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[考试试题] 2011年专业英语四级模拟试题(完型篇15)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  It is fashionable for the amateur administrators who run international sporting events to ___ 1___ that sportsmanship is a thing of the past and to put the blame for everything wrong with sport on the growth of professionalism. They ___ 2___that when the modern Olympic Games began, athletes felt that ___3___ was sufficient reward for them to compete. They are ___ 4 ___that some athletes today run as work and expect to be paid for what they do. The truth is that ___ 5___ high ideals were always an aspiration and ne ver had ___ 6___ to do with reality. The Olympic Games of 1900 and 1904 were tied up with business, because they ___ 7___ organized as a seconda ry attraction to international trade fairs. It was a frequent occurrence ___ 8___ athletes to be disqualified for breaking the rules and ___ 9 ____ one occasion the losing team in the Olympic football final ___ 10___ off the field and refused to go on with the game. The love of amateurism and the belief that ___ 11___ is important is how ___ 12___ behave on t he field, not whether you win or lose, comes from a time ___ 13___ the o nly people who played games seriously ___ 14___ to earn their leaving. E ven ___ 15___, it was common for rich men and universities in some count ries to subsidize “amateurs” by paying their bills or tuition fees.( c3 P8 ^( I9 B, B; O
  1. A. complain B. praise C. emphasize D. point out
6 r5 F( V7 a/ H+ Z" O9 {/ A  2. A. were claiming B. would have claimed C. claimed D. claim 
# k# t9 {% i# U( @  3. A. this B. that C. it D. they; [1 K# x+ \  z) ?1 _7 ~) Q
  4. A. expected B. horrified C. happy D. grateful8 Z: y( q8 L# f: g, W( o) ^
  5. A. this B. so C. such D. such a
; \6 a; p( ~4 m) i! L  6. A. a great many B. lot C. little D. much" ?4 k% }  j4 x; D
  7. A. would be B. should be C. could be D. were
' _. m8 J4 F# _; o  8. A. that B. which C. there D. for
# F* L& d! q9 A9 ~8 S  9. A. in B. on C. at D. with
8 Y0 [1 ]8 u7 j  10.A.walked B. set C. ran D. left5 @; T: ?- X: w2 O
  11.A.what B. which C. it D. this
$ D0 ]% M" A! L. B  a  12.A.will you B. do C. you D. to: V4 W) O) }5 P- `3 r( K0 G+ d
  13.A.when B. how long C. that D. for5 G! C: \% `% z2 ~1 V
  14.A.need B. didn’t have C. had D. have to/ |5 p6 A7 A% D& ]- h4 U- u/ r
  15.A.now B. though C. then D. if
1 Y) Z) v) c/ |, |7 d; I  1. A) 根据上下文和语义线索可猜测句义为:那些经办 国际体育赛事的业余体育官员们抱怨体育道德已经成为历史。由此可知此空应选complain。+ L0 X# c( ]; _3 B$ y: k2 r2 A2 y
  2. D) 根据语法线索此空应使用动词的一般现在时态,因此选项D为正确答案。- b, _1 Q# {" ?1 b% \
  3. C) 根据语法线索此空需要使用it作形式主语,故选项C为正确答案。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
4 g* U2 a5 h' M( q  4. B) 根据上下文可猜测句义为:他们对今天的一些运动员以运动为工作 和从运动中索取报酬感到恐惧,因此选项B为正确答案。
, Z; s1 n/ h, N" Q* b  5. C) 根据语法线索此空应选such,因为此处such为限定词。' C& ~: W* l' }3 o; L
  6. D) have much to do with是由have something to do with演变而来。; L. R7 Q+ [* e% v
  7. D) 根据语法线索很明显此处应使用过去时,因此D为正确答案。
' _2 Q& P4 J( Z* y  8. D) 根据语法线索可知,此空需要一个介词引导动词不定式的逻辑主语,我们知道只有介词for可以。
6 s6 F. h( S* o/ ~2 F8 W  9. B) 名词occasion应使用介词on与之搭配。4 s/ B" N0 z4 r% r- R/ T
  10. A) 根据句意可知此处应选walked,使此句意义为:走出赛场。
. q6 ^5 J* F$ G& _  11. A) 根据语法线索此处使用what引导名词从句作句子的主语。
: i! J" [9 S! [$ u) Z  12. C) 根据下文此处应使用代词you作主语。
1 Y  v; _# c4 m. Y, W2 r8 l8 I) ?& I  13. A) 根据语法线索when在此处引导定语从句修饰a time。+ n+ j% e+ m" }; o' n  v! n$ f
  14. B) 根据语义线索可知此处答案应为选项B。
3 {3 k& S& q$ R7 u  15. C) 根据句义:即使在那时,一些国家的有钱人或大学通过给钱或学费 的形式对业余运动员给予补贴,可知此空应使用then。Even though和even if都不能单独使用。

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