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[PETS一级] 2012年全国英语等级考试一级阅读训练题04

发表于 2012-8-14 12:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
An old lady lived near Dr. Swift. She sent him presents occasionally by her servant. Dr. Swift took her presents but never gave the boy anything for his trouble. One day as Swift was busy with his writing, the boy rushed into his room, knocked some books out of their place, threw his bag on the desk and said, “My mistress has sent you two of her hares.”
% }8 I1 ]: Y3 U5 C0 A' YSwift turned round and said, “My boy, that is not polite. Now you sit in my chair, watch and learn your lesson.”% g* \6 m# T* c7 Y: {, f
The boy sat down. Swift went out, knocked at his door and waited. The boy said, “Come in.” Swift entered, walked to his desk and said, “My mistress sends her kind regards and hopes you will accept these hares.”" p3 f* m% ?8 [
The boy answered, “Thank you, my boy. Give your mistress my thanks for her kindness and here are two shillings for yourself.”
- {3 p' R" N6 r" dDr. swift laughed, and after that, Swift never forgot to give the boy his tip.# y4 Z( u2 K/ a( ]* m! ~: H
1. What did the boy get for delivering presents at the beginning?. m! B7 M# k( Q) M* j2 P% _
A. Something. B. Nothing. C. Some money.9 `% `. z4 ]9 F' ]# V, i3 N
2. Why did the boy one day deliver the bag rudely?. q' S4 W! i. t* n
A.Because he could not do it in a polite way.
# ~- C+ s* a2 x. OB.Because he was in such a hurry.
: V% V4 W8 l: R$ ], t; a3 U& fC.Because he was not satisfied with what swift had done for his work.5 M8 O/ Y6 a; J; \4 [- m* x, i9 S
3. What did Dr. Swift want to teach the boy?
8 Y$ M7 ~6 w/ Y6 l4 I( CA. How to deliver things politely.0 U9 {1 D: [6 @! s1 D
B. How to ask for a tip politely.
# n/ j# e" [7 s5 U* @C. How to speak to others politely.
' j# E8 F" o: \' b( @4. What do we know about the boy from the story?
2 G6 u. g2 x+ VA.He was clever enough to learn everything Dr. Swift taught him.  E4 P! j1 X3 ]
B.He was clever enough to understand well what Swift did and said.6 ~. b+ L; o: ~, }* {) ?7 W, t. F
C.He was clever enough to make Swift understand what he wanted.6 E+ H+ e+ i5 _
5. Why did Dr. Swift laugh after the lesson?4 [" t. a/ ]4 _6 N; O- r3 @
A.Because he was glad to see that the boy learned to be polite.5 `, c3 v3 F2 P8 h! {
B.Because the boy gave him two shillings for the lesson.
( @7 I4 P. k6 V, N/ F) X( c/ m* kC.Because the boy told him what he wanted in an interesting way.

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