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[PETS五级] PETS五级写作考试例题

发表于 2012-8-14 13:28:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 b# t* e" A, x  j$ u
4 u1 K; ~( X1 s8 X" q, e1 b4 C+ Q" l& H6 p% b
  You have read an article in a magazine with the following statement in it. Write an article for the same magazine. You should : a. X! o' y; ]0 p$ R. {
use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example. You should write about 250 ( |) l1 l) i# ^( L* M
words. Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2. % z2 R9 K" a% T% ^& V8 S

+ u6 d0 `2 _& {- c6 n9 m& X" S( K  Economic development will inevitably generate industrial waste which in turn will cause pollution to the living environment.
' S1 }3 ^+ V) w$ Z  nEconomic prosperity and a clean environment can not coexist. You have to make a choice between the two."
, p6 v3 X  v  N8 l9 A$ s0 P6 [
0 q9 v0 A0 d. Z* m  To what extent do you agree with the statement?

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