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[综合辅导] 商务英语口语900句(7):还盘

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part I
$ F% q) @' y0 g' A% h  161. We hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and tell us your decision at your earliest convenience.
& ~) h9 e. ]1 U7 @2 }  我方希望你方能考虑我们的还盘,给出一个最优惠的价格,并在方便的时候,尽早告诉我们你们的决定。, ]( `5 E# [2 k. \, {
  162. We wish you will consider you price and give a new bid, so that there can be a possibility for us to meet halfway.
5 g7 e; k! N- b4 O8 G6 N, }  希望你们能重新考虑你们的价格,报出一个新的价格,这样我们双方才有可能各让半步。4 Z) V! P5 i# p4 [
  163. To accept the prices you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales because the principal demand in or city is for articles in the medium price range.
9 b$ V; U, E3 V/ j0 M  接受你们报价的话,留给我们的利润就不多了,因为我方市场对商品的主要需求是中等价格范围内的货物。! U. x" q& N. N; B: z4 S) w5 V
  164. Your competitors are offering considerably lower prices and unless you can reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.) T4 T. G6 x; ^) j/ q! b0 z
5 y. v6 j" [* i  165. To accept your present quotation would mean a heavy loss to us, not to speak of profit.
# k7 O9 \' X; h- k5 F  如接受你方现报价格,对我方来说是一个重大损失,更不要说利润了。
' N0 r% d0 P, D4 u, y% S6 a  166. I wish to point out that your offers are higher than some of the quotations from your competitors in other countries./ S' P4 \" A, H! G, a' {  n/ ~% ~
  V. U8 `0 z8 T$ C+ Q1 Z% H# h5 M  167. Your price really leaves no margin for reduction whatsoever.
2 @9 [& L' {) y, Y  你们的价格确实没有还价或再减的余地了吗?
* K9 \. s/ D+ c& Q  168. We can obtain the same quality through another channel at a much lower price than that you quoted us.
4 {1 \3 h& I; ?3 t8 B, w3 l5 O  同等质量的货物我们可以通过其它渠道买到,但价格却比你方的报价要低得多。: \/ n1 R- a; u. B' I2 r
  169. There is a big difference between your price and those of your competitors., B2 H) w# |& x. X
9 {, C, f7 \2 N  V- n" y$ I6 q  170. We hope that you will quote us your rock-bottom price, otherwise we have no alternative but to place our orders elsewhere.
5 S0 z6 X1 r$ Y5 m' O  我们希望贵方能向我方报最低价,不然的话我方只能向其它商家下订单。3 L3 d4 ?# o( O) D: i! o$ D
  171. If you insist on your original offer, it will reduce our profit considerably.2 r2 `/ p* J$ r4 b6 E
  如果贵方坚持原来的报价的话,我方的利润就会大幅度地下降。; a+ q9 X; o7 @  b) }
  172. We didn't expect that the discount you offer would be so low.- @; i( {) g6 C+ ?; b6 K! _. q( t
' b9 j( E, D4 ]7 m  173. Your price should be based on the actual situation of our customer.
; S+ [# w, d0 `1 p, t( w  贵方的价格应该按照我方客户的实际情况来确定。
7 B1 C% C% ]- \. H  174. In our market, products of similar types are so many and with such low process that many of our regular customers may switch to other companies, I'm afraid.( A* B: q9 E2 p4 U9 b6 ~
  在我方市场上,同类产品非常之多,价格又那么低廉,恐怕我们的许多老各户会转而购买其它公司的产品。( y( ]# t+ d5 P6 x% k* V6 C4 \
  175. Your offer is not acceptable because we have another supplier offering similar quality products at a 4% discount.6 G1 L' G, F* J
  我公司不能接受贵方的报价,因为有另外一家厂商报同样质量的商品时有4%的折扣。) Q9 h* Z+ H1 Y
  176. Your quotation is by no means favorable with those of other origins.
+ H( @# N. e# [  同其它货源比,贵方的报价显然没有任何优惠之处。
' O8 h7 z+ Z5 a+ M' \" S  177. I'm sorry to say that your prices are about 9% higher than those offered by other suppliers.
5 K  @! b; n$ d+ F  我很抱歉地说,贵方的报价比其它供货商的价格要高出大约9%' A1 i+ ], n  ^7 \$ \
  178. Compared with what is quoted by other suppliers, your price is uncompetitive.
* L, B* D. S" K  同其它供货商所报价格相比,贵方的报价一点也不具竞争性。
0 d0 O! E% L3 _  c4 e; }2 |  179. Your price compare unfavorably with your competitor's.
