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[PETS一级] 2012公共英语一级考试阅读难点指导九

发表于 2012-8-14 12:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
There's been a shake-up.% B; n/ F, m' Z+ R, s
我们俗称公司内/机构内一些重大的人事变更或大改革为地震,英文也有类似的说法:There's been a shake-up. (公司里有大改革/大变动),或者可以说:The company has restructured. (公司改组),人事变动有涉及升职或降职:I got promoted/demoted. (我被升职/降职)。! P+ {4 v6 n# O9 P
对 话3 [  J2 Y: }: k# {1 c
Rita: What's wrong? Everyone looks like they are shook up.. d# x. x8 Y1 R
Shawn: The new manager has made some drastic changes.There's been a shake-up.( w# W3 U3 d5 ?4 ]& V3 ?5 I
Rita: So lots of people have lost their jobs? That's just awful.
0 p4 _2 V4 D/ |3 j. j+ z/ s2 SShawn: No, it's much worse than that. Everyone still has a job but he's cut the morning coffee break out. We're all going through caffeine withdrawal. I can't keep my hand still at all., `+ y2 H4 r0 P8 O1 a$ |1 B! l- t! Y
$ V7 l; B( p4 S3 O( w+ H+ v. z尚伟:新来的经理作了重大的改革,公司里有大变动。
! d, p5 u' B5 C莉达:那么很多人被辞退吗?真的很糟糕。
" }  O# j1 k+ ?& _; I2 t; J6 G8 E尚伟:不,比这个更糟。没有人被辞退,只是他取消了早上的咖啡时间,人人在捱戒咖啡因之苦,我不能让手不抖动。
/ z, L; G% O. i( T+ J尚伟的公司取消喝咖啡时间,尚伟诉苦说:There's been a shake-up. We're all going through caffeine withdrawal(有大变动,人人在捱戒咖啡因之苦)。难怪莉达说:Everyone looks like they are shook up(人人看来都心绪不宁)。0 z* E3 b! [) J/ @# ~6 f
Shake-up或shakeup是名词,指机构、制度等的改组或整顿,例如:(1) There was a company shakeup, and many lost their jobs.(公司改组,不少人失业了)。(2) The civil service needs a major shakeup.(公务员编制应大大整顿一下)。Shake up 也可以作动词,例如:The new board of directors has shaken up the company. (新的董事会把公司改组了)。留意shake的过去式是shook,过去分词(past participle)是shaken。
, @* c6 k! o6 q, I2 I( P* {读者也许会问:Everyone looks like they are shook up一语,are之后为什么不用分词shaken而用Shook?原来shake up假如解作 ‘使心烦意乱’,那shake字的过去分词作shook或shaken都可以,例如:She was badly shook/shaken up by her mother's death.(母亲去世,令她心情十分恶劣)。此外shook就不可作分词用。: z2 L+ d9 p/ f
以shakeup说 ‘改组’,是俗语用法;严谨的说法是reorganization,例如:The civil service needs a major reorganization、The new board of directors has reorganized the company。. [( W% Z/ v$ ~1 e# m1 ]
最后说withdrawal。‘停服(兴奋剂等)’英文叫withdraw,名词是withdrawal,例如:It is difficult to withdraw from nicotine/withdrawal from nicotine is difficult(要戒掉尼古丁瘾可不容易)

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