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[综合辅导] 商务英语考试写作讲议:第二讲(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  M1 n4 J6 w/ r级别
- [3 U5 c& D/ ^1 {9 u) D 4 t) A2 _0 [/ ]; V- h/ u9 z
第一部分分数 * J# y( @) F! R
- |! z' s! ]. v9 B+ c5
7 _; J0 q5 U/ B& |全部完成答题要求
/ I, a7 Q+ @3 e( Z3 h& J所有内容点都已包括在内并在答题要求允许的情况下加以发挥 语言规范、自然;错误最少,均属小错。 多样化的语言结构和丰富的词汇量。 组织效果好,注意前后呼应。 语域和格式完全适当。 给读者的印象极佳。
& z) ?# R2 v8 u/ o* T0 ]  D) [9或10分
: x! y8 B# K: D, n$ p1 y' J18或20分 . }1 I! A  ]) e. D5 i
43 ?+ i+ }/ v  q+ o
. y# F. h* K- K6 B所有内容点都处理得不错。 大体准确;运用复杂语言时有错误。 结构合理,用词准确。 大体上组织较好,注意逻辑关系。 语域和格式总体来说适当。 给读者的印象良好。 + ?, g- B' O. \$ A: w
. j% x5 b5 M3 Q; o! y' N14或16分 4 O  ?7 f) h7 e8 r, y/ a
3$ I* ^/ L/ r) \8 y# x
2 i  h' g: _7 Q. E" d6 K+ a所有的主要内容点已包括进去,遗漏了一些次要的内容。 出现一些错误,但不妨碍交流。 结构和词汇掌握范围适度。 组织和安排总的来说令人满意。 语域和格式尚可,虽然并不完全成功。 给读者的印象较好。 . l) `% r) d# C( h0 m: ]! f* B, K& q
5或6分 + y3 x& h( j, C6 _
( d! s0 w( G* P% n2- T2 q; `0 @+ g
8 s- j) d) ]1 e4 {* J4 X遗漏了一些主要的内容点或者处理得不充分,可能有些不切题。 有时错误影响清楚交流,错误较多,使读者感到迷惑。 结构、词汇掌握范围有限。 内容条理不清、不连贯,造成理解困难。 语域和格式不适当。 给读者的印象不佳。 2 D5 R( b! Y9 |2 J
8 Y3 E6 z4 L# N6或8分
  Y/ n6 G5 r7 z0 J1" C& E/ W5 Q! n$ p: W0 _
未能达到答题要求   K$ D  k/ `9 H# o7 d" H" W  ?, S0 y
显著的内容遗漏/或大量内容不相关,可能由于对题目要求的误解。 严重不规范,经常出现基本错误。 题目要求的结构和词汇几乎没有提到。 缺乏组织,造成交流失败。 几乎没有使用适当的语域和格式。 给读者的印象极差。
( p# j9 i& g1 p" R  b: s1或2分
& D5 E! C% G- A* H' f$ t5 K0 i& Z1 u2或4分
# W, s$ s8 }0 h0* t( q% M; G; I! H# |7 }
什么要求也没达到。字数少于所需字数的25%,或是完全不能辨认或是完全不切题。 ' |' Y5 ?7 E& J4 T
0 g3 e5 q; }4 P/ D3 w0分 " F1 h) Q- L( E" W
  评分的五个方面:/ s2 V; ?8 m1 Z/ P! z, \1 M
  1 content7 w7 _( k: j- s' {2 i" C0 z
  2 language
, J# M7 x' k" C5 i9 }4 P' G  3 structure & vocabulary
! m  b- [( N! X1 I  4 organisation
9 ^6 n% r0 e, x  展开论述上面的5个方面:6 [$ E5 c6 s- \$ e( L: a0 l
  1. 内容的完整性5 [  u9 E- J4 f: S7 x# ^
  2. 语言3 I* `8 |' L/ e6 j5 k* {( h3 d0 p
, P  k$ D! N( G: H6 @  1.准确(correctness)
! o% _7 x# P# ~+ M& [2 B. [  包括四层意义,即阅读人能理解、接受的英语水平;使用精确措词,传达准确信息;正确地使用语法和标点符号;拼写正确。8 s7 i! m1 Q' Q4 V, m
5 y; C- r3 F9 W2 D: E  请比较下面两组例词:. t" L* s; l( h0 }
          Formal# @( r3 `! [1 w" z* {- j& N
) T' c* ]" Z4 U2 s" lapproximately
$ ~7 a# `2 A7 ^inquire / ^: y: l. \$ o1 c% `
3 |1 a6 |/ }2 y3 J: Tobtain
/ m) {- ?% Q( ^assist ) J5 C+ `8 |6 L! o$ c2 O6 ~
. [( z- S4 s+ a; x0 H( r5 h& wconstruct
4 f. w, y! k) m: S$ ^purchase  
4 B( D, A: d* V5 v+ Scontribute  5 g8 o9 z* c; K8 o) A
