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[考试试题] 2012年公共英语三级短句翻译02

发表于 2012-8-14 13:09:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、 Inevitably sometimes I’ll end up working evenings and weekends to meet deadline.  
: V7 b- ^4 P) s! J# d6 x/ J" V" K有时候,我为作,无可避免地开夜车、放弃周末加班。  , C0 a# T4 u2 Y
! }# u8 a* _: N) t  F8 T
2、 There’s often as much stress or even more, because your success all boils down to what you do.  转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]0 C5 [$ l+ ?& n: r- v5 I/ A
压力经常一样、甚至更大,因为你的所有成功都得自你的所作所为。( boil down to sth. 归结为 ... )  7 L9 |5 K' j3 B$ p- B. G* c2 n

: l7 s+ U" ^- [3、 Sometimes  the books (and let’s hope you’re not too creative with that), and sometime you have to market your services, or clean up code , or cut and paste copy.  
0 |/ h1 d) ~# A- j& O( D3 M有时候你得做书面工作(让我们姑且认为你不在这方面创意泛滥吧),有时候务,或者整理代码,或者剪切、粘贴副本。  . {9 S1 \  U" k/ {2 D6 q
8 m9 t4 S3 B$ Z2 a2 k
4、 You may be working with an entire company’s worth of differing agendas and personalities to develop a website.  
- D- y. h" j3 R( ?' Z' c7 k: k为了建成一个公司网站,你可能要利用到整个公司的种种议事日程和个性信息。( worth 在这里是个量词,“ 整个的 ”)  
7 ~( w8 F' `2 V( d" L( ]. a) b% U$ C! N7 ?3 F. G
5、 Take  in order to fit in and contribute.  
6 ~! I( M+ x9 b利用刚才的方法及早上手,并作出点贡献吧。  www.examw.com
/ Q+ u4 ~3 D6 z1 h$ n7 X. l
- e! e2 L: j+ F  v6、 Will I have interesting features from APTN, Reuters, CNN or other partners?  
; C; i# y! F, v; X, X. a0 F我们会视、路透社、有线新闻网或者其他伙伴的特别报道啊?

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