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[综合辅导] 商务英语口语900句(9):要求优惠

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit Nine 要求优惠7 ?/ p% p4 \8 l1 i, z2 w, p" k
  Part I
2 Y. E* {# \) l: Q5 v! h* l# z( o0 K  241. All your quotations are on an FOB Vancouver basis. May I ask if you allow any discount?
- T: {) _. x4 x- C  你方报的都是FOB温哥华价,请问你们给不给折扣?0 _$ M& @1 P, d* ^  R
  242. Isn't it possible to give us a little more discount?0 q8 _! p- Z4 T+ K! r
$ |  @/ b. ^* W% I  243. If you are prepared to give me some allowance, i'll consider placing an order for 10000 doze.
" l$ q0 e: \! `6 B  Q3 D  如果你们愿意减价的话,我可以考虑订购10000打。
0 ]4 G# s' H, _" C. z  X) z/ b9 j3 r  244. Should you be prepared to reduce your price, we might come to terns.+ F9 C6 X9 Q* R3 ^5 ^
  如果贵方准备降价的话,我们也许就能成交。* z9 G5 [6 }5 a# c+ I9 s. p7 O
  245. If I show you an offer lower than yours, would you be able to conclude transaction at that price?
% Z4 J9 V' K% l  如果我告诉你一个比你们低的价格,你愿意以那个价格成交吗?
: m: @/ i4 I" A  246. If the order is substantial one, how much will you come down?0 B7 ^3 f% S5 O" F' F
3 f( P. @8 z# E! ~% {( ]4 E  247. May we suggest that you make some allowance on your quoted prices?
5 A! N! p* J. T4 K  我方能建议贵方的报价降低一点吗?2 y) r( P' k( ^( K; l& J7 X
  248. If we place an order for 2000 dozen up, can you give us a special discount?
! p/ u" |/ w" B/ C% }  如果我方订购2000打以上的话,贵方能否给我们一个特殊折扣?
2 R" j3 D5 X% s# F# l  249. If our order is more than 10000 MT, will you give us an additional 6% commission?- N# o& q/ `( ]  j* k
  如果我方订购1万吨以上的话,贵方能否额外给我们5%的佣金?/ [4 t; o; j1 q" Z
  250. We hope you will allow us come discount on our purchase of 6000 dozen?
9 V& Z" y5 g4 A0 k) l) T9 Z6 ]  我方购买6000打的话,希望贵方能给我方一些折扣。- u7 l2 Y- b) z' u/ h% j; j
  251. We'd like to ask for a reduction in price because of the big size of our order.
9 A3 i6 F' I$ v! a: b& x  鉴于我方的定货量很大,希望能降价。
5 t% U) G3 u7 T1 j$ L  252. Since the present market is so weak, you'll have to lower your price if you want us to increase sales.
+ F" z) l. Q" T: p! e  C  由于目前的市场不那么景气,如果贵方需要我方增加销售量的话,就必须降价。
- x0 N9 p) r/ \  253. We hope to get your best offer for bicycles.# p' s. O9 p) @, q6 M3 d
' J. w1 ?0 w( F& N3 j* p' E  254. We invite quotation of the lowest price.
4 w) P* K: \" T' _3 j  我们恳请报出最低价。$ x$ L( Z" G8 K5 W, j
  255. May we suggest that you could perhaps make some allowance on your quoted prices?" y, T+ \7 Y7 Z8 h0 P( }. l
  我们能建议贵方对所报价格打些折扣吗?) `- H3 L; a) Q- [$ J) B- [
  Part II
5 a# y1 M1 s( |  256. If you reduce the price by 2%, I think we can do 20 MT.
) H5 }: Y& ^: }  如果贵方降价2%的话,我认为我方可以购买20吨。
/ H1 x) \: |- x  257. If possible, we'd like to ask for a reduction of $5.5 per M/T.* H: U3 c" ]! P7 |) z! O& x# y
/ n7 U2 l8 s/ f  A6 o9 W8 e  258. If you are willing to give me a 5% reduction, i'll order 5000 dozen.4 q# U9 i$ b) _9 x0 U( ]( v9 u
  Z; j. J9 b+ f: f. \  ?% n  259. The sugar of French make has been sold at the level of $98 per long ton. If you can reduce your limit by, say 8%, we might come to terms.
8 N3 G! q& H6 b  法国生产的砂糖一直以每长吨98美元销售的,如果贵方能降价的话,比如说8%,我们也许能达成交易。7 [9 t3 R0 F* ]# r: E
  260. We would very much like to place further orders with you if you could bring down your price by 15%. Otherwise we can only switch our requirements to other suppliers.
3 q) U3 l( f# _/ e( \/ E* D4 K  如你方降价5%,我方就很愿意继续向贵方下单,不然的话,我们只得将我方购货要求转向其它货商。8 p8 r6 l# A) i
  261. No one can do business at such unreasonably high prices. You have to cut them down by at least 10%, I'm afraid.8 N. t1 d( U2 N2 O. t
1 V) r+ a& i& j9 ^  J% c% U  262. We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will give us a 5% commission.! o) j) y- Y0 i' X. p0 E8 A8 |# h
* Y: s; n2 E9 E! y  263. Only by cutting the price by more than 10% can more customers be lured to buy your products.2 ^  R1 K% O6 f8 `8 t# s' c2 Q( `
+ r/ h9 h) n9 R  264. We would like to ask for 10% off your offer if our offer is more than 2500 units per season.
$ l" r" I1 `! e  `  如果我方每个季度的订货超过2500套的话,希望报价能打9折。
' k8 O- c6 x; k2 _( Y% ]5 |  265. We hope that you will give us a special discount of 2% if we order more than 10000 sets.
/ A: F, q! |+ m# @' K# Q  如果我方订购1万套以上的话,希望贵方能给予我方2%的特别折扣。$ b4 g/ I! G) a; I( G( j; W1 u
  266. Please make a discount of 5% off the prices in the catalogue.3 J4 b% q- ?2 `/ a! U$ P* M5 }+ y. f
  请按商品目录上的价格打9.5折。中华考试网(www.Examw。com)  R) u% M5 _' q
  267. Hope that you will make at least a 4% reduction on your quotation, or business is not possible." l( v  q5 S  G# e1 S6 P: o8 f$ H
  希望你能将报价至少降低4%,否则无法达成交易。7 @2 H2 z' n2 x6 L6 I* ]1 M
  268. We can accept the goods only at a reduction of 20% on the contract price.) |% h9 f* U% Y- @: {
  我们只能按合同价的8折价格接受货物。# ]; z. m6 _3 k/ y1 W
  269. If you can lower your limit by 5%, business is hopeful.
! O6 d$ t$ \% {  如果贵方能降价5%,成交才有希望。
, K9 V, t/ c4 {+ e8 r. d  270. We will place our order with you if you could lower your price to $1200 Per MT.. L5 ?, a$ S- }4 u! }5 d

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