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[考试试题] 2011全国公共英语二级考试模拟试题详解3

发表于 2012-8-14 12:37:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
That night; stargazing on the slopes of Mauna Kea
: T7 M7 X' g% ?* w! u8 Q$ p3 p   Jun:I've never seen so many stars.
+ J' O, l( l: |9 C$ y6 |3 i7 F   Lisa:I grew up with this. That's Orion there.1 V& B+ ^% L2 g) }: E3 t! g
   Jun:Looking up at these stars makes me feel so small.5 o" K' X2 w# s5 L3 N# S% ^
   Lisa:You still worrying about your career?
0 E' Y7 v, M0 k- j7 T   Jun:Yeah, a bit. I feel kind of aimless, like I don't know what to do next.1 `: @4 Y& J! G+ R* U5 E" a  ~( O, q
   Lisa:Take it one step at a time. This has been a good trip though, right?. F2 Q6 Y% w8 p$ R1 p% [, S
   Jun: [A feather falls] Oh my god. A feather just dropped on me!
3 a4 e4 U3 X; J, |) s   Lisa:Wow! Maybe it's a sign. Maybe things do happen for a reason. % m& ~! n. z8 p
% j( u6 k- f2 R) e) k9 M   莉莎:我从小看到大。那个是猎户座。5 L9 U( \' X- s5 {( ]
   小君:仰望满天星辰让我觉得自己好渺小。& z  q7 i& k: c1 C
   莉莎:你还在担心你的工作?6 P6 U+ w8 Y" }8 B7 v
7 h, b% x% k  C& l* W4 `6 W   莉莎:走一步算一步。至少这趟旅程很棒,对吧?0 I' _! V( L2 \, t
- B' \+ b1 J, b9 p2 {: W   莉莎:哇!也许是个预兆喔。也许所有事情都是事出必有因的。( w9 H  m2 S; u$ v% K9 K! H
   重点解说:  R) B6 e; [5 x$ \. W
   ★ stargaze (v.) 凝视星辰,Orion (n.) 猎户座0 s# ~  C) T. D6 t/ F8 Z
   ★ slope (n.) 斜坡,山坡
7 D4 n' N% t) ^( y/ ^- B   ★ aimless (a.) 漫无目的的

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