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[专八辅导] 大学专业八级的改错练习77

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Poverty exists because our society is an unequal one, and there are powerfulpolitical pressures to keep it that way. Any attempt to redistributing wealth and in __1__ come in the United States will inevitably be opposed by powerful middle and upper
3 d4 l" r3 t! G3 a4 o9 t7 d  class interests. People can be relatively rich only if you are relatively poor, and as __2__ power is mainly in the hands of the rich, public policies reflect their interests than __3__ those of the poor.As Mr. Herbert Gans has pointed out, poverty is actually functional from the point of view of the nonpoor. Poverty ensures that dirty work gets doing. If there __4__ were no poor poeple to scrub floors and empty bedpans, there jobs will have to be __5__ rewarded with high incomes before anyone would touch them. Poverty creates jobs for many of the nonpoor, such as police officers, welfare workers, and government bureaucrats. Poverty makes life easier for the rich by providing them with cookers, __6__ gardeners, and other workers to perform basic chores when their employers enjoy __7__ more pleasurable activities. Poverty provides a market for more inferior goods and __8__ service, such as dayold bread, rundown automobiles, or the advice of competent __9__ physicians and lawyers. Poverty also provides a group that can be made to absorb the costs of change. It is just that poverty is an inevitable outcome of the American economic system, in which the poor are politically powerless to influence or change. __10__
, g3 j8 Z& c. S  答案:3 V+ w9 u" ]% Y7 s" n
  1.redistributing改为redistribute。attempt to 后面一般接动词原型,而不接动名词,因为这里的to是不定式符号,而不是介词,即attempt to do sth.。. H/ }' R' {, a8 \: s
  2.you 改为others。此句是说,如果一部分相对比较穷,那么一部分人就会相对比较富。将人群分为两部分,此处就不能用you,others才可以表示人群的一部分。
/ \# R: \. u. _' @  3.在interests和than中间加上rather。此句不是表示比较(than),而是表示转折(公众政策反映他们的利益,而不是穷人的利益),所以应该用rather than (而不是)代替than。. ^& y; m# D& U9 e9 M# W
  4.doing改为done。此句是被动语态,表示“脏活被完成”,get 是系动词,所以应用do的过去分词形式done。" g' X' J0 h3 q1 b' }4 c6 m: P
: z* x0 |! @+ C; _+ O0 P* F6 a  6.cookers改为cooks。厨师是cook,而不cooker。cooker指炊具,与后面的“gardener(园丁)and other workers”不一致,所以应改为厨师(cook)。( t) f) l! M4 Y$ B" h$ O1 k, G
  7.when改为while。此处不是表示时间上的同时性,而是表示两种情形的对比,“一些人在做……,而另一些人在做……”。表示对比的连词一般用while。7 t* T/ n. m5 z  i2 I6 u
  8.去掉more。inferior本身就表示“低级的”,已经构成了比较形式,所以前面一般不能再加more。5 h: ]$ |. H, o2 }
  9.competent 改为incompetent。此句讲的是穷人所能享受的服务,过期的面包、报废的汽车,还有不合格的医生和律师所提供的建议。如果是competent,则成了合格的医生和律师所提供的建议,那么与整句意思不符。/ F1 {7 z& O9 `1 x- [- S  v/ O

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