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[商务实战] 商务实战:024 The continental and American Table Manners

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 h! x. r/ E7 `3 l# ~8 M* B& L, S  (Office ambience)
" u# E# H( K9 g2 H6 Z  C:Hi, Amy. 我有几个问题想请教你。   U+ l" \* n* O2 G
  A:Of course, what about? & L, Q: f8 t+ ^7 C$ n: K
  C: Table manners. 具体说,我想知道用刀叉有哪些讲究。 % A2 P. Z( P$ }/ h6 _) [# D) D& w
  A: So you are having trouble figuring out the correct way to eat Western style?
3 |" A* @) g- i5 d% ?  C:没错。每次出去吃饭,我都会犯怵,总要等别人先动手,然后跟着学,可总是不得要领。
: C4 e6 E# i) H2 {6 E$ r  A:Well, for one thing, there are only two correct styles of eating that the Americans use, but some people eat however it suits them.
1 R( z7 R& \* a3 S- s% q/ M  C:既然美国人都那么随便,那我怎么用刀叉,是不是也就无所谓了呢?
2 f9 e/ {- F# F4 b8 w1 B& |; D: p0 n9 B  A: 你要是想成功,还是应该注意饭桌上的规矩,because how you handle getting food to your mouth is a big part of your professional image.
4 a2 `2 s/ l# w  C: 你说得也对,那到底该怎么使用刀叉呢? + i$ ?$ _% c' z% |- N1 o
  A:The two correct styles of eating are the American and the Continental style.
& ^; L0 m" T0 k2 [+ E" D) Z) ?  C:一种是美国式,一种是大陆式。你就地给我演示一下行吗。等我去借几把刀叉来。
: m- `4 o* I$ v. T3 B  A:Better yet, let's go to the New York Grill after work and practice in an authentic American restaurant. ' C. c8 v# O5 B& s* v5 K+ E
5 f6 b" P* ]9 @/ ~8 D' x. C  ******
  o3 b1 o, J1 C; D: v6 s  C:Amy,先教我美式吧。 0 d0 P" `+ W6 p
  A:With the American style, you hold the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right hand to cut your meat or vegetables. & ^5 T8 M* D$ u# @
% v* S/ P8 M% F' v% z  A:Then you place the knife on the top of your plate with the blade facing in. Next you transfer the fork to your right hand. ( j; ]0 k& g9 ]
  C:等等,切完了把刀放在盘子上,刀刃儿冲里,然后再把叉子从左手换到右手上。 9 S0 N, Y3 [, D/ P) s2 @
  A:Now with the fork in your right hand, you take the food to your mouth with the fork tines up. , Y5 ^& |  A1 Z1 n2 K: Q$ A
  C:Tines是什么? / G2 \- S0 u; a1 @0 r1 o9 O: p3 i; P
  A:Times是叉子的尖。 9 e7 h% L! V! K" ]) m
- Q9 Y$ Y' S0 {% m( U  A:切食物的方法是一样的。The difference is that you keep the fork in your left hand to take the food to your mouth but with the tines down.
" R& ]8 j. ^; M7 I  C:所以说唯一的区别是,叉子不换到右手上,一直是左手拿叉,吃的时候叉子的尖儿冲下。What do I do with my knife?  2 M  a2 n9 r5 ~. O4 n
  A:You can continue to hold it in your right hand since you aren't switching the fork over. Just keep it close to your plate.
# T; Z7 T& `( H8 S" J  C:如果想放下,是不是也要刀刃冲内,放在盘子上呢? 1 ?$ ^; W/ u# }# j, z+ a
  A:没错。Food is cut the same way for both American and Continental styles, fork in the left hand and knife in the right hand.
! I3 R0 e, w$ r* Y# v  C:我记住了,谢谢你Amy.

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