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[商务实战] 商务实战:059 How to Order at the Business Dinner

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 v/ Y! n  o; ?- }4 W2 x  (Office ambience)
& ^! U" i/ B/ J; W  A:Chen Hao, you've been attending a lot of business dinners lately. Didn't your team go out again last night with the clients?
; s# W8 K+ J$ ?0 R& {/ s; w  C:没错。我老板Mr. Brown决定请客人到附近刚开张的那家法国餐馆去吃饭。
1 \. C& |7 u; i- _  A:How did it go?
2 E- A& q: a: t1 \/ @0 `. H+ `  C:饭菜的味道确实不错,但是有个客人很失态。
* u  @  [0 ~5 B: z2 y0 D  A:What do you mean?: t; p( G8 ?0 z
8 w; O$ S' N, v3 Y+ g6 r7 [2 i  A:What did the others do?
3 L  S1 U! a) {( Y* U7 y4 f" Q  C:其他人点的都是中等价位的,我也一样。4 J$ }; _+ d/ ~8 r) I6 S
  A:This client sounds as if she could use some business etiquette training. Unless Mr. Brown suggested that you all order certain pricey dishes, she should have chosen something moderately priced.
6 x8 w" ~4 o+ |) E  C:我觉得也是。除非主人坚持,否则客人应该点一些普通的菜才对。# Q2 ^# k/ _6 ]" z, @% ^
  A:It's rude to take advantage of your host like that. This client is not very savvy about business dining.  W  m: X  k- A
  C: Savvy是什么意思啊?
2 v  Z1 M) r0 u- X$ j" i3 q& X  A:Savvy means having knowledge and experience.: a. {% H$ z  \6 y
  C:这个客户确实不懂礼貌,而且还不只这些呢!2 V9 Q! |( @4 Q' Z2 G5 N- W
  A:Let's head back to the office now. You can tell me on the way.$ a8 P) S0 C6 L. R
, Q0 [1 J7 |3 U% W+ X  陈豪和Amy两人一起往回走。! b. F8 I: {9 I' @5 y
  A:So there is more to this story?* Q  B& G& ^  X) v, q7 o8 X3 N9 ~
3 I3 G4 J$ w5 t6 z; [7 |; \2 Y  A:Like what?
7 i2 o! M( o1 s: ]7 y  C:从汤开始,然后是头台、沙拉,主菜,最后还有特制的甜点,一样不少。8 Z* w- V6 y$ t& f/ q" F/ d  n) ]
  A:What did everyone else do?! Y- w: n: W' [3 {) ?, R
  C:Mr. Brown虽然吃得很少,但也只好跟着她一道菜一道菜地点。) Y, Y6 {) J- S/ t' A# a# z; [
  A:He was doing the correct thing as host by ordering the same as the client.# x& g  a! r- [' R9 t
! x/ w- u! {& g  A:When someone orders appetizers or other dishes in addition to the entrée, it is polite for others to order the same courses.
! m4 X% u- _: c7 x! N4 e  C:那又是为什么呢?2 L& o, |, j& `
  A:That keeps the pace of the dinner even and avoids the awkwardness of one person eating a course by herself.
; o8 `& U( w1 B  {+ ?6 _- x( |* g  C:如果没有别人点汤的话,那个客户自己吃的时候一定会觉得很尴尬。
! |( L$ L( c. Q  A:At an informal dinner, some people have soup while others may select a different appetizer to have at the same time. Everyone should have an equal number of courses.
  x6 M. g0 D+ h0 [* Z1 V3 h& Z  C:那作为请客的主人,在饭桌上能做些什么呢?
. R' X/ z3 Y3 u& r  A:Simple. The host can say, "Why don't we all have an appetizer?" Or he could ask, "Would anyone like something to start with?"* J4 k2 u! S5 M( X7 g4 ]
  C:这样一来,你就能知道自己是不是唯一想点头台的人了。' W6 p7 o7 k% j/ C5 s+ m
  A:Right. If no one else has a starter course, then you don't either./ ^0 x1 _# K  u1 F  h

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