$ [  l& T  t% ?/ D( ndifficult   U7 j! R6 o: T/ y7 B9 E
. F! w$ R) l5 f0 {! H7 ~About/ j" O5 W' ~3 L4 P
Ask. g: w& u7 v5 L( z
find out5 `" i/ Q( X3 C1 ?$ z
7 M  _$ `$ H( r* ?0 i% fhelp
# z1 w, T; |5 Y) A3 pshare! W# Q/ \9 A2 L+ c( _
build3 d4 y1 _4 g/ @" a1 _* s( ~2 d
! \* z8 c* |, {5 t5 tgive7 `$ W! U' @0 _% [
enough6 [& |  }! R; o6 }& Z' G7 [7 i. S
hard$ g1 a3 D- F, V9 a" V- Y; Z! p
use6 I$ U3 q/ y1 F" {) e% w7 U, x
  (2)准确的措词和信息 ! Y& Q. B$ q5 a( D
" {* \/ e( V! i7 T; ^! X  a lot / allot3 T/ w. k# t) p( v- r6 _
  all right / alright
  G% j! m/ J3 B- d  i+ P3 w  cannot / can not
0 X) M* ]# ]9 z, ~  different from / different than
( b2 c8 G0 a2 n  . due to / because of
* ]1 b; S, n. {2 G9 p/ _% [  effect / affect" |3 F0 E/ Y) K
  fewer / less
& n- x9 K( `6 f5 h+ ~  lie / lay3 b8 F! x. I" F4 @7 D2 W, ]
  principal / principle
5 _0 p* Y4 k) f2 M: G  that /which
% |$ `8 Q! T. Z2 f) N% h9 o. ]  E  their / them / they' re4 {' O* Y' g4 \$ f2 m% K3 d
  wait for / wait on; X6 k1 j1 }6 ~# v$ X! |
  who / whom
* x! y$ }( z6 V- p) `  (3)正确的语法和标点符号
( o7 F. T/ T5 n  W* e  (4)正确的拼写
. `+ r8 Y: m( K  2.清楚(Clarity)   
3 d4 G  B: Y: m2 Z$ y* r6 U9 r6 M  (1)逻辑布局(Logical Organization)
1 Q5 j" j& S' ?, u: A  常用的逻辑布局方法包括:   
0 i: C4 ^' W: ~4 X  ①因果关系(Cause & Effect)
; e3 w9 b  F' i- @3 [, _  ②时间顺序(Chronological Development)
1 N: ]* u& C: G) P  ③序列顺序(Sequential Development)4 w. s/ ]" y5 G/ c1 z
; D  v. M  e4 O% G  ⑤一般到特殊(From General to Specific)  
. k* a! ]$ V& G' `- F- b  ⑥特殊到一般(From Specific to General)* x3 J  B. M, l; R) Q
  (2)合理构架句群与段落(Well-Written Sentences & Paragraphs)
. s+ N8 o0 ^. Q$ ~4 I5 H  例句:   
/ D  ~8 F& W; H+ w& `' L7 }( U  i  修改前: Marshall Corporation was founded forty years ago, and it now has branch offices in four states, and it employs nearly 400 individuals.) b* I, \2 L1 ]4 J' x( Y; J  ?$ ]
  修改后: Marshall Corporation was founded forty years ago. With branch offices in four states, it now employs nearly 400 individuals./ ?& _$ ^: D2 {  A4 ]
  (3)统一性与一致性(Unity and Coherence)
9 ?4 |0 r7 j. ]8 P  (4)强调(Emphasis)
6 v# ]- v9 W+ R# i+ U8 j1 G8 n  ①位置) e/ n( a8 a  h& C% F/ @
! Z" N; C9 O) V, w* N6 V+ ]4 V  ③数量
' R7 J1 l2 n$ W- [  ④技巧1 X% u3 b# d# M  _: X5 h0 A) ~
  (5) 将句中关系紧密的词尽量靠近。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  比较下面三对句子:  b6 a- U! m0 S' a( D* O6 b
