy i was tortured by shyness, __4__ and middle age has to a great extent brought me a relief of this. I __5__ have now no such feeling and i save myself much discomfort. I always   hated cold water, but for many years i bath in cold seas because __6__ i wanted to be like everybody. __7__ It was until quite late in life that i discovered how easy it was __8__ to say:"i don't know." i find with middle age no one expects me to walk twenty-five miles, or to play a scratch game of golf, or to dive from a height of thirty feet. This is all to the good and makes life pleasant, but i should no longer care if they do. That is what makes __9__ youth unhappy, the vehement anxiety to be like other people, and that is what makes middle age intolerable, the reconciliation with __10__ oneself., U+ k2 P$ Q6 z
  答案:; `. V# w0 i9 j, y; N) p/ U
  1.去掉the.to leave school 表示“毕业,离开学校”,当中不能加定冠词,否则就表示离开特点的一所学校。
+ i2 D8 n& [5 G) O" a. i  2.^discovered--have.由by引导的时间状语从句主语一般都用完成体,所以这里应在discovered前加上have。" y& c5 v" [3 i0 d
  3.worth--worthwhile.这句话如果用正常的语序说应该是:it is worth to sacrifice how much freedom in order to achieve any aim……这样看显然worth的用法是错的,应改为worthwhile,原句的意思是:但是当你步入中年时便会发现,为了实现一个目标值得你牺牲多少自由……。
2 _! H" e$ ]7 P5 z3 x: D# w  4.on--in.应该是have something in view表示“看得见……”,所以应改为in view,而不是on view。
$ r! o3 s1 U6 t! c5 k' E2 {4 @/ X  5.of--from.如果名词relief表示“从……得以解脱”时,要用介词from而不是of,如:to seek/find/provide relief from the heat/cold/pain/noise。+ }+ M% y  }9 Q7 L1 _
  6.bath--bathed.bath是名词,而在这里需要一个动词,bathe是动词,所以应改为bathed。) t. B* Q7 D2 I. T5 e  ?0 d+ A
  7.everybody^--else.everybody就已经包括了说话人自己,所以这里应改为everybody else。5 A2 o+ ~0 ~* \  _' w3 U
  8.^until--not.中文里的“直到……才……”在英文里就要加上not,变成“not until...that...”,所以要在原文until签名加上not。8 {& n1 Z* f& Q0 G! b! t
  9.do--did.句子i should no longer care if they do用的是虚拟语气,是对现实的不真实的假设,所以用if从句后加did。7 x6 G- _2 q' P% }) c

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