! H% f% C/ q+ ~/ m  与贵方的竞争对手相比,你们所报价格一点也不占优势。
- b1 V( ~7 i6 L8 a  180. Our counter-offer is well in line with the international market fair and reasonable.
! O# D4 ^4 ]# v  我们的还盘完全符合国际市场的价格水平,公平,合理。$ {$ V+ E6 v  N7 e$ t
  Part II5 M, k6 Q! Z  Q' Z# H5 K  K3 n2 m2 |
  181. Your offer is wider than we can consider.% h: h% C: T% K& o- b
. V( o* y* x; s0 @+ k/ T/ ^$ C8 N  182. We very much regret to state that our end users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level.
7 c. C5 v4 u6 w0 a  我方很遗憾地告知贵方,我方市场的最终客户认为你们的报价太高,偏离了现行市场的价格水平。+ R; G, o# \* e# r. z8 M3 ~
  183. We appreciate the good quality of your goods, but unfortunately we are not going to accept the offer on your terms." B' K3 v5 p7 ~" u* O5 [  Y
) l' N  t+ h* w8 E5 y  184. We find your prices are too high to be acceptable.
/ e: k: p# u. ^  我们发现你方价格太高,我方难以接受。3 v3 T# j8 E# z* h8 ]
  185. We regret to say that your offer is not in the least encouraging.. x8 x1 f2 K2 L
( }6 [. m7 S$ P" T8 v2 h* L- m  186. The quotation submitted by you is too high.0 y0 r) y! [4 M4 h# r8 P. r
- h# |: N6 g$ H* }  187. We regret that it is impossible for us to entertain the bid.
, Z# w9 i- O6 Q$ U  J4 w6 C$ K  很遗憾我们无法接受该报价。
& B. N$ }& X, _3 ~# o0 \' t  188. You're making us pay too high a price. That'll put us in a tight corner.
3 s7 W6 H$ _1 ~  你要的价格太高了,这会使我们很为难。1 S4 Y0 B) S. h" ?3 ?; |/ ^4 \: E
  189. It would be impossible for me to push any sales at such high prices.
  D5 K% c+ n9 j1 h* C: ?  价格如此之高,我无法推销。
7 Q6 j" ?: L" r5 J6 Q  190. Your price is beyond our expectation.
& T3 P/ N# ~) D- M, o/ a  你们的报价超出了我们的预期。
% s3 @8 C9 _" S$ R# Y( J' z; B  191. You should know that the price of the same product should be fixed differently in different markets, but yours is definitely too high in our market.5 l/ f$ X" J+ _  F# W
" p; V3 B6 H; E4 t6 g6 z/ R  192. Your quotation of sewing machines is too high to be acceptable.
0 k; G% ~& d( G% C: X* Z  贵方缝纫机的报价太高,我方不能接受。
( l) o! ~- f& r' b$ Q) g  193. We regret so say that your price is on the high side. We do not think there is any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%
0 L; K: q' \3 g% X  我方很遗憾地告诉贵方,你们的价格太高了,我方认为没有成交的可能性,除非贵方降价20%
' p1 b$ E) d/ T% O! p8 X  194. Your price has gone up so rapidly. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price.- c5 H$ ?+ t- b
  贵方的价格上涨得那么快,以这样一个价格推销产品,对我们来说是不可能的。0 t& I/ M" o: e' N
  195. We regret to say that there is no possibility of business because of your high price.* T6 E+ @2 y" B
  很遗憾,你方价格太高,无法成交。/ e: I& ]7 h5 ?1 S5 N/ K: z' r% J
  196. The price you offered is entirely unworkable.
; W4 a) ?) t4 M% T! Y* n! x: v/ Y  贵方所报价格根本没法做。6 k/ S& x) O- H( J# }
  197. if you hang on to the original offer, business is impossible.
/ o$ {% _$ O1 g9 v  如果贵方坚持原报价的话,生意将无法成交。; ~( b! g* c. B! \% i  h9 R4 i
  198. If you are able to make the price easier, we might take a larger quantity.. Q- ]4 ?5 o! z/ u% {
  如果贵方的报价再低一点的话,我们要的量也许会大一些。4 i! Z" P  {4 }! E
  199. There is little likelihood of concluding business at your price.
  m+ y. L+ z! \/ s2 Q9 G# t6 e; H  以这个价格达成交易几乎没有什么可能。/ ]5 a" x0 ~5 B2 _) S
  200. We think that your offer is not favorable for us to increase the market share on our end.* U4 |  \* X: C' K! j

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