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[专八辅导] 专八阅读:超大黑洞引力无穷,恒星不幸惨遭分身

发表于 2012-8-14 11:35:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  天文学家说两个太空了望台首次提供有力的证据,证明了超级巨大黑洞的存在,恒星闯入黑洞强大的引力场里就被它拉伸、撕裂甚至部分吞噬。  j6 A. `! K# @" H0 x: s; S
  很久以前就有理论推测会发生这种情况,但是从未得到过证实。( D& p/ Y+ [8 ~4 o9 `2 N+ _/ U& {# E
  强烈的X射线爆炸引起天文学家们的注意,它发生在到离地球大约7亿光年的星系中心附近。国际天文学家小组认为恒星释放的气体造成了这次爆炸,当气体靠近RX J1242-11星系中心附近的黑洞时,它们的温度升高到几百万度。8 w, e0 Q" Q- a6 K  r- y
  天文学家们说和一个与太阳差不多大的恒星与另一颗恒“亲密接触”后偏离轨道而靠近黑洞。黑洞巨大的引力随后把恒星不断拉伸直到破裂,黑洞的引力估计是太阳引力的1亿倍。& E, e6 Z  y2 ]/ y7 c$ F
  “这是大卫和歌利亚的决战,但是这次大卫输了。”德国马普外层空间物理学院的贡特尔·哈辛格说。: Z3 @, b& ~' V3 t
  黑洞对恒星的作用和月亮对地球上海洋的吸引作用一样,但是结果要猛烈的多。黑洞大约吞噬了这颗“倒霉的”恒星的百分之一,剩余的部分被抛向宇宙空间。# q" Y5 \% r* a# l* w& \6 r8 |3 ]
: z9 t: W3 c- b& c4 |  天文学家们利用美国国家航空航天局的钱德拉X射线天文台和欧洲航天局的XXM牛顿X射线天文台捕捉到了这一现象。类似的现象估计每1万年才会在一个典型的星系中发生一次。$ W9 B, j+ ~( r  a2 z" `. m
  天文学家们以前曾经看到过其他类似的X射线爆炸,但是从未能够确定爆炸发生在星系的中心,也就是黑洞潜伏的地方。新的观察结果同时显示,在黑洞周围发现了人们预想中可能存在的典型X射线的特征。% h8 R, k; ~2 g
  哈佛史密森天文物理中心、钱德拉X射线天文台新闻处的科学家彼得·埃德蒙兹说,1992年第一次观察到爆炸现象,尽管爆炸减弱了,但是一直可以看到。, [, q: V3 ^$ }9 B( v5 c9 ~) x5 F
  Two space observatories have provided the first strong evidence of a supermassive black hole stretching, tearing apart and partially gobbling up a star flung into reach of its enormous gravity, astronomers said.
$ p0 S: R" `2 k; h5 Q  The event had long been predicted by theory but never confirmed.1 L( U) o) K& t2 [" ^! T8 J3 v' R
  A powerful X-ray blast drew the attention of astronomers to the event, located near the center of a galaxy about 700 million light-years from Earth. The international team of astronomers believe gases from the star, heated to multimillion-degree temperatures as they fell toward the black hole near the heart of galaxy RX J1242-11, produced the blast.
; d- Y1 o3 ^' U2 C6 L- O  Astronomers said a star about the size of our sun neared the black hole after veering off course following a close encounter with another star. The tremendous gravity of the black hole, estimated to have a mass 100 million times that of our sun, then stretched the star to the point of breaking.
3 P# v0 I% e$ Z9 F  "This is the ultimate David versus Goliath battle, but here David loses," said Gunther Hasinger, of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany.- O" B1 N- \3 Q, l, |
  The effect is the same that the tug of the moon has on the Earth’s oceans, but with much more violent results. The black hole consumed an estimated 1 percent of the doomed star, flinging the rest out into space.
; l8 k1 [; B) w; q  "This unlucky star just wandered into the wrong neighborhood," said Stefanie Komossa, also of the Max Planck Institute.: I; B: i0 W2 ~1 R( I0 l
  Astronomers used NASA’s Chandra and the European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton X-ray observatories to capture the event. Similar events are estimated to occur just once every 10,000 years in a typical galaxy.! s8 j2 @3 ^: N3 k9 U6 j
  Astronomers have seen other similar X-ray blasts before, but never were able to pinpoint them at the center of a galaxy, where black holes lurk. The new observations also revealed the characteristic X-ray signature expected of the surroundings of a black hole.
' T1 V2 `/ c6 l  The blast first was seen in 1992 and remains visible as it fades, said Chandra press scientist Peter Edmonds, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

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