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[PETS一级] 2012公共英语一级考试阅读难点指导三

发表于 2012-8-14 12:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Go under the knife.
. n# c7 }3 z8 U轻微的疾病可以用药物来医治,如果是比较严重的疾病或者受重伤,就需要动手术,英文有趣的说法叫:Go under the knife. (开刀动手术) 或者说:I need surgery/I'm going to have an operation (我需要动手术),手术室叫做Operating room 。
2 x9 a) s2 V5 _对 话
) Y* o/ ?' a6 @- Y8 a& {0 y# sLucy: I've never been on a blind date with a doctor before. Do you think I'm in good shape?
7 _( x% c* T& a: K3 i1 WHale: I'm afraid you'll have to go under the knife.. g) h+ N7 V: h) \! o1 m" h" r
Lucy: I need surgery? How can you tell just by looking at me?
, H- v' d$ _" y2 i+ R( h8 pHale: I'm a plastic surgeon and I can't be seen dating someone with as many lines as you, what kind of advertisement is that?5 j* k8 c! f( T
Lucy: Well you need a transplant. A personality transplant that is.) U3 s6 \6 R! v" L' r& j
露西:我从未试过跟医生约会,今次是第一次, 我的身体好吗?+ s6 t' A) ~4 ?! [3 \
赫尔:我想你得接受手术。) _7 s& T  @8 r
露西:我要动手术?你只看我外表,为何这样说?* \. s* I- E( M( S
赫尔:我是整形外科医生,我不能被人家看见我和一个满脸皱纹的人谈恋爱,这样我会得到什么评价呢?0 v  d3 \( x! m/ D$ P
  D6 @3 ^+ c/ F! Q: c, d整形外科医生对女朋友说:I can't be seen dating someone with as many lines as you. You'll have to go under the knife.(我不能被人看见和个满面皱纹的人谈恋爱。你得接受手术)。; G" }2 F6 v! l; g# C  c& N
Line是‘线条’,也可指脸上皱纹,并可作动词,例如:(1) There are deep lines on his forehead(他额上有很深的皱纹)。(2) Round her eyes are some fine lines(她眼角有鱼尾纹)。(3) His face was lined with old age/cares(岁月/忧虑在他脸上留下皱纹)。, w* W, v! N9 V; P" h
‘皱纹’还可叫做wrinkle或furrow。Furrow本是指田间犁沟,借喻脸上皱纹,特别是额上皱纹,例如:(1) Plastic surgery can remove the wrinkles round your eyes(整型外科手术,可除去你眼角的鱼尾纹)。(2) Age has etched deep furrows on his brow(岁月在他脸上刻下深深的皱纹)。
5 ?) C9 ~9 D- D1 p外科医生动手术,要用手术刀(surgeon's knife),所以under the knife(在刀下)有‘接受手术’的意思,例如:(1) He went under the knife without being anesthetized(他没有麻醉就接受手术)。(2) He almost died under the knife(他几乎在手术中死去)。害怕动手术,叫做to have a horror of the knife,例如:It is only natural that you should have a horror of the knife(你害怕动手术,是很正常的)。
" Z! v8 V0 Q9 i! E2 F4 f1 H‘外科手术’英文叫operation,动词是operate,例如:He underwent an operation to remove a tumor/The surgeon operated on him and removed a tumor(医生为他动手术,割去肿瘤)。

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