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[PETS五级] 公共英语等级考试(PETS):作文道德类热点词汇

发表于 2012-8-14 13:28:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
社会风气(公德):public morals (or morality)  , }; Z9 _* I; @/ ?
  有公德心:be public—spirited  
. w  E8 o' B; A. ^; r  向公众呼吁做某事:appeal to the public to do sth.  4 i: M" y+ f6 }! N
  在…方面教育公众:educate the public in …  
% u8 S* H7 M( f* m8 D. I: t  无视公共规章:disregard the public rules  + d% B  q# P) e$ d' |3 u( J0 f/ N3 N
  遵守法纪: comply with the law  
0 B+ k  o  ^5 ?8 Y* I# {- g- F  偷窃是违法的:Stealing is against the law  
/ A( N6 a9 h1 H  遵守公德:comply with public morality  % O( Y. U1 Q. `
  守法: observe/obey the law  ; p6 L" K+ S; E2 x+ T( {" {
  违法:offend against the law  
$ t& a) J+ i, T  违反公共规章:break/violate public regulations  
" L2 L( L2 u! a; t. l. b  她自以为可以凌驾法律之上:She acts as if she is above the law  - v' F+ u3 H7 \! C; F# J
  制定和严格执法:make and rigidly enforce the law  
) C  O5 p/ z8 s7 ]! z3 _  遵守交规: observe traffic regulations  # }: Q$ p6 v6 g' _. H* w
  按道德行事:follow the morals  
. O: n8 t9 V0 W6 |" G2 w  改进社会风气:improve public morals  7 ~7 @- g/ C1 }! w) z
  维护公共道德:safeguard public morals  9 s0 z* D" r/ w) x3 E2 [2 L
  损害公共道德:injure public morality  6 U/ b. n5 u1 S; L( H! b% _
  应该受到法律严惩:deserve to be punished heavily by the law  
$ [: Q  V0 X5 S9 {2 `3 ~* V5 m9 Z' r. Q  从他的行为中可以清楚看到,他不讲道德:It is obvious from his behavior that he has no morality

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