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[考试试题] 2011年英语专业四级考试:考前冲刺每日练习(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
; J( i4 S! E+ A$ k  Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.- F2 ~4 U1 L+ ~. z5 J
  51. There is no ___ in the world for her children.
% m# ~" P# l  s6 L7 _  A. love greater than a mother * h' Q7 ]7 h' _; y
  B. love greater than that of a mother
# ^4 O: c0 b1 B6 p  C. love greater as a mother
# {6 Z/ X- D) X& k8 v( F  D. great love as that of a mother# r2 D+ M0 e! p% x2 c2 H  b$ W& D
  52. I didn't see her in the meeting-room this afternoon. She ___ at the meeting.
3 n6 [& j6 L- P  A. mustn't have spoken 7 u/ n# ?) I; l+ h" \, w7 s: M
  B. shouldn't have spoken0 {; O, M% O; R+ H% p+ i
  C. needn't have spoken
+ N! D, p: X3 f& e1 d9 f  D. couldn't have spoken
+ u! w7 b) l* o: f; t9 q+ b9 A2 S6 `  53. Pop music is such an important part of society ___ it has even influenced our language.' ?) S$ M! V$ X" M1 s1 f
  A. as
3 O+ e3 g: }6 K! Y' c+ M& G  B. that
5 H. w9 K8 q% C  s6 U) q  C. which
/ Q: c, H9 O2 h/ }% C  D. where. t6 r9 o! s  N6 }
  54. Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, ___ the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words.
1 _/ c! \  z" \" ^  A. as
# Y. T3 ?0 [1 H  B. so
2 v" r' l3 ]5 c2 _2 N/ F3 A  C. thus $ _6 K9 ]6 ~" ~
  D. like/ H  e; h  I& M2 o+ M. G; d
  55. __ it may be, there is no place like home.) R- c3 ?: H0 }5 H& C2 J
  A. As humble 8 s  k, e3 |0 e6 q
  B. Though humble ( r, J' g0 P$ H
  C. Humble as 6 X7 b# E' D- q6 d- r' J
  D. If humble$ ?  V0 _9 H' N% z  E% Z
  56. New ideas sometimes have to wait for years __ they are fully accepted.
0 ]( t% C3 _1 t7 @5 W8 K% }  A. when
& N0 A% D# L7 v% V& G6 u  B. before
6 j+ D4 t: M! H# d7 `  C. after " A$ s" L# N1 y3 W
  D. where, [5 V& j, N. w: c0 v# N5 Y$ t
  57. Which of the following is INCORRECT?) D9 K& l. o6 Y" H7 a+ r
  A. Many a boy and many a girl have seen the film before.
* z3 Z4 e; q. a6 G  B. He said he would go to Shanghai on business the next day.
! Q, \' ^6 N9 y& U  C. I forgot to bring your umbrella with me.
1 c7 \+ }$ N7 k, K7 N* v( I1 b  D. His father has left his homeland for fifty years.
& W% v8 R0 \! n  58. He must have lived a happy life a few years ago, ___ he?7 T1 M# w5 _: s. l' ~: Z
  A. didn't 0 l5 m' ]3 p) ~. U8 p1 P% k
  B. hasn't 6 _! x6 {* Q( [0 W! G1 E8 c
  C. mustn't
/ X% n; L  M3 C  D. can't) z! g5 l0 Y  h
  59. What does "You cannot give him too much money" mean?9 J- K7 y7 T0 K5 A* j2 v- y
  A. You shouldn't give him too much money.7 Q8 K+ M% x$ y* f+ p1 b9 V5 |
  B. The more money you give him, the better.
- L% R8 [  W, O' }  ~4 h! }( i  Z  C. You can't give him a lot of money.$ O" F3 _' R- Q% I5 i  Z1 v
  D. You ought to give him less money.: j, d0 H* u, D0 l, N
  60. He never hesitates to make __ criticisms __ are considered helpful to others.
6 p$ O  O6 E& p/ ^8 j- ~, G. B  A. so... that
3 k1 ]  u7 B7 `, T/ J1 e' e  B. so... as
% y' v1 I% l2 z' a; f5 \3 \  C. such.., that ' A: n' S& H; n$ _7 L1 g& C: ~6 s0 K
  D. such.., as1 Z' n2 f! M! b5 g9 M9 S  b$ x
  61. The followings are all correct responses to "Do you mind my smoking here?" EXCEPT" `1 c! @% G% l. T# {' C( l
  A. No, do it please. , Q6 T" X0 q: r. N) q' O, [
  B. No, of course not.
" x+ }( k2 }" ~+ N0 S0 g5 ]8 V1 a1 w  C. I'm sorry.
