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[综合辅导] 商务英语辅导:初级考试词汇练习题(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
选出最符合句意的一个单词.( [1 l5 T) O/ m( |7 C/ ^
1 We need a great (  ) of coal for this coming winter.
. d3 w% W2 J5 U. p3 Ia.empire b.pit c.bubble d.bulk9 V$ b/ f  X' i: @* [
2 To his great (  ) he passed the examination easily.
$ r8 V! u( l: a  h6 aa.delight b.despair c.faculty d.convenience, |7 C; I! s# {0 E
3 There was not enough (  ) to prove his guilty of crime.2 B( b! y' }. o7 }8 M2 l# `7 N
a.faculty b.evidence c.conflict d.police
& B9 ?: m& t" ?- p! i4 Though he didn't have much money to give,he was very (  ) with his money.
; Q8 t3 R. [/ s: \8 @& v7 Y- pa.curious b.magnificent c.generous d.neutral
! T2 p; r: {% f5 They built a (  ) in memory of Abraham Lincoln.
+ p2 w1 d4 m# \2 Ha.monument b.cemetery c.freight d.majesty
0 {  }' d* J9 K6 b1.正确答案:d 题目翻译:冬天来了我需要一大堆的煤.3 X9 _- W0 D9 s9 d* {
, f2 W, S, j0 ?! }& N7 H: ~$ K2.正确答案:a 题目翻译:他轻松的通过了考试让他非常高兴.
% x, h' d- ]5 H5 r' L, v选项翻译:a.高兴b.消失d.能力c.方便
' J2 |  V9 O+ c7 j: }' c9 Z- b3.正确答案:b 题目翻译:没有足够的证据证明他犯了罪.% E4 G. c& ~! r8 N) i2 Q
选项翻译:a.能力b.证据c.斗争d.警察4 M/ s8 @5 e5 S, N  \' a& `' `( M
4.正确答案:c 题目翻译:尽管他没有多少钱给,但他对钱还是很慷慨的.
& h6 V- q0 j/ E  u) g9 R4 C: T选项翻译:a.好奇的b.壮丽的c.慷慨的d.中立的* A) Y6 [, B0 N* y5 w
5.正确答案:a 题目翻译:他们为纪念林肯建造了纪念碑.
* ~' l2 u4 y7 \9 ~6 x/ |' Y选项翻译:a.纪念物b.仪式c.货物d.庄严的- q$ l$ b4 h, B* t4 s1 I
8 Y0 i- d  T  Z4 q& G) E1. It is r(  )e to say you don't like hot food, when she spends so long preparing it. 不礼貌的8 C/ V/ _5 E" j7 D/ ^) C) d. T* _
2. He seemed to s(  )n women and never married. 藐视
$ A+ p$ s! q/ a  Z) z3. He becomes very t(  )e when he gets drunk. 多话的6 q0 Y3 @( K& E0 V1 n; E- z
4. His a(  )e toward school changed from dislike to great enthusiasm. 态度外语学习网
6 r- o. Z/ L5 d" {$ e) h5. He is a memeber of the college f(  )y. 教职员
" c2 x0 i: N( o# ?4 U0 i/ n1. 正确答案:rude 题目翻译:当她花了很多时间准备,你说不喜欢热的食物是粗鲁的.
5 i& f& l+ G+ K( y8 ?$ [" {2. 正确答案:scorn 题目翻译:他轻视妇女没有结婚./ V$ b0 R# `5 p/ T' ^: E) H; a
3. 正确答案:talkative 题目翻译:他喝了酒后变得话多了.
9 F0 k6 U" E/ I4. 正确答案:attitude 题目翻译:他对学校的态度从不喜欢到非常热情.
4 {' U, i5 @) v5. 正确答案:faculty 题目翻译:他是一名大学讲师

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