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[其他] 做梦能帮助人学习

发表于 2012-8-14 11:55:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Napping after learning something new could help you commit it to memory - as long as you dream, scientists say.
/ u6 t: u; \% `3 E! i5 w. ^' s科学家称,在学了一些新东西之后小睡一会儿能够帮助大脑记忆-只要你做了梦。$ `! b6 d6 p/ W# _3 d
They found people who dream about a new task perform it better on waking than those who do not sleep or do not dream.5 c4 q* R% P/ `
7 ~4 |* w, ]! {8 \
( o0 b# W  y5 ^! rVolunteers were asked to learn the layout of a 3D computer maze so they could find their way within the virtual space several hours later.
) b# P# j. ~  E5 B& {6 Z. b! d自愿参与这项实验的人被要求了解一个3D电脑迷宫的构成,只有了解了那个之后,几个小时之后,他们才可能从虚拟的空间中走出来。2 R; r# R5 i5 h) j3 X5 G( U
$ a1 L& D9 y/ Q5 \& C! e- K
Those allowed to take a nap and who also remembered dreaming of the task, found their way to a landmark quicker.4 K. [$ E' p1 ^0 U. _
1 U( h# V3 x4 _+ G+ [: _2 X) {9 }! {' _" o# s8 J
The researchers think the dreams are a sign that unconscious parts of the brain are working hard to process information about the task.; E; W" X3 F! P) b3 Z- ^
研究者们发现,做梦是大脑的下意识部分正在认真处理有关这项任务的信息的信号。$ f" w" h* k/ N% s  c. ~7 E
$ i! j# q, a( }- H8 W; S
Dr Robert Stickgold of Harvard Medical School, one of the authors of the paper, said dreams may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem at many levels.
; A* L: }  s1 n来自哈佛大学医疗学院的罗伯特•斯第高特博士(Dr Robert Stickgold ),同时也是此次研究报告的作者之一,表示,做梦可能是大脑在不同程度地处理着同一个问题。
. h( k# b5 H$ a: `4 z1 N
1 G6 v9 Z7 [* |  r9 RHe said: "The dreams might reflect the brain's attempt to find associations for the memories that could make them more useful in the future."
3 q  m3 Z5 `0 L7 L- x他说道,“你做的梦可能反映出,大脑正尝试着找与你的记忆相关联的东西,以此来使他们在将来变得更加地有用处。”
' L1 V1 z4 o  |5 \6 T( _Study tips' M2 x/ d+ h. @5 W- [" i
学习建议   Q4 ^$ K. d( A& z' B9 m
0 q, B1 B0 ]6 }0 ~7 }
Co-author Dr Erin Wamsley said the study suggests our non-conscious brain works on the things that it deems are most important.
8 \3 O0 J6 H! Z' a9 U另一位研究人员伊尔琳•渥姆斯里博士(Dr Erin Wamsley)称,根据这份报告,人类大脑中的下意识部分会在它认为最重要的的事情上下功夫。. L$ ~7 q( H+ f
; f* U4 F* H9 x# H- W; j
"Every day we are gathering and encountering tremendous amounts of information and new experiences," she said.
+ i" R7 ]) F( x8 Y: W“每天我们都在收集大量的信息也会遇到各种各样的新情况 。”她说道。
! n! t2 ?% v# R8 S; n: R" F3 L! G* `# w0 y. A; l4 [3 `+ H3 }
"It would seem that our dreams are asking the question, 'How do I use this information to inform my life?"
9 d+ g0 s9 v  o7 F. H“看起来,好像你的大脑在梦中问道‘我应该怎样利用这些信息来指导我的生活呢?’”
  \" k* A7 U7 ^/ [1 Y8 {# q- n/ g# Y5 ^: f8 Y
The research, published in the academic journal Cell Biology, could have practical implications.9 X6 G6 d1 C4 g# d/ b
这份刊登在学术期刊《细胞生物学》上的报告可能会产生实际的效用。5 c! [  G, f$ y; n. c8 V$ j) ]9 j

- q8 h* {2 x# S/ \The scientists say there may be ways to take advantage of this phenomenon for improving learning and memory.
9 I) G1 l# }9 T6 A. w& l科学家称,有很多方法可以利用这种现象,来提高学习能力和记忆力。4 e; f7 \+ ?2 C2 o' ^

7 t' |: s$ t, BFor example, students might be better studying hard before bedtime, or taking a nap after a period of afternoon study.* z( I8 Y- E# T8 v

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