! {8 h/ u  I/ K1 B  D. Yes, go ahead.' P1 v$ C, k8 Q; p9 A
  62. The reason why he has been such a success is ___ he never gives up.
1 {, K# ?# }6 ^  k: K. q, |7 x, z& K2 w  A. what
* `; v/ I! [2 D0 B! q" j1 }9 b  B. that 9 a$ ~: N: w: i& S: X$ C* i
  C. because % ~6 ?. s8 k* K2 H2 P8 S. |9 w0 }
  D. how
$ M+ V- d7 E& b# c  63. One is not guilty until he __
, s1 I% T* j2 Q2 n* B5 v. \- k5 z  A. has proved
7 s5 W8 L) o& ]6 b8 I% v  B. has been proved
- u0 `# t( H% ]9 j  G  C. is proved / C- Y. m- W, f6 [( l( E1 X
  D. will be proved
* H$ \. r$ i: y  64. Paper produced every year is four times __ the weight of the world's production of vehicles.
2 m) @" L* k9 _) _  A. / 2 @' l0 }% F. h& t+ d9 A, {3 s
  B. that of
: x, \, ~5 _/ o0 D0 l- u1 H$ F3 s  C. which
7 B: R  t/ ^+ Z* o6 e0 O# y  D. of
/ }' E* g. T0 M7 O0 ~  65. If you are a member of a club, you must __ to the rules of that club.
& b0 }: i* ]; B+ V5 F+ `  A. conform 5 j8 J5 ^5 z! a6 l1 O
  B. appeal
& v0 q0 S) D, [" E: \6 r  C. refer
+ a# X, E0 f# |6 f6 C* P: t  D. access
3 E6 s. r/ j; g- H2 Z7 S% A$ q  66. I tried to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner, __
5 N. g  v6 m3 @; y& [% t# d  A. the more excited I got " R; C3 U; N7 w! d& n' O
  B. I got excited more
+ L. N* D& \3 U5 M3 x$ z  C. and more I got excited 9 Y0 L( U8 `' T; p# o6 R! M
  D. and I got more excited
3 V7 p' j6 x5 g: `" K7 U! e  67. The toy maker produces a __ copy of the space station, exact in every detail.
) o" g4 D/ x$ \! Y  A. minimal 2 B/ _' d8 S% T" s+ P2 ]
  B. minimum
; f% f! b) L: f- p2 y8 |* Y  C. miniature & z$ K7 e/ l8 _0 S1 E  E
  D. minor7 H6 N3 H! ]1 x- t: G
  68. I should like to rent a house, modem, comfortable and __ in a quiet neighborhood.
- q5 w6 P, e# C% v) f8 M  A. all in all 8 h3 h* h+ J$ v$ H/ t4 E& I
  B. above all : F, [$ s" X6 C
  C. after all
; F: ^; J8 M8 L- w% }4 W. B$ b( I+ v  D. over all
( O( |0 ?, K- R" i% q  x  69. Some parents are only concerned __ their children's grades in studies.& P- J5 b9 c- k7 m) d. B
  A. of
, E; U. Q, v) z: n6 G  B. at + b! b- ?& a( E/ D# C; f7 c, H
  C. about & |  v9 H0 v! f! Z! A) v2 @  T
  D. for
2 D; ?4 F3 S$ C0 s( c' W9 ]  70. This disease __ itself in yellowness of the skin and eyes.
1 Q! Z+ h( u3 n" ?  p  A. manifests
: c# d" w9 ~  k$ W+ ]: E: R  B. modifies 7 K" B) t, B* M. D7 E1 B
  C. magnifies 6 ?0 K) _1 \; @6 }: e
  D. exposes
% t: J$ X+ l( @  71. Dr. Wang has made much contribution to the theories of modem physics at the __ of his health.# U# ]) J- @8 f1 U
  A. cost + V6 G5 Q: ~! R8 K; e, g4 l
  B. disposal
7 f1 D$ g, E( N, y- m  C. mercy
$ E9 c" W; g( K) Z# D, o9 G  D. expenditure
9 v  i6 G; Y* g, ]6 r" u  72. If I take this medicine three times a day, it should __ my cold.
