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[商务实战] 商务实战:延迟领取退休金后 官方称开启 “存款保险制度”

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
商务实战:延迟领取退休金后 官方称开启 “存款保险制度”) y1 x$ F9 r4 b
7 c1 a9 W/ l0 T请看相关新英文报道:: X7 w, R) \2 v6 ]
The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, said now is the time for the country to establish a deposit insurance system. That announcement came as part of an official report that was released over the weekend and is a strong indicator that the long-awaited system will be introduced soon.+ J# N5 r2 {' o2 _( v* S/ I! L$ \3 q
' |) w# [6 S4 E6 O4 V5 F* n上述新闻中的“deposit insurance system”意思是“存款保险制度”,也可称“deposit protection system”。这是一种金融保障制度,是指由符合条件的存款性金融机构建立一个保险机构,存款机构作为投保人缴纳保险费,当成员机构发生经营危机时,存款保险机构向其提供财务救助,从而保护存款人利益,维护银行信用,稳定金融秩序的一种制度。存款保险制度是一国重要的金融基础设施,尤其是利率市场化以后,如果没有存款保险制度,银行业经营和存款人将面临很大的风险。
" X# K: s" I1 J. m7 u( o. Y一些相关词汇:* x( |4 d. o8 |. Q/ u
1. The People's Bank of China 中国人民银行
+ K9 m3 r4 j! b% J2. official report 官方报告
) C1 s) m3 v1 z: r) M- K3. financial guarantee institution 金融保障制度- v. j) d! w2 x* l: O4 F- X
4. policy holders 投保人' y2 _3 p$ T& S0 z
5. bank credit 银行信用; E( [3 e3 z' d# w9 M
6. financial order 金融秩序www.ExamW.CoM
9 Y" _, E7 u3 a7 {( |例句:
8 c+ t5 L1 H4 @9 r8 K% P9 o/ r! z" ~/ q% I2 s9 K# j) t( Q- x
And banks can fund their expanded asset base because at the same time deposits are attracted into the banks by the comfort of deposit insurance.
0 s. x0 L4 q) ~银行可以轻易地扩大其基础资产因为存款保险制度解除了存款人的担忧,同时存款被大量吸入银行系统。
5 p5 N& G; |: v: J( u, \0 A, n' z: H" n+ B$ g0 z5 Z- Y  j1 i# w

; @2 y6 p8 w0 J0 J) [$ aOutside the US, deposit insurance system is rarely complete and there are usually delays before reliable cheques denominated in central bank money duly arrive.
$ g  B: m$ W4 s& {; J7 Z& k在美国以外,存款保险制度通常不甚完善,以央行资金发放的可靠支票往往姗姗来迟。
/ g+ K% Z# R7 d6 e; {+ G% h  Y3 o3 n$ N5 C9 G- X2 D4 y
3 J% c8 q5 m) b* ?+ y+ a6 F
The implicit deposit insurance system can not meet the demand of financial stability and development under market economy.& R' }3 ~- b! D+ Q1 C

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