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[考试试题] 2007年英语专业八级人文知识试题及答案

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  31. The majority of the current population in the UK are descendants of all the following tribes respectively EXCEPT_____.
9 [: t5 J! ]" h  A. the Anglos; ~3 A% g( Q9 W& G3 I2 u" e! v4 R
  B. the Celts3 j& o+ ^. c4 G- _, p
  C. the Jutes% P; s" x6 {4 C& @! [  i
  D. the Saxons
- |# Z' _3 l. q  32. The Head of State of Canada is represented by___.
0 t* S5 s+ `( r+ A- m, C; y  A. the Monarch
: Y; Y& s! p- B# a3 q5 V  B. the President! G& I# Z) P" ~4 T, l/ K
  C. the Prime Minister/ |2 y) x" `, E2 P2 {- m0 \3 F
  D. the Governor-general/ q% {7 n6 B: ?  y4 Q5 s
  33. The Declaration of Independence was written by__.: d+ e5 o- r5 o0 g0 H
  A. Thomas Jefferson5 W2 {" L0 l$ e
  B. George Washington1 N/ _4 O3 Q4 Q. H5 \6 p5 B7 p
  C. Alexander Hamilton" |  `) m+ h* V3 D; X
  D. James Madison
1 V, @- \  K1 a  34. The original inhabitants of Australia were____.
4 t8 B! f3 _0 n! J1 Y+ U  A. the Red Indians' p4 T4 T2 z% \! V  z. I" p8 B
  B. the Eskimos
8 q" B. u" j- s* v. W  C. the Aborigines
, s/ _5 U% x0 |# d, w$ T  D. the Maoris2 T, K* n0 i' z% U& k
  35. Which of the following novels was written by Emily Bronte?
. |/ j- d- l8 _3 B% ~$ C( W  r3 R  A. Oliver Twist# v% z. \0 Q+ \/ A
  B. Middlemarch* p) S8 W* k8 x$ d! t
  C. Jane Eyre* H: F& `$ p# \) n% ^! P
  D. Wuthering Heights7 R% T4 J9 X& H1 O% h2 q+ T
  36. William Butler Yeats was a(n) ______ poet and playwright.
3 C9 y9 m, V- |1 D- i  g9 _  A. American
! N0 ], ]1 q: _# L8 G$ O6 k' `  B. Canadian4 J/ J& E- @% F8 i
  C. Irish
. p. z& E4 g2 V* w/ b, {5 q- ^  D. Australian
, v% s  }$ t- j, A. }4 {6 B  37. Death of a Salesman was written by_____.) L$ h/ t! o. M9 S; s
  A. Arthur Miller
1 `5 U7 z, c6 e* I  B. Ernest Hemingway
3 T; X- j( \' T# j9 c- d& U  C. Ralph Ellison
0 e+ v+ d  k0 i* H  D. James Baldwin2 G! y! n) _% _9 t# s
  38. _______ refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation.4 x2 y- U' f& N7 R
  A. Phonology9 w( A4 i) G$ Y& w8 i* O5 k
  B. Morphology
) `* l+ @3 k# M( T7 }  C. Semantics
* l$ G0 r7 |, K0 \+ b2 t* X  D. Sociolinguistics
6 P, C1 Q) ^' u# T  39. The distinctive features of a speech variety may be all the following EXCEPT_____.
+ J+ J) Q+ b3 b; h* m6 d  A. lexical
; u( {, P. \% p; O& g8 x4 ], n) G  {  B. syntactic, Z5 A, `- e" m2 x- @1 ]
  C. phonological
' D9 u# ?! h5 R- g) A  D. psycholinguistic
! b0 [1 Y, a- q3 m7 ^1 q& {  40. The word tail once referred to “the tail of a horse”, but now it is used to mean “the tail of any animal.” This is an example of_____.- [" ~. N/ @  U8 W6 V
  A. widening of meaning! d( Q  U* _% P( z/ t# h/ X
  B. narrowing of meaning
2 T3 C" ^7 m7 Q# K( w! S  C. meaning shift
+ ^: p  I* S# R( x  D. loss of meaning
" {4 P( N/ ]$ t+ s: f; p; J  A' c  Key: CDACD CABDA

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