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[PETS一级] 2012年全国英语等级考试一级阅读训练题03

发表于 2012-8-14 12:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一节:词语配伍:: `% w/ n8 y; X2 v
从下面所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项。" G; p. v7 g6 i& z& A) w' H
51. like doing something
& y0 b1 l6 o9 S# I$ L! k7 y: d' v52. talk about something with someone else; C9 g% Y: j7 ?4 E
53. let somebody know something
$ B8 @% W9 v( [1 A8 u( `- `+ q54. shout out
2 a3 p3 M% j5 \8 e+ d7 W0 R0 \5 z55. try to find something out from someone
& q! N# K$ p# e4 n/ ^A. call  B. speak  C. ask  D. tell  E. discuss  F. enjoy  G. say
4 A% r# s: e. u文理解1:
/ p1 g, @8 ]& r! g# g1 B% S- NMr. Johnson is the boss of Acme Trucking. His office is in a mess. There are papers, books and boxes everywhere. Nothing is clean, and nothing is in order. He needs a good secretary." W- y* n+ [6 Z+ X, w7 _
Mrs. Santana wants the job. She’s in his office for an interview. He’s surprised because she’s an old woman and she has no office experience.
9 ?" q1 I0 e9 _/ F6 q& ?4 F* I+ RMrs. Santana is talking, “I am the right person for this job. I’m a good talker and I’m friendly on the telephone. I’m a good word professor operator(文字处理操作员). I can type sixty words a minute on a computer. Last year I took lessons in computers and keyboarding. I’m a mother. I have five children, and they knew more about computers than I did! Two of them helped me with these lessons. With five children, I have to be organized and I am. My house is clean and in order. I’m sure you want your office the same way. ”! a  I1 x' A* w$ @+ f
Mr. Johnson is interested.# H( t" T0 k( m: E
“Mr. Johnson, look at your office. Papers are everywhere. Your basket is full. The date on your calendar(日历) is fifth. Today is tenth. I can take care of everything in your office. And I am a hard worker. Mr. Johnson, I’m the right person for this job.”
0 j  u9 ]( V# n9 C4 X' bMr. Johnson is sitting in his chair and smiling, “Mrs. Santana, when can you start?”0 b- D8 a$ M2 [& V' V* ^
1. Mr. Johnson wanted a young and beautiful secretary to help him.
9 |: ^7 [) m1 n8 |8 @A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
: l# z& Y5 t& ?* S  a, I+ m& x( b2. Mr. Johnson had an interview with Mrs. Santana on the telephone.
- _1 e" l( n9 t* c/ Q+ V1 ]" DA. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say( s3 K, \  l& a
3. mares. Santana believed she could do the job well.
# l0 O- [+ S; [* fA. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
' v% z' T: b$ U+ K. ?. z8 x9 |- x4. Mr. Santana agrees his wife to work as a secretary.3 {2 P9 U9 `% A$ `% f! z( j' o% j  Z
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say5 T- U0 t- P3 |+ C# h5 w
5. Mrs. Santana got the job easily.
9 u9 K% E+ ^& f: S+ j1 h3 F+ _! pA. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

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