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[PETS五级] 2010年公共英语PETS五级语法精讲D

发表于 2012-8-14 13:28:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 F0 A, K& |' A% t' p  (1)形容词最高级前要用the,而副词最高级前的the可省。
4 d$ c4 {# P3 D5 y' W/ ~! E  (2)下面这些词的比较等级可在后面加-er/-est或在前面加more/most构成。1 \8 ?7 e4 B, v$ V
  cruel, often, able, clear, clever, correct, dear, free, friendly, happy, handsome, likely, lively, pleasant, right, simple, quiet, solid, strange, strict, stupid, wrong, etc.1 T9 B% V. z9 [7 d  ]7 I
  5. 形容词、副词比较等级常用的句型及用法:
2 b" K. u% H' r! v4 Q7 c  ^" Q  类别 用法及意义 句型结构 例句7 B( x# e$ N$ g" L8 A
  原级 没有比较 very / so / quite / too, etc. +原级 It was very warm yesterday.0 q' t" C4 c1 l2 I$ v! v# }+ v
  二者比较程度相同 as+原级+as+比较对象 You are as clever as Mike.
1 I2 R& s- K2 I; J- c3 j  一方是另一方的几倍 ...times as+原级+as+比较对象 This bridge is five times as long as that one.
2 [( M: G* A8 V, Q$ Z2 V7 H4 @  二者比,程度不同 ...not as+原级+as+比较对象 You are not as tall as he.
8 k5 ~. d7 t8 B  二者比,前者不如后者 ...not so+原级+as+比较对象 Math isnt so hard as physics.& X9 Z5 s1 n, \9 o
  比 较 级 二者比,一方比另一方更re younger than Tom.5 }4 q4 O7 i( E7 A
  二者比,A比Bs much hotter today than it was yesterday.
! s% }/ p  M  z. ~2 F  A比B甚至还要s still stronger than Jack.
0 }+ C2 m% l( J0 ?; O2 V& i  Hes far older than you.; c1 L8 E  P' d6 m, r* c4 K& }2 `
  表越来越s getting fatter and fatter.
9 }1 H( X5 n$ m3 b, l; m! F  表越ll
# K) }% K, E1 A9 X5 E  understand.8 u0 ?" O  ^& b% {
  A比B(高,长s getting healthier and stronger than his brother.3 }  a* w- Z  i. E8 n8 n
  表比s less rich than he.' C8 X  k. q% G
  表与其说,不如s more than a teacher.
2 B5 I5 |% J/ I* q  x8 N  Shes more than tired.; Y* a/ C! I' \# r
  表并不比某某s no taller than you.% u  F0 Q/ j4 w2 k
  最高级 三者或三者以上比较某某最s one of the best students in this class.
: ^+ O4 j6 t) J9 {4 `* H) g, `  第几大/长s a letter for you.
  z8 e* P# A+ }. ], h  用于指初次提到某人/物 She has a dog.0 @8 W9 h! U. z& y
  指某类物或人中的任何一个 A horse runs fast." E, O! R( x' E% v/ p* W0 s
  用在不可数名词前表一次/场/或一个/种人或物 I would like a coffee.4 y  }* a7 }. S& X
  用于时间、度量衡名词前表每一 He has two meals a day.7 e1 r* }' |7 Y; ~8 |' h; k0 l
  用于某些习惯用语或固定词组中 as a result,have a rest
" `# F( z+ O) M8 ~  have a chat,in a hurry# Y2 |4 K$ p- x5 V8 }$ h
  have a word with sb.
7 d3 ^5 V) @. [5 P. ]3 e  a little,a lot,a pair of
* r9 i* D) W7 V- H+ p5 H  a cup of,a great deal of7 s2 R! i% Q) Y% p- }
  3.定冠词the的常见用法:2 M, q: B9 p2 m, p0 D: T6 E
  用法 例 句
9 j' [7 i  ^+ }: P: u# v  用在序数词前 Tom is always the first to get to school.0 K9 a& Q2 f% e' S* s1 i& H+ J
  用在形容词最高级前 Is it the most difficult lesson in this term?2 k# H2 \' \. W" c
  特指双方都知道的人/物 Did you go to the hospital just now?
) a- Z+ c+ ]9 ?. E+ I  指前面出现的人/物 He has a dog.The dog is named Huzi./ i, n" ?& Z# T7 K3 S% M
  指世上独一无二的事物前 The sun rises in the east.: F3 G4 B! M2 P2 U% U
  用在被修饰限定的人/物前 Do you know the boy talking with our teacher?
1 A8 f- J6 l) X; }  乐器、文娱等名称前 She plays the piano.3 ~5 @7 H2 Z0 m* N
  注:play football1 {, P3 w, t# l# N
  年代数词前 In the 1960s China is in disorder.; |! x% q* Z/ \- Q# I5 Z( i( ]3 C) E
  方位、方向名词前 Please turn to the left.
7 i4 T- h- u6 t9 f  用在姓氏复数前表一家人或夫妇 The Smiths are having dinner.! `1 B1 I1 ?' n7 M. S! f# u- F
  用在某些形容词,表一类人/物 The English are friendly.' y2 A7 k7 d* z* o2 J9 j
  用在阶级、机构、党派的名词前 America is a member of the United Nations.& x! S4 T7 A5 p! z( P+ o  i* Q
  江河、海湖、海湾、海峡、群岛、山脉等的名词前 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
  Y& N3 z  j6 D  在固定搭配中 by the way,in the end

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