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[专八辅导] 英语八级汉译英练习:互助双赢

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  一头驮着沉重货物的驴,气喘吁吁地请求只驮了一点货物的马:“帮我驮点东西吧。对你来说,这不算什么;可对我来说,却可以减轻不少负担。”) R% ?' K$ I' V* m2 o
  A donkey, heavily loaded down, panted to a horse that was lightly laden :"Can you help me carry some of my load ? It is nothing for you but is a big relief for me ."* d; K/ u" _1 j7 R
  马不高兴地回答:“你凭什么让我帮你驮东西,我乐得轻松呢。” 不久,驴累死了。主人将驴背上的所有货物全部加在马背上,马懊悔不已。' a! {5 s6 @- ?; d# p8 H: k( H; x
  "Why should I do that for you ? I am happy with my light load,"  said the horse, scowlingly. Soon after, the donkey died of exhaustion. The master transferred everything from the back of the donkey onto the horse, which now deeply regretted its action.+ ^6 a% G9 s" S! A4 ^# X6 U
6 F1 U6 _; S8 l% G+ b; ]7 C  An inflated ego blinds us to the fact that we are all living together on the same boat. The fortunes of other affects our well-being. The misfortune of others does not bring us happiness. On the contrary, helping others is in fact, helping ourselves.

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