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[商务实战] 商务实战:不做广告也有人叫好苹果高管揭秘市场营销策略

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% [5 @2 E5 Z4 P0 S' D7 N# OApple no longer actually needs to do ANY advertising when it launches new products, marketing chief Phil Schiller testified Friday in the Apple v. Samsung patent trial in a San Jose, Calif., federal court.
) [! L# L1 d- c0 V5 `8 X周五,苹果公司与三星的专利诉讼案在美国加州圣何塞市的联邦法庭开庭,苹果公司负责市场营销的主管菲尔-席勒出庭并作证。他揭秘道,苹果在发布新产品的时候,已经不需要再做任何广告了。
6 j$ P, d' g/ ^+ H, B& r2 Q( b5 F  }/ ?2 a0 R2 ]8 m3 H
6 p6 @/ j# r: x- j: K
Instead, the company relies on these two strategies:4 I3 l7 v' U. _, A
取而代之的是苹果公司的两条锦囊妙计:7 x8 }' l! O% u* N
8 O3 Q) ?& N2 h& }8 L, m

6 M/ z6 l7 Z& L7 q0 \! T& b+ U$ W1) Rely on the media to create buzz for its products through positive reviews.  ^4 M0 \$ _& I7 f" `9 i: Y
9 ]0 d, |  Y' E" [: f( t4 Y# u5 A# Q3 k8 f

, t" l1 J* }, U+ x3 u/ e. W2) Product placement in TV shows and movies.
5 `" u* Y+ N) q, `6 K+ ^2)在电视、电影中植入广告。1 e, S+ W: w. P: X
3 Y9 u% p4 A# \' s% M
- \- T/ \7 d, @$ |+ @5 h% Y  p
The media is so reliably disposed to favor Apple's products that when the iPhone was launched in 2007, the company didn't do any advertising for a period, according to Bloomberg:
0 d0 N( {, o% ~3 t根据全球最大的财经资讯公司彭博集团的报道,在2007年苹果发布iPhone的时候,由于媒体不遗余力地为苹果产品叫好,苹果公司在那段时间里甚至都不用为新产品打广告。6 p: ^! d/ j$ p
6 w% u& l/ _3 o& o
) Y' R# ~6 j. {. s5 J' T
"We didn't need to," Schiller said. He read from several rave reviews of the iPhone and iPad, explaining that such stories did a better job than advertising to build buzz. : a& F! i- E. }9 A
“我们不需要做广告。” 在席勒看过那些对iPhone和iPad的大肆赞扬之后,他觉得这些报道远比做广告更能吸引眼球。
9 [9 q2 x0 K! Z7 {, M, u; ?; x, [# ~5 ?  H

; l5 {" {7 _* N  k3 q2 k: z- X4 ~Apple also relies heavily on product placement, Bloomberg says. "We would love to see our products used by stars," Schiller told the jury.中 华 考 试 网' u5 [: g- @; r1 J& X5 l9 H" k
: G" s4 G- z, p" u) Z$ ~, j8 q' d, z7 c8 v& G. j
2 ^! v" g7 r; q5 n2 {  R
One of Apple's employees works closely with Hollywood on so-called product placement so its gadgets are used in movies and television shows, Schiller said. None of the tactics are a surprise. Anyone who has ever watched a movie or a TV show has seen actors turning to their iPads and MacBooks as props.3 r  P1 `) {0 D
席勒说,苹果公司有员工和好莱坞方面走得很近,会负责商讨把苹果的产品植入到电影电视节目中去。这一点也不稀奇。我们都在电影或电视上看到过苹果的iPad和笔记本电脑MacBooks被演员们当做道具来使用。+ p" R2 R# |+ [/ L* c

9 p4 v9 d" W1 B1 R" _9 H" I6 w% s0 q; q. ]
But Apple, famously, hates talking about its own advertising and marketing. That's why it's so interesting to hear one of Apple's senior executives actually say this stuff aloud, on the record.
2 Q) f$ S- y5 v1 M! h7 H# d# V+ N不过,苹果从来都不爱对外说道自己的营销策略,这次苹果的高管自揭内幕,就不得不让人感兴趣了。

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