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[PETS一级] 2012年全国英语等级考试一级阅读训练题01

发表于 2012-8-14 12:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
26. He won’t go to bed _____ his father comes back from work.
+ ]" j' X0 p. p( oA. since B. until C. when& y0 y# S7 Z, p/ k, D
27. He asked me _____ I would like a cup of tea.# m, o* d$ j! y0 Y5 Y8 i9 q
A. that B. what C. if( {- k) T1 C* ~- w( y
28. Be quiet! The children ________.
+ }' U# p2 t. DA. sleep B. are sleeping C. slept
) q9 a# \% P  k% w4 \# ?! {29. Do you know ______ this word?
/ r8 }% z* a0 }  oA. what to spell B. how to spell C. to spell; ~; V- y' e: J/ Z- O/ y
30. The students couldn’t help ______ when they heard the joke.
: a5 N3 n& F' L% z5 b$ U6 jA. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing
! a( _) m! ]5 W+ U: Y$ t8 N31. I’ve never seen ________ boy., o( ^$ W3 U; w% {- q  \
A. so tall B. a such tall C. such a tall% p+ m" t# N% A7 X: r
32. --- I don’t like milk. --- I don’t, _________.
; I" u3 d/ }1 J- |( ?+ KA. too B. neither C. either( u- D0 V' |! Q' [
33. I want to buy ________./ O" u- V. s/ l" W; h( h" T
A. something eat B. something to eat C. anything to eat
8 o/ n1 _8 I" O! y6 `34. --- I’m sorry I can’t help you. --- ________.+ ^6 \4 B, B1 b: V6 Z
A. Not at all. B. You are welcome. C. It doesn’t matter.
8 p' t' b) @8 L2 s+ S( b% g35. Mrs. Zhang is a friend of _______.
5 |: n2 }; C: y" M7 UA. John’s mother B. mother of John C. John’s mother’s
3 L) t4 E# A" D  S) D1 {+ `+ P36. There _____ two cups of tea on the table.  X6 X& j7 z6 R) O# F4 Q
A. is B. are C. was
2 b8 V* O/ t; J. E, C37. There are thirty pupils in our class. _____ of them is a young pioneer.
; {+ m) G! m; Z, \7 T4 I9 e+ ~1 ~$ IA. Any B. Either C. All7 k' I9 J1 V- x* P2 J" S' p3 |/ A
38. --- There isn’t _____ water here. Could you get _____ for me? --- All right.. d- d7 q1 M5 F. t% z  f6 p
A. some, any B. any, any C. any, some# O8 y9 c& u0 t! [
39. --- You look so beautiful in this white skirt. ---- __________.
7 f5 k8 f& ]7 s8 k/ v. KA. That’s all right. B. Thank you. C. Not at all.
, T- M. j1 {+ i1 y4 `40. When she listens to a talk, she likes to sit ________.& m1 d- Y7 m! M1 e5 V6 Q( r
A. in front B. at front C. in front of

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