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[商务实战] 2012年商务英语中级考试指导:玩转办公室政治

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 By Rachel Zupek   Politics in the workplace can get vicious -- and we're not talking about the governmental kind. Rather, office politics, or how power and influence are managed in your company, will be a part of your career whether you choose to participate in them or not.
7 r# A0 P: u/ `4 Q  本文不是讨论政府部门的那种政治,而是办公室里的那种,或者说公司内部权力和影响力的控制。职场政治可能很残酷,不论你参不参与它都将成为你事业的一部分。
2 `( v( {# ?+ F2 }2 O+ E  Don't align yourself too strongly with just one group at the office because they may not hold power forever.
8 b  `+ T/ }; j* b" P& Y0 D3 \  不要只和某一个群体紧密联系;因为他们也许不会一直掌权。3 i0 B; i& d: a+ O! |7 P% f. [
  Some workers say they don't want to get caught up in politics at work, but most experts argue that playing the game is crucial to your career success. By not getting involved, you may find your talents ignored, your success limited and you may feel left out of the loop, says Louellen Essex, co-author of "Manager's Desktop Consultant: Just-in-Time Solutions to the Top People Problems That Keep You Up at Night."
, z* h: L7 c9 v  有些员工称他们不愿卷入办公室政治中,但是多数专家认为参与到这场游戏中对你的事业成功至关重要。《经理人办公桌顾问:让你夜不能寐的人际问题的及时解决方法》一书作者之一Louellen Essex认为,如果不参与办公室政治,你的才华可能会被忽略、成功受限,你也会感到被排斥在外。% C1 @6 e7 a6 j  x8 {6 |9 M3 _
  "Politics get nasty when an employee is out for his or her personal gain alone," Essex says. "Think of playing office politics as a game of strategy through which you are able to get the resources and influence you need to accomplish your goals. Most often those who are diplomatic, respectful and build coalitions with effective people win."
% ?3 t* X8 E/ b6 x, M. {( v# M- P  Essex说:“当员工只追求个人利益时政治就肮脏起来。可以把参与职场政治作为一个游戏策略;通过这个方式你能获得达成目标所需要的资源和影响力。通常赢家都是那些老练的、尊重别人的、和有影响力人士联系紧密的人。”
1 g; a' s- [7 t3 L  @  Here are Essex's nine tips to help you win at office politics and still gain other's respect.
7 G/ g  ~* _/ ?3 K  下面就是Essex给出的九条建议,帮你在赢得办公室政治的同时也获得别人的尊重。
1 \$ [8 j$ ?! I* ~& R! {* L  1. Observe how things get done in your organization.
, ?1 [7 e( X; A* F. `- Y  观察事情是怎样进行的
7 @# h% B0 Q+ A2 s# b4 T; P2 D  Ask some key questions: What are the core values and how are they enacted? Are short- or long-term results most valued? How are decisions made? How much risk is tolerated? The answers to these questions should give you a good sense of the culture of your organization.5 f4 m& n* r7 N; @/ T% M' }* G
4 d+ U* m' N2 y! S& F- C" `  2. Profile powerful individuals
) y7 P- ^9 l. N  观察有权力的个体
* f, }% |) @% ~; h# I& X. a6 p  Pay attention to their communication style, network of relationships and what types of proposals they say "yes" to most often. Emulate those traits by drawing on the strengths you have.  H! T/ h( }( p) i  X# ?
  注意他们的沟通风格、关系网络及他们常常同意什么类型的提议。发挥你的长处,模仿这些特质。% R, J7 j5 o1 ?7 d" b
+ v$ q1 @. Y6 s% u, M3 j) t! n

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:10 | 显示全部楼层


 3. Determine strategic initiatives in the company</p>  决定公司的战略计划
* j3 x$ S, v9 N% C  Update your skills to be relevant to company initiatives. For example, don't lag behind in technology, quality or customer service approaches that are crucial to you and your company's success.
0 c* P: Y; P  j5 r# r  提升和公司发展相关的技能。例如在对你和公司成功都至关重要的技术、质量或客服方式上都别落后。
% T1 e* O. e% P( j. I( J  4. Develop a personal track record as someone who gets results& ~* T' s( o5 I& V" `
1 {$ ~4 A" Y% q) |# T( d  Style without substance will not gain others' respect, especially in today's organizations that focus on outcome.0 M6 t5 W6 M' K$ g/ z0 x
' x! A+ Z( P, d4 z* [+ J  5. Don't be afraid to toot your own horn' ^7 [0 h+ k/ R, h  q" c9 @
# l7 ]0 y6 \' P  r" @* B  If no one knows of your good work, you may lose at the game of office politics -- when you really deserve to win. Let others know what you've accomplished whenever you get the opportunity. If you don't know the fine art of diplomatic bragging, you might get lost in the shuffle of your co-workers./ A) d1 Q* z7 Y
3 E5 ^, F% N# a8 M: f/ i( V  6. Treat everyone with respect1 e$ \" W+ b4 K3 [+ j* t0 Q
  尊重每个人. U6 z8 T7 _) g1 X
  Don't show preferential treatment or treat co-workers badly. You never know who someone might be connected to and rude behavior may come back to bite you.) c1 ^3 Q- C. p/ w: f
) ]0 O; r. Q' x4 d* a  7. Don't align too strongly with one group( I. K7 v& i3 w+ a9 s2 y( g
5 X$ G) ], `" O! a0 f/ g/ }8 v& e  While an alliance may be powerful for the moment, new leadership will often oust existing coalitions and surround themselves with a new team. Bridging across factions may be a more effective strategy for long-term success if you intend to stay in your current organization for some time.
" `4 _7 L* i8 }1 F8 C$ Q/ X0 O8 ~  结盟在某一刻也许是强有力的,但是新的领导阶层往往会驱逐现有的“联盟”并任用一个新团队。如果你希望在目前的公司待上比较长的时间的话,那么对长远成功来说更有效的策略是“跨派系团结”。+ T: x/ i$ ~3 e# x
  8. Learn to communicate persuasively
6 Q. ^& n0 J) \8 q  学习交流口才
0 f( z8 \# F' H0 v! r) F  Develop an assertive style, backed with solid facts and examples, to focus others' attention on your ideas and proposals. Good politicians can adjust their messages for their audience and are always well-prepared.: O) R7 O, {, ]. p
. w: C9 S9 i0 o/ {* ~' j$ f. @  9. Be true to yourself./ N% ?5 l1 z$ b+ M( n; v7 [
  对自己要坦诚: s9 Q: t+ s/ }0 x, v
  After analyzing the political landscape in your company, if you decide the game is one you can't play, prepare to move on. It's not typical, but some organizations actually condone -- even promote -- dishonest, ruthless or unethical behavior. The game of office politics in this situation is not one worth winning.
+ x$ t/ z. n4 c  在分析完公司的政治形势后,如果你决定这是一场不能进行的游戏,那么就做好辞职准备。 虽然不常见,但有些公司实际上是在宽恕--甚至鼓励--不诚实、无情的或者非道德的行为。这样的办公室政治游戏不值得去赢。
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