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[商务实战] 商务实战:049 Best Behaviors in the Office

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 G+ ]6 Q0 y4 m! _  (Office ambience) & G1 b. f* u9 }( }* u
  A:Hi Chen Hao. How are you today?
8 x5 z/ f% @! _) O- Z. d  C:出于礼貌,我也许应该说I am fine. 但实际上我正在气头上呢。
3 ?) c7 ~4 ^+ Q5 L8 d: C# L/ D3 H: E  A:What's wrong? 1 l8 B0 Z0 T- C; s
  C:马上要开会,我来复印一些资料,结果复印纸一张都没了,也不知道谁用完的,也不续上。 * w/ O/ o! @9 p7 w# e
  A:That happens all too often, and it is aggravating - especially when you are short on time, which I guess you are.
3 g* F. D+ C+ j" I4 @  C:不仅如此,复印室里乱七八糟,剪刀、订书机,什么都找不到,地上还到处都是纸。
$ |/ W# k$ Q  \. n% d  A:This might be a good subject to bring up at our next team meeting. It's hard to work together successfully if we aren't considerate of one another. 4 l: E4 C7 Y# _4 |3 I# W4 x
  C:要说在办公室里只顾自己不顾别人的事情,我能说出一箩筐。 ) p5 Q4 n9 |- ]% @
  A:I bet we all could, but I would like to see you propose what actions people could take to create harmony and facilitate a good working environment. ' q4 g* d( S) A, ^7 J& F' H
  C:你说的没错,光抱怨没用,得提出些积极的建议。我得赶紧去把这些资料印了,马上要开会了。一会儿午饭时见。% w7 Z& ?( O# }, F
' Q: A" s) {2 H. N4 \) B  陈豪中午跟Amy一起吃饭。 ( I/ w! O. Q0 P; e
  A:So Chen Hao tell me what other issues are on your mind. ) `$ D' c0 G4 B" A% i
/ [, f( B5 u, `* S. e  A:It shouldn't matter how urgent your project is, the considerate thing is to let someone know about the problem even if you don't have the time or ability to solve it.
# J0 x; _) s4 U& J- b* {' d1 n& c2 c  C:对呀,没时间起码可以通知办公室主管,找别人把纸加上。还有啊,用完了剪刀和订书机,应该马上放回原处。
8 Y% q5 p% j- v) A  A:You are right. It's everyone's job to clean up after themselves and put things back where they belong.
5 L5 Y! x% W( M* t0 r/ E! g  C:另外还有,不管是谁用完复印机,都应该将复印机的设置复原。这样能省别人很多麻烦。 $ W1 Q: d+ P" _! v
; d! E; V( f" c7 b9 Y& Y* F  A:Not at all. You are learning by experience the steps you can take to make your co-workers' jobs easier and more productive. Everyone benefits when we work together. & }3 d) K5 H; l
$ x7 G3 ~5 `# \  n# ~5 p  ?  A:We should ask to have time on the agenda for discussing copy room issues. The three most important would be (1) refill the paper tray when you finish a job; (2) if there is no more paper, let the appropriate person know; and (3) put things back where they belong.

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