+ W% H* i# _( C4 g$ @* s( h  A. heal 6 O8 h+ r1 K1 n( i+ \  g
  B. cure % m; \# r+ j+ y- d- ~
  C. treat
+ [0 o- B. _; b1 {& r! k2 U, H  D. recover+ M$ t7 U9 A" r+ J9 j1 v
  73. Crisis would be the right term to describe the __ in many animal species.& M* V' Q4 M* n9 x3 N
  A. abolition ' N5 w: Q$ G0 Z" A, {. J/ [
  B. restriction % T5 V0 J8 j4 m' n% E) k( _( G
  C. descent 5 N" V8 `- }, m" @
  D. decline: k! t; J9 t9 g$ Q! `
  74. Up until that time, his interest had focused almost__ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.
( N6 P2 U! K# M3 h: p  A. restrictively
8 ^* u; F' W/ X: R4 A) X9 M  _  B. radically 3 ]1 R/ p: k$ ?! j0 @' `
  C. inclusively
1 p. Q. l+ G6 o; k2 ?% p3 S  D. exclusively
) h. p5 W$ @3 e2 m# [+ h3 Y  75. In the___ of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.. r+ Q1 F' \3 o8 M
  A. ring
0 [2 }0 [7 J: {: l0 o  B. terrace
7 d1 q8 n  w4 i/ p& |  C. arena . k3 i9 x" Q5 _
  D. ground, U( q9 E4 g* {9 q
  76. On January 1st many people make a New Year
3 }* V  a' j. p( W- h  A. intention
: M" O, G9 z$ q- o  B. determination
/ ]5 |2 W' Y% t* n, r( ?  C. dedication 中 华 考 试 网
' e, @; `4 j% \5 A& r1 `  D. resolution, i3 }& V7 x2 D
  77. Bill assured his boss that he would __ all his energies in doing this new job.
/ ~2 T( u' S' ~6 l% X, D  A. call forth 6 l6 L& |& X. t; q
  B. call at & R; V$ v& s; x- W! h
  C. call on % S# }  ?/ s5 r' C: r
  D. call off
* z9 d' m) _1 m* L. T% y  78. We had a __ lesson in ideological education yesterday and were deeply impressed.
: T  t3 x# o8 `( V0 ?  A. profound
- _4 V7 T9 f2 p  B. deep   x  j6 X7 z5 B2 @) g, K
  C. extreme . q8 @- k2 v4 P- t" g
  D. shallow
" i  T' f$ X# D3 j0 A  79. Despite technical progress, some food production is still completely __ on weather.# o; G0 ^5 P5 O" z) ^/ m: g' Y
  A. reliable 5 k; D; W5 ?, I
  B. dependable
2 k' q, r- ?- D( L' Q  C. dependent
% i9 \; d9 h: J" i7 J8 Q7 ^* g  D. inseparable
" ]1 r; r7 @/ h% d9 i0 G  u  80. His speech rambled for half an hour, but the___ of what he had said was that too many people has too little money.
% x; m! q( r! }4 J  A. aim
, x, q' \1 T$ ?2 O- h2 {8 F9 d  B. purpose + X1 g6 e) l. U
  C. essence ' M: f% D2 s7 _! j) K
  D. content

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:22 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  51.[B]【译文】世界上没有比母爱更伟大的爱了。
3 `- a$ ?5 i, j& P6 t  【解析】考查that of的用法。that在这里指代前面提到的love,that指代不可数名词和单数可数名词(如果是复数,用those)。than表示母爱与其他爱的比较关系。故选B。 : {5 }3 Q& k: [6 S
  52.[D]【译文】今天早上我没有看见她在会议室,她不可能在会上发言了。 % e, l5 {9 s* r# F) ^8 C! c
  【解析】考查“情态动词+完成体”的用法。didn’t表明事情发生在过去,对过去情况的否定推断,要用couldn’t have done,故选D。must have done一般用于肯定句,表示对过去肯定的推测;shouldn’t have done表示“本不应做某事而做了”;needn’t have done“本不必做某事而做了”。 " h- u# W0 C# }+ F2 }* N+ H
