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[PETS一级] 2012公共英语一级考试阅读难点指导十

发表于 2012-8-14 12:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It's a dead-end job.
$ c" d3 @# P) ~# v年青人常常转业,问他们转业的原因,多数人认为这份工作没有前途,英文可以说:It's a dead-end job. (这是一份没前途的工作) ,口语化的说法也可以说成: There's no future in this job. (这份工作没有将来)或There's no chance of career advancement. (没有事业发展机会) ,有些人只为了金钱而打工,则可以说:I just do it for the money 。外语学习网
+ f% d- _. U& h对话
# V) S( i) r+ o/ e- mMarcus: I hate this place. I need a drastic career change.
1 J1 h5 u2 b. Q. S0 s8 a) TGordon: Why? I really like it here. We're always busy and people are dying to get our business.
" o* Z, B: E# I7 SMarcus: How can you say that? It's a dead-end job.
& d* p8 z0 ]# P4 r3 RGordon: Well, I should hope so. We are undertakers after all.5 Q( I3 ^( H/ M( _* K
4 [  ?) y. y1 M3 `戈登:为什么?我十分喜欢这儿,我们经常很忙碌,很多人都想取得我们的业务。
; w  v$ w& S: I5 @3 [马卡斯:你怎可这么说?这是没有前途的工作。
$ M8 k) W" m: |& Y5 `戈登:嗯,我应该希望如此,毕竟我们是殡仪员。
9 l5 q: v& O+ c  _. p, ]3 e4 ?* S马卡斯说自己的工作:It's a dead-end job。他的同事不同意,说People are dying to get our business。
( z  c# N2 Q9 M# V! s1 j# I进行式的dying常和‘for + 名词’或‘to + 原形动词(infinitive)’合用,表示‘渴望’,例如:(1) I'm dying for a sleep.(我很想睡一觉)。(2) I'm dying to see him.(我很想见见他)。马卡斯的同事说‘很多人都想取得我们的业务。’, [8 n1 q& F5 r' `
Dead end是‘死胡同’,常用于比喻,例如:(1) There was a sign indicating that the street was a dead end.(或indicating that it was a dead-end street)(有标志显示那是一条死巷)。(2) Our investigation has come to a dead end.(我们的调查走进了死胡同)。3 J- p; E. A9 S
Dead-end job当然也是比喻,指没有前途的工作,例如:When I realized I was in a dead-end job, I decided to quit.(我发觉工作没有前途,决定辞职)。7 G, I/ z/ I3 [: d) E) V" x2 J
求职的一个大忌,是批评自己目前的工作,所以求职者不宜说I'm in a dead-end job之类。改个说法,给人的印象就会大大不同:(1) I've reached the highest level possible in the company(公司没有办法提供我进一步升迁的职位了)。(2) I would like to move to a company with better promotion prospects.(我想转业到晋升机会较大的公司任职)。
) H' h) E! K: u7 t) R你还可以说是为金钱而希望转职,这理由没有人能够质疑:It's because of money./Money is the reason./It's a matter of money。

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