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[专八辅导] 专业八级英语备考资料之写作篇14

发表于 2012-8-14 11:35:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1) If there is anything more/well worthy of mention/consideration/attention/careful study, nothing comes close to...
& J0 {+ y# s$ Q3 p2 M  如果有什么更/很值得一提/考虑/关心/认真研究的话,那就非……莫属了。
3 s1 d% C1 L" ^/ z- ~( H2 W, ]  2) To make the better (clearer/easier) best (clearest/easiest), a further/deeper/wiser step/way/study/method/measure/plan is/should be...
! l, L9 M9 ^6 p6 Q/ u8 m  为了精益求精(更加清楚地……/使……更加容易),(我们)应该……进一步/更深/更明智的步骤/方法/研究/方式/措施/计划。3 T4 p( Y0 _% W% ^6 ~
  (e.g. To make the clearer clearest, a further study should be taken up of how the phenomenon “La Ni a” came into being.) * h! H2 n, T+ b; G
  例:为了使其原因更加明朗化,人们应该对“拉尼娜”现象的形成过程作进一步研究。7 R+ s6 }  M' G: I" X, t" D
  3) If you are.../want to..., it is vital/ideal/important/essential that...  x  Q6 q, w( w7 F+ A; \0 t
; d4 b' A6 U" y+ X  (e.g. If you are more at home in associating one thing with others, it is vital that you take full advantage of the divergent thinking.) ( N% }/ U. |4 ~, X- y- e
  例:如果你在从一事物联想到另一事物方面很拿手,那么至关重要就是充分利用你的发散思维。( I+ M0 T) [5 Z" C4 t% w
  4) The most important/essential/substantial/critical thing/matter worth pointing out, however, is...2 @8 ~. ~$ c5 V2 ^3 }* r* P, z
+ }; m- O2 J7 [( \5 [5 P  (e.g. ...is what structure of knowledge a would-be achiever has in the future competition.)
" P) E9 [6 X' e. g1 X+ |  例:……是在未来竞争中一位成功者应具备什么样的知识结构。+ m% `" P1 }3 ~+ t
  5) Following/Abiding by the above instructions/advice/directions/rules can...but you will achieve/gain/do better/more if you...
: X* W4 k+ g2 B  采纳/遵照上述指导/建议/指示/规则(固然)能……但如果你……你将会更有所收获/做得更好。1 [0 |/ M6 [- `, k0 @
  (e.g. Following the above instruction can give you a feeling of achievement, but you will achieve more if you have a good command of its specific property.) , z0 t! `/ q8 ?! z
  例:按上述指导进行固然能使你有一种成就感,但如果你很好地把握住它的具体特点你将会更有收获。* u) r5 m7 ?# W3 {! b6 n7 A
  6) The comparison/contrast that calls for deepest thought lies/consists in...5 H, Q+ _/ k, N( O1 B2 ~0 ~
6 d& O& @0 b2 e  (e.g. ...in social values that convey different senses to the two peoples.)
, W2 {- c- w) z* J  例:……在于对两个民族传递了不同信息的社会价值。# n! B6 t3 E7 @, D5 j
  7) The most striking/sharpest/shocking/instructive contrast between A and B can be found in...
/ C2 Q) i6 g) u% i3 L; I/ h  A和B最引人注目的/尖锐的/令人震惊的/具启发意义的对比(不同点)在于……; A2 }6 `" g7 N2 {+ U
  (e.g. ...in the way both see the world.) 9 T( D' m  Q1 x( L
  例:……在于二者观察世界的方法。. r) c2 u, ?* C% y( x/ K

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