  A. They bought a bicycle in Beijing in a small shop which costs $ 25.00.
' C3 i' S: c* W; F& ]: r4 o  J    They bought a bicycle for $25.00 in a small shop in Beijing.
( U6 Z8 C, s3 o. j) U7 p  B. He was warned not to drink water even in a restaurant which had not been boiled.  h5 |: j7 r; t; V, h0 f
    He was warned not to drink water which had not been boiled.8 D% E2 [. {4 M2 T; r: U
  C. Those who work rapidly get ill in these conditions.
+ n) k9 U! w- U3 }. R8 T    Those who work in these conditions rapidly get ill.
9 J( f1 k/ ^- C$ ^  (6) 避免在同一个句子中使用意义不同的同一个字。
; {7 L  ~4 b: Z8 |8 T* X  G  We shall take a firm line with the firm.
5 F  L6 v; R0 |. U7 t( P' h0 P  We shall take a strong line with the film.
1 C' n& U% ^0 F0 z2 r( t  r& R  3.简洁(Conciseness)
/ Z; A1 u' ~: `. @, B: j& K4 ?% C  A. We have begun to export our machine to countries abroad.- F" o" x* @1 k( V& v" s2 H: E( k
    We have begun to export our machines.3 ~  ^9 M: `; s9 x7 b! ^) |
  B. In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule.7 m4 [$ K+ P/ p5 _) f
    If you speak to Mr. Wood about production, ask him to consider the delivery schedule.2 ^; k$ @+ [! N1 [. D) s9 E
  C .We require furniture which is of the new type.) w: t. V' U6 d7 S
    We require new-type furniture.
" ]% G, u5 a2 ?2 D  (1)使用简洁的语言(Use simple language)7 L; W  I2 C1 Z# f1 L
  尽量使用      避免使用7 S, e& z5 u* u  _; h
  please       will you be good enough to
% C% ?7 _7 t8 v) q+ k+ Q- u7 w  prefer       express a preference for
" l( l! k: X; j5 s) s! m  }/ n/ [; g  because       for the reason that
* `3 e# m6 G- R1 Y- j1 s; f) O- I  (2) 少用陈词滥调(Omit trite expressions)& s' P6 B' a- `& M6 t
  as the case may be/ J" }% z" R+ |6 O
  it has come to my attention0 W9 x2 E  w. \7 H' w) g$ e4 ~
  at an early age, B$ m7 ~' {) H6 m3 s" f# E  V" v
  avail yourself of this opportunity
( y8 u  |% d, O  previous to5 {2 E2 I' t& c
  crack of dawn' @6 e& z- t5 |9 B; V) g+ ]' G: n
  pursuant to your request
3 ], }1 f3 Y# T' E2 z4 P  take the liberty to
# e6 U1 h) }! l4 G( O, f- g! v& X  due to the fact that2 e7 `$ E0 a0 h% V' V0 |1 F5 [
  thanking you in advance
- A6 @% l3 q5 @7 l+ r  enclosed herein
; W, s& A/ T+ P' Z" ]) H3 s  this is to inform you
* @6 c6 {( l& Q1 Z$ Q0 y7 A8 ~  under separate cover, l$ C; ^/ V; q/ Y# L, d# v
  with kindest regards
2 ~  G9 b' m2 ]9 ]  I wish to state
+ f# K" G, [! Z  (3) 避免冗长的表达方式和不必要的重复(avoid wordy expressions & unnecessary repetition)。$ ^+ k3 ~1 y: S/ L$ j
   Wordy                           Concise  O% s& K& x7 H# f% u
  1. We would like to                   please. y8 P1 T! F( u8 ?$ x8 A: m
  2. For the month of August                for August
7 D& }; J! W. q  `. G( }! F  3. Pursuant to the end of this week           now6 h3 Q$ u2 Y. N+ J/ E! k  U1 x4 z
  4. A long period of time                 a long time8 k9 ^7 }) q( J3 _
  5. At this time                     now
2 [$ T7 @) T0 @$ \3 ^" A! v) ]  6. Is at this time                    is3 K/ n1 W' v( M1 C% S4 e
  7. The weight was higher than              the weight was greater than
. r1 `" S4 c! _1 o' T' Z* H  8. I expected it to be                  expected0 W" O0 n) a0 D4 f" _
