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[商务实战] 商务实战:014 Cubicle Etiquette

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) O+ j6 O) o: X6 j: O% }7 s4 S  (Office ambience)
2 D& [/ c- y" x. `, J5 w  C:Good morning, Mary, do you have a minute to talk?
; A3 y: }1 K4 r8 a- |  M:Yes, what is it?/ v4 Y; `, C+ m' o3 l/ c
7 ^7 ~) R* P# A3 J) I  M: 你是说我们工作的地方,就象我这里有三快矮墙把我和别人隔开。这不就是 cubicles吗?CUBICLES.
# K# ]: x  k" S" Y5 z9 _: A  C:That's it, cubicles. 在cubicles里工作平时一点问题都没有,可有时...
  S+ o' L$ W1 ^5 u0 ~1 C# l  M:What happened?& M# S6 @. M/ ^" z; u
  C:刚搬到我隔壁来坐的那位同事今天一早来就打电话,说话声音还特别大,I can't work anymore!
% o7 ?3 H/ Y' B" s. M- D* g2 v/ e  M:我知道,在隔间的情况下,说话都得小声。Whether you are on the phone or have someone in you cubicle, speak softly.
# f& m/ O+ W; A( o, G- p  C:隔间没有门,但这并不等于谁都可以随时闯进来呀!中 华 考 试 网- L" l3 h6 W( Z# B# q! c
  M:No, no one should think they can barge in whenever they want. 每个人都应该象你刚才那样,先问我有没有时间后才进来。I wish everyone was as courteous as you。
: o# \$ L6 X# ~% @) _: T  C:Thank you,Mary。我知道要是有人打断我的工作,我应该对他们说明,但是我又不想让人认为我很不友好。
% m% L5 U9 V6 ^) @2 v6 ^  M:不会的。要是正在你忙的时候有同事来找你,你可以说你现在正忙,和他约好一个时间再谈。: h' N% |" s: Y$ u+ w& k9 S( r' r5 [
  C:That's a good idea。Thank you, Mary。我得回去工作了。% v" t/ Q- x5 y$ M( k  C$ b
/ |% {5 A  e4 O& n2 ]3 v) k, }  M:Hi, 陈豪。好几天没见你啦。还有人来打搅你吗?
2 [/ z7 L( w2 ]% h/ k7 F  C:我按照你说的去做,一切都很好。 可是还有....* J1 S8 W3 r( r) f* O! f
' m, R0 J. \0 }' X1 O0 ~  C:有时候有人来找我,我正在打电话,可来人居然站在旁边不走。That's annoying and distracting to me。
5 H& V9 F4 T+ s- F% r# p  M:对这样的人,我有个办法,就是只当没看见他;背对著他。 That usually does the trick and they leave。1 R) Q7 a- P# F( n& H4 \+ s+ V
& d! l" r* m7 |1 |8 k  M:I think my neighbor is munching on potato chips。陈豪, let's go lunch!
8 }  x, Z; n- \# f( i+ \  C: 在cubicles里工作看来真是要十分小心。
* e- F+ Q) q' f$ P9 l; u) B  M:Right. Working in cubicles can be challenging. Just because an office doesn't have a door does not mean you can barge in anytime you please. You need to ask permission before entering someone's cubicle. If a colleague is on the phone, you should come back later. It is a simple matter of respecting the privacy of others.

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