. w  o) [* ~8 g9 m* U  【解析】考查结果状语从句。空格后的句子表结果,与前面的such连用引导结果状语从句,故选B。such…as表示“像……样的”,as用作关系代词时,引导定语从句,如:He is not such a fool as he looks.(他并不像他看起来那么傻。)7 B( }, ^- ~4 d- f: s
: ]$ l, U0 E. _  【解析】考查方式状语从句。just as…so表示“就像……一样,……也”,just as引出表对比的从句,主句要用so与之呼应。故选B。
  K2 x8 n' Y5 z* L0 ]8 `5 J  55.[C]【译文】尽管极其简陋,却没有任何地方比得上家。
/ q; P0 o0 G( U3 [  【解析】考查让步状语从句。as引导让步从句时,要用倒装结构,通常把从句的表语或状语置于句首,故选c。Though引导时,用正常语序。If引导条件状语从句。
; E; A& V6 u: G6 K8 @7 @  56.[B]【译文】有时候新思想必须等待多年后才能被人们完全接受。
  W1 a# \6 @; w0 Z) \# N9 m  【解析】考查时间状语从句。before引导时间状语从句时表示主旬的动作发生在从句动作之前,一般译为 “……才……”,句中主句的动作wait发生在accept之前,故选B。when引导的时间状语从句,表示“当……时候”:after引导时则与before相反,表示主句的动作发生在从句动作之后。
$ A0 m4 Z( E2 f7 Y& Q  57.[D]【译文】下面哪句话是错误的?& ^! B! @/ n# L
  【解析】瞬间动词表示短暂性,不可持续的动作行为,不可与“for+一段时间”连用,故D错误。many a后谓语动词用单数,但A中有and连接两个并列主语,故谓语动词用复数;B中said是过去时,但是“去上海”这个动作发生在the next day,所以用would;forget to do表示“忘记要做某事”,forget doing表示“忘记了做过某事”。 " b! @7 Y2 ]" y
) R3 ^9 G( N( A  【解析】考查反义疑问句的用法。陈述部分用must(may,might)+have+V-ed表示推测时,若句中有明显的过去时间状语,问句部分动词用过去时形式,故选A。
+ u: x% }* G% h* X4 v' @* A  59.[B]【译文】I“You cannot give him too much money”(你给他再多的钱也不算多),这句话是什么意思?( Z5 o8 u4 V! B" g' ^7 A$ R
. M; Z. f% K' ?7 p' `: M  60.[D]【译文】凡是对别人有益的批评,他会毫不犹豫地提出。 ) u6 l4 z: D; `/ }- N
  【解析】考查such…as的用法。such…as表示“像……这样的”,as引导一个定语从句,在该句中作主语。so…that表示“如此……以致”,So后要带形容词或副词。 ) L( J1 m6 o0 v% \3 q, [4 {+ H( p; i
  61.[D]【译文】“你介意我在这抽烟吗?”下列回答哪个是错误的?+ `0 ~3 x3 \# r; z
  【解析】考查对Do you mind的回答。D项自相矛盾,意为“是的,我介意,请抽吧”,故错误。A、B皆表示不介意.C委婉表示介意。 3 ?. y1 u! M" x# @6 {8 u
  62.[B]【译文】他能如此成功的原因是因为他永不放弃。 0 g9 O9 i: h* A# X" p
  【解析】考查名词性从句的连接词。The reason why…is that…这是个固定句型表示“……的原因是因为……”。 ) u) V+ l4 j  g/ X) i3 m$ G/ v
7 A& Z" K/ ]3 @% g8 c: T  【解析】考查时态。until,as soon as,while等引导的时间状语从句可用一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态。故选C。从前面的is也可判断应用一般现在时。 2 x. _/ E. E& V
  64.[A]【译文】每年生产的纸张数量是世界车辆生产重量的4倍。 + d3 L8 y' |4 g4 _7 H" B# [, N- g
  【解析】考查倍数的表达。“A is倍数+the weight of B”(A是B的几倍重),这是固定用法,中间不需要加任何词,故选A。 1 o; }$ N" R+ G) Z: y2 D: u
  65.[A]【译文】如果你是俱乐部的一员,你就必须遵守俱乐部的规则。 3 E2 }7 X, M' @/ E( |1 g6 A( {
  【解析】动词词义辨析题。conform to“遵守,适应”;appeal to“吸引”;refer to“涉及,提到”;access to“进入,接近”。俱乐部的规则,会员们当然应该“遵守”,故选A。 & c* ~7 b) l8 I, z
  66.[A]【译文】我知道,我要设法放松下来,因为我越兴奋,氧气就会越快耗光。   _5 }* M* K9 R/ }3 L
  【解析】考查the more…me more…的用法。the more…the more…表示“越……越……”。后半句还原成正常语序应为the more I got excited,the more l would use up my oxygen。
; _4 E/ K4 ~& \" F" \" Z  67.[C]【译文】玩具制造商生产了一种小型的太空站,每一个细节都很精确。
" A# |& L! t# @  【解析】形近词词义辨析题。mini.表示“微型的,小的”。minimal“最小的,极少的”;minimum“最小量的,最低的”:miniature“微型的,小型的”;minor“较小的,较少的”。玩具制造商生产出的太空站应是“微型的”,故选C。
; t/ R/ Q2 a" m& I1 M  68.[B]【译文】我想租一间舒适的,现代化的房,但尤其重要的是周围要比较安静。 $ _' F% o: o; u, ?