  9. During the year of 1995                during 1995# J' k; _! z7 Y4 h! x
  10. For the development of                for developing
. ^, u- j1 l, Q8 |  11. In the city of Dallas                in Dallas9 `4 c3 f" O9 Q: I+ D! N: M
  12. The problem was that the car would not        the car would not start 1 V. c! j( C# o8 Z1 L, U- v% b% I
. m8 H: S7 b* O3 l/ W* C, t  13. Square in shape                   square. {+ ~$ T4 z6 N( F$ d
  14. in accordance with your request           you requested
1 m* \! k* p1 Y$ g; I# @( F  15. Sign on the front of this form            sign this form0 T8 ?! ]4 c" W+ }( F( i" R
  16. During the time that                 while
1 @( m6 F3 F8 X7 W  17. Consensus of opinion                 we agree5 S# Y/ t4 ~  R
  18. Remember the fact that                remember
+ a! I" d& W- U+ v* X2 G- e' D# [4 @  19, Held a meeting                    met
( M: G6 z/ I3 J% z  20. this is the situation at this time          now
, _) Z$ A4 Q* k' g7 H0 o$ Q, ~7 Q% U  (4)删改无关紧要的成份(Remove unneeded facts) # \; j( O, M+ H0 t  F) {
  A. It should be noted that this is the best we can do,
4 H" s- v8 @+ U4 H" A2 c' T4 e  B. For your information we enclose a catalogue.7 i. I% o- t. S2 ?# C
  C. Please be advised that we have received your invoice.
4 C. w0 i9 C& b  J  1. as soon as possible             by July 10
9 t% ~& e7 C( |* u& n$ k5 ?, H/ U1 g  2. as you indicated in your letter       as you indicated. k" G( ?" J2 o3 p+ k
  3. at all times                always
& X2 H$ J0 b5 X% G  4. at this time                 now
! `4 Q: ~' x8 \7 _  5. continue to utilize the old form until   start using the new form on February
) b& l3 ]% D& a+ p8 }   such time as the new form is available    ) S8 \8 o' o1 j$ c+ R
  6. despite the fact that            despite' _# J% [) \) o( T( t& ?
  7. for the month of April            for April9 M. s) A# c! ^- a
  8. for obvious reason that           because
% E. c3 J8 s' e( S! e  9. I would ask that you             please: N. y" x( G9 R
  I0. in conjunction with             with
4 ~% l/ Y6 q( Z- @  11. in the mere recent past           recently
" M+ g9 Q7 K/ T2 ~; U  12. in the unlikely event that         if
) S8 F# \5 L+ G; t' Z  13. in the unlikely event that I am unable to  if I am late, please delay the meeting
% |( w5 ^9 F& a9 R    be on time, please delay the meeting' ?. A, Z; U& y8 H$ h
  14. in view of the fact that          because
4 T; [) d0 w2 ~8 [* c  15. it will be greatly appreciated if you    please- h# n& H" [- ~6 c2 U5 F" @9 C
  16. our production of the new product will  production will begin on July 1% T& e, s2 `: x& W- t, c5 e. q" E
    commence on July 1- A* h8 b: d6 ?! E1 ^4 k8 X, \
  17. please be advised that we expect you to   please review the contract
9 M' G# B3 E' u: ~8 n' t: g    review the enclosed contract
% {) I5 u2 P7 L& K: [2 ~6 Q1 ]* E  (5)多使用主动语态的句子结构以明确表达意思。
( T/ T5 g  s, Z- K* H. S  Payment of their accounts will be made by Johnsons next week.
! F5 X1 m& C# W  C4 s: }5 E  Johnsons will pay their accounts next week.
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