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[考试试题] 2006年英语专业八级人文知识试题及答案

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  31.The Presidents during the American Civil War was_____.
% T8 S* t/ M; @# K  A. Andrew Jackson
  z/ o8 n9 I" H  f. J/ u  B. Abraham Lincoln
# o7 n6 [: |0 @4 l  C. Thomas Jefferson* h7 E& C. o2 H  }. o+ J9 a+ \
  D. George Washington# c) }0 S" R0 z0 b# A' l( P
  32.The capital of New Zealand is_____.4 d* H5 @+ s- O1 y" y  {
  A. Christchurch
1 O$ E; V2 x* Z3 U, X8 a  B.Auckland
" l1 D& Y5 V  \2 z# f/ U) Z  C. Wellington
, H) n" u$ f/ m/ X  D. Hamilton4 M7 v- b8 P8 s( x7 @7 W
  33.Who were the natives of Austrilia before the arrival of the British settlers?7 {5 K. p' a( p# r) s
  A.The Aborigines
* ~. o/ @+ j( o. @; c; B) E  B. The Maori) W/ l7 O4 v2 V4 v0 N
  C. The Indians
5 b, M3 w6 x9 A5 A( f* L* n3 U  D. The Eskimos9 _  i( d5 U3 j7 t
  34.The Prime Minister in Britain is head of_____.
2 ]; t1 z* n0 E' r' Y/ R  A . the Shadow Cabinet
# p  }# S! f% {$ b! M( s  B. the Parliament+ }( O6 g& L! B  ^# L% m/ G
  C. the Opposition & S3 w7 y8 p7 e$ H/ @$ j
  D. the Cabinet5 o  |3 |1 s  o' x7 }
  35.Which of the following writers is a poet of the 20th century?
  r( R! I6 {+ o3 W) O1 H  A. T.S.Eliot B.0 d0 K- g9 }6 x- [7 K
  D.H.Lawrence- }, F; j+ ]( A2 a5 N
  C. Theodore Dreiser3 _9 ?& I% D- [) |' E0 I  U5 R5 B
   D. James Joyce. ~  O( Z7 u( }
  36.The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is written by___.! P8 c: ^& e7 {* j% v) T2 |# N
  A. Scott Fitzgerald
& Q6 E5 H2 D$ H3 j  B. William Faulkner
( L: l+ H6 r" E! ~' D  C. Eugene O'Neil
3 h5 f4 I# ?! a! ?0 A  D. Ernest Hemingway/ c4 z! g/ u) }5 j" N  ]  r; V
  37._____ is defined as an expression of human emotion which is condensed into fourteen lines.
8 D6 _8 w; ^& v3 ]6 T; G3 t' P  A. Free verse
# [2 O& ?; O+ n8 ~  B. Sonnet. T: h* u8 M# J  X
  C. Ode( _3 _* `  I5 N" j
  D. Epigram0 B. ]  U2 d+ \( Z; L1 T# B
  38.What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion of_____.+ Z3 s1 o: O9 |: k
  A. reference+ T) Q' g* y0 c, Z/ h& |+ g
  B. meaning( t4 t; H* u$ c" {6 U6 `/ Z9 k
  C. antonymy2 y2 _" B& v) y% ]* q
  D. context
9 i! b; A. j) s  39.The words"kid,child,offspring" are examples of__.
2 z/ u; Z! s) K# t, F- ?2 q  A. dialectal synonyms3 B4 H3 B( _6 }
  B. stylistic synonyms
3 h* @& L' u0 T3 ?& B9 s- [7 ~  C. emotive synonyms% y0 t% Q" f7 m9 i; X
  D. collocational synonyms
5 }  A) y0 Y2 u. Y6 l; N  40.The distinction between parole and langue was made by_____.
" r$ O+ ]4 q2 G  A. Halliay0 ?! o/ ~: z& x- F0 e* ~& @
  B. Chomsky
9 j" |: n# y7 f0 T* k( @$ j  C. Bloomfield- X  L: b* t* \/ L
  D. Saussure5 y/ S* n: I) G9 T+ B. k3 s
  Key:31-35BCADA 36-40 DBDBD

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