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[商务实战] 商务实战:伦敦奥运就是个灾难英国人怒斥奥运拖垮英国经济

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
商务实战:伦敦奥运就是个灾难英国人怒斥奥运拖垮英国经济) h! y6 R0 y; t: ^7 q7 R
Economist Nouriel Roubini is tweeting doom about the London Olympics this morning.
( F8 m. s( k) \; m经济学家Nouriel Roubini今天早上在推特上连发数条留言,称伦敦奥运就是个灾难。
  j4 e% b2 W1 r, ?7 Q1 c% w% F+ L* N: ?& P) }, }2 ^- X8 g

6 O0 j! H& w& {5 [& k4 k: }3 w) I$ O5 M3 p1.UK policymakers scared so much folks before the Olympic that London is a deserted city: non-Olympic tourists are away; Londoners are gone!7 z$ c- G" j. ^, f8 \* F/ B
% K9 l$ b1 F; I* a  y8 P4 m4 R% m9 e$ d! |8 l
1 Y0 E7 F) e1 d. ~
2.The Olympics are an economic failure as London is totally empty: hotels, restaurants, streets. They scared all off with crowd excess warnings.转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
% R6 ?0 H8 q. B$ D3 f- i3 s2.奥运会就是经济滑铁卢,因为伦敦根本就是个空城:酒店、餐馆、街道,连个人影多没有。人们都被城市拥挤的警告给吓跑了。
. O/ n# O+ s* B7 p: S' v8 l4 y/ m5 q3 z: [
- n- n4 \% @% W- m+ p/ C! d6 m
3.The West End - usually packed on any Saturday night - was an empty waste land last night: barely a soul to be found in theaters, bars, etc.2 X9 F0 r- p+ V* O" ?" ]
往常,周六晚上的伦敦西区总是热闹非凡,而昨晚,那里却空空如也,剧院里、酒吧里,想看到个人都难。( y3 T; ~% q( u6 t! R3 e3 f

4 J9 X6 Z0 u5 Q# b# U% f  Q5 Q) u/ N; f# K# h# l3 C( v
4.They scared away all non-Olympic tourists that pack London all summer; they pushed most Londoners to escape; they told 2million to work at home.  I+ i4 c5 }% L3 v" G- D
/ j" q* s: \& y$ C- V' Y
% f% N: m% u$ P2 j+ k/ t. ~, T! I; E& N% o; _" W
Meanwhile London retailers are begging the transport system to stop warning about congestion problems.
1 b, ^$ v" u5 N4 H8 u9 ?+ c同时,伦敦的小商贩们正在央求伦敦的公共交通系统不要再发出拥挤的警告了。
" y! X- }1 k+ d, c  ]5 {% r# r
+ x$ t' v" N! v/ o/ K: }$ t# b9 U: q0 ^. G7 L4 P6 y
Retail chief Richard Dickenson told Telegraph: “We know there is a displacement effect. Instead of normal tourists you get sports tourists, we knew that. But we didn’t expect the impact on the London commuters."+ \, [) p& e( V7 V9 i, N8 e( W# a! `
8 Y7 o. Y/ i9 e1 Y. f- ]% F% E" Z3 U- E3 \

% q) `- i1 ~) }( ?5 p9 M2 D8 E2 q7 q) `. VLondon taxi drivers have reported a 20-to-40 percent drop in income this month, with industry representative Steve McNamara calling the Games "a complete and utter disaster."
" i5 ~4 e' `0 A0 U/ N据报道,伦敦出租车司机本月的收入下降了20%到40%。行业代表Steve McNamara怒斥伦敦奥运会是“完完全全的灾难”。

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