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[综合辅导] 商务英语辅导:历年BEC考试商贸常用词汇系列八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  dual purpose exports 军民两用品出口$ k( {$ P+ V& i$ l1 j
  dual-use goods and technology 军民两用产品和技术9 A+ j& R: x; E; h1 R
  NAFTA North American Free Trade Area 北美自由贸易区9 |- Q2 K3 i9 L- C
  global quota 全球配额8 B& _) m- d1 X8 ]
  grandfather clause 祖父条款
& D' D" B+ t& z; z! K  Animal-derived food 动物源食品- l$ f! N8 t, B5 `
  EVSL (Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization) 部门提前自愿自由化& v  `( W  B, d/ A: n. m- J  v' H5 P
  TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation) 贸易和投资自由化和便利化4 D/ O  {& v. |. b
  international settlement 国际清算. d6 Q$ j; h2 r) {# O+ F1 i+ i
  commercial, residential and public utility construction 商住和公益设施建设! y7 J4 }6 w/ w$ I" N6 g
  increase employment opportunities; create jobs in every possible way; open up more channels of employment 广开就业门路
/ P; w3 ?6 m# o8 F# F. i) G  ^' I" {  free floating exchange rate; variable exchange rate 自由浮动汇率& u9 q- N2 V: d  o& |
  capital account 资本项目/ E4 E9 C7 M+ U/ V- `% }# m3 X
  current account 经常项目) T. v0 v( J/ R0 o- D% Z7 X
  overcome differences and seek common ground 求同存异6 b9 P1 U. ~. l) j+ W% H, [2 ]
  anti-fake label 防伪标志
, X4 H4 w1 w( F4 u  export-oriented industry 出口创汇型产业
' R: X! o( q) U1 l; E, D- ?( i2 R  revitalize stock assets 盘活存量资产
  s9 V2 w+ B, U+ p  competitive bidding 竟价投标) a% R; M0 p& ^7 N
  negotiated bidding 协议投标6 ?, Y0 x! `0 i0 X- Q' D
  horizontal merger 横向兼并
2 K* \+ }  K4 p, V8 q# L& o/ K  vertical merger 垂直兼并( W' d& t; G* i; r% ^- R
  junk financing 垃圾融资
5 w0 p& J. D5 Q, L  money market 货币市场$ U8 j! R! z% e, t# c# f
  reporting system; income declaration system 申报制度

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