  【解析】短语含义辨析题。all in all“总而言之”;above all“首先,尤其重要的是”;after all“毕竟”;over all“总的,遍及”。代入各项,可知只有B符合句意。 ’中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
3 V/ q: H0 g* E& r& w  69.[C]【译文】一些父母只关心他们孩子的学习成绩。 ) J% A" F- m+ X! j
0 u! \# G. z: E! B* j( q! |) z, ^/ h  70.[A]【译文】这种病的明显症状是皮肤和眼睛发黄。 ( n2 m* z; u* j  _
$ S" f) n, X5 l" `1 {  71.【A】【译文】王博士牺牲自己的健康为现代物理学理论的形成做出了许多贡献。 " q9 m8 v# P% Z+ I5 r2 Z" Z
  【解析】考查固定搭配。at the cost of“以……为代价”;at me disposal of“由……处置”;at me mercy of“任……摆布”;expenditure不与at搭配,expenditure of表示“......的消费,支出”。根据词义可知,应选A。 1 ?$ |, k' P7 r( @2 h, }4 V& {
' ^! V( u6 L6 g( e  【解析】动词词义辨析题。heal一般指伤口的愈合;cure指生病后的治愈;treat指治疗,没有康复之义;recover表示恢复健康时要与from搭配,故选B。 ( l8 _9 I$ m# v1 ~/ _
5 s) K! [% S+ X! p- Y& L  【解析】名词词义辨析题。abolition“废除”;restriction“限制,约束”;descent“下降,降落;堕落”;decline“下降,减少”。根据以上分析,应选D。 9 {0 |' z& ?1 N, b' T) y3 I" L+ l
8 N5 v7 v2 {0 m2 ^2 A" `  【解析】副词词义辨析题。restrictively“限制性地”;radically“根本地,彻底地”;inclusively“包含地,在内地”;exclusively“专门地,排他地”。根据句中的提示词,almost,fully可知他只关注掌握职业的技术和技巧,故选D。
9 s- v( V$ V, `  75.[C]【译文】在人类生命的竞技场,荣誉和奖赏只眷顾那些善于行动的人。 8 ], [6 L: v# i) N" r2 E
  【解析】名词词义辨析题。rin9“圆圈,环状物”;terrace“阳台,露台”;arena“竞技场,舞台”;ground“场地,地面”。这里把人生比喻成一个竞技场,故选C。 " y9 I& |0 _0 j9 y3 d
  76.[D]【译文】在1月1日许多人都会制作一份新年计划。 0 [0 B$ @/ a- r- W1 `9 O
  【解析】名词词义辨析及固定搭配题。intention“计划,目的”;determination“坚定,决断力”;dedication“奉献,献辞”:New Year resolution“新年的计划,决心”。
0 N7 f% m7 r; W3 M' j( B# t7 a  77.[A]【译文】比尔向老板保证,他将全力以赴做这项新工作。
1 H8 y3 X% G- i9 M, J5 `/ \/ h  【解析】考查动词短语的意义。call forth“振作起,唤起”;call at“访问”;call on“拜访;请求,号召”;call off“取消”,根据分析,可知选A。 , r! U; X# Y0 z0 }! k8 ?
  78.[A]【译文】昨天我们上了一堂深刻的思想教育课,它深深印入我们的脑海。 . @, V# i( @' j
  【解析】形容词词义辨析题。profound“深切的,深远的”;deep“深的,深奥的”;extreme“末端的,极端的”;shallow“浅的,浮浅的”。由句中的deeply impressed可排除C、D。deep是普通用词,指由上而下或由表及里的深度.可指具体或抽象事物;profound多指抽象事物,较为庄重,故A更符合题意。 6 }7 V  z6 f# J- u
  79.[C]【译文】尽管技术进步了,但是有些食物的生产仍完全依靠天气。 , y3 l( d, l& o4 C* u
  【解析】形容词词义辨析与搭配题。dependent“依赖的,依靠的”通常与0n搭配;reliable与dependable都表示 “可靠的。可信赖的”,一般用来修饰人或物。inseparable“分不开的”,一般后接from,故选C。
; C7 c1 N1 H5 r) x. [2 i/ m# e  80.[C]【译文】他的演讲东拉西扯持续了一个半小时,但其实质就是说太多的人缺钱。
% N, ^+ \  z7 d  【解析】名词词义辨析题。aim,purpose都表示“目的”;essence“本质,实质”;content“内容,含量”,but转折总结演讲的最主要内容,故空格处应填表示“实质,主旨”等意思的词,故选C。
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