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[综合辅导] 商务英语辅导:关于价格协商的口语

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. What’s the wholesale price?what’s the retail price?批发价是多少?零售价是多少?
  z' Y! w2 j+ \4 ]; r  ]$ J& C' q- s+ W  2. Can you give me a price discount ?能不能给我打折?
0 U7 \% j/ |) `  3. I’ll give you half way,ok? 我让你一半,怎样?; n2 D2 m% m7 B. ]2 H$ R! p* @
  4. How much would you like it to be?你想出什么价?
  U0 N3 G' g, q  5. Can it be cheaper?还可以便宜点吗?1 W4 I/ x* {7 B9 Y: A5 x$ X
  6. It is a small deal,can’t go cheaper.这个是小生意,不可以再便宜了。
! e: o! j- Z, p9 K( o  S  7. It is almost at cost.这几乎是成本价。# R9 v5 [: _3 e) x: R$ K4 D
  8. We’ll reduce the price if your order is large.假如你们的订货量大,我们可以减价。6 }. C1 ^. S  T' R4 e
  9. The size of our order depends on your price.我们订的数量取决于你们的价格。) U/ d% w0 B% K! R% w0 h" p
  10.There is no profit at this price.这个价我们没利可挣。
2 x$ L  K& n) `  ^: b  11. I am sure I will sell it to you if there are profit.如果这个价有点挣,我一定卖给你。3 X  Q# _# F# @  Q1 L
  12. Can we meet each other half way?能不能互作让步?9 R% t. C* _4 ]* T2 w, F# e+ i
  13. This is the most popular style and this is named brand.这是现在最流行的款式而且是名牌货。  {# e* x& o7 P' X/ i  X: A$ S
  14. It is a real,not a fake.这是正宗货,不是假货。
8 I% r+ \* C. V4 b# U# I4 Y  15. Take it or leave it.要不要由你。

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