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[考试试题] 英语专四考试语法与词汇模拟练习题(五)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. That fellow is clever;he has .   A. brain B. a brain C. the brain D. brains
2 J! ?: e( ]0 |% ]% N; @) Y  2. I beg tomorrow‘s meeting.
9 Z( m: Y; ^0 u8 o& b4 ~) [  A. to be excused to attend B. to be excused from attend2 B) L$ q& H" E- {0 l2 A
  C. to be excused from attending D. to excuse from attending3 {- L  ]* v: q$ S/ {5 I& R% V
  3. Most restaurants are closed during the Spring Festival. we had better eat at home.
% r7 R9 g0 d1 L( V, V  A. After all B. Once and for all C. All in all D. That is all& q2 b, [* D: w0 z2 g* G7 \# c
  4. I am sure Mary has been here and .
: ~) H: g* u3 L  A. did what required her B. has done what required her3 h9 A. }3 d7 u+ h" ~5 h
  C. has done what was,required of her D. did what has been required of her
- F+ A5 h' j" S: F. X8 X9 G  5. as much as one-fourth of all timber harvested is not used.2 H' o- p2 b5 K6 e* V6 {
  A. The estimate B. The estimate that
9 w1 d- g1 ?; C3 R9 n- p2 H$ R0 M5 d  C. They are estimated D. It is estimated that+ T. O2 W) \+ h% P4 _1 W+ n
  6. Commercial banks make most of their income from‘interest on loans and investment in stocks and bonds.
. X/ J/ K) {" @0 L  A. earn B. earned C. to earn D. earning
" J# K3 ^  e% ]. L; F  7. As the sky grew darker,it became obvious to us that the boys to finish the game quickly if they wanted to avoid the storm.- n5 o9 f5 l) c8 i
  A. have B. would have C. ought to have D. having4 J# U1 N; ?' ^9 z6 n
  8. Little Marie did not go to the party. I understand that she was unhappy .& k7 _+ S; `$ f$ ^, E( N7 V0 I& ^' S
  A. so she could not go B. that she could not go
! a$ i% ?7 H7 G, l  C. yet she would not be able to go D. that was not able to go
! t' c. S) f/ |/ D5 `+ a  9. Home economists recommend in large quantities.
) L$ M- L5 J! t7 W) {+ h8 Q" Z# R  A. to buy basical food items B. buying basic items of the food, A- t# O4 _& L
  C. buying basic food items D. to buy basic food items
5 n$ ]# ?% r  ]" p  10. Wood furniture does not depreciated in value properly handled and protected.
* a* F1 ]( P# ^) o- s  A. if B. has C. and D. that) v' S& C# O# N% h& v8 s' t" W' F
  11. In the last ten years,there have been many changes in family life. Are these changes?
7 i' Z5 J# a$ b, L/ |8 D5 k  A. for better or for worse B. for the better or for the worse: G, d) K8 @8 S5 K: m) I
  C. for the best or for the worst D. for the good or for the bad5 H+ i3 ^  b/ D7 H4 `% b
  12. An Olympic marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards,approximately from Marathon to Athens.
+ d: ]6 R, d5 X3 ~- j7 l  A. the distance is B. that the distance is  O' F7 C! U! b  ?/ O
  C. is that the distance D. the distance
* q( l8 S! W  y" r" B2 l2 R! Q  13. Peter was the football with him but he had forgotten.* r/ K/ B: \5 |; u& w% @% g
  A. to bring B. to be bringing+ v+ s8 S5 t' }
  C. to have brought D. to have been brought; N3 W: a) i; F/ D& D7 `* R
  14. Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when alone.3 ~! O: `4 b% R1 _
  A. seen B. is seen C. to be seen D. having been seen
3 N, S7 t: l# l1 Q  15. We left the meeting,there obviously no point in staying.1 F& I2 M1 v5 h/ G" p& r
  A. were B. being C. to be D. having
2 t9 A1 g2 T" f/ D( r5 K4 {: X  参考答案:BCCCD BBBCA ADCAB

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