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[综合辅导] 商务英语口语900句(13):请求代理并说明代理理由及代理能力

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part One.
, C+ u  H4 ~! \2 n  I8 ~  351. We want to know if you could point us as your agent for the sale of your green tea.5 I: C) W2 O. I& X' c
  我方想知道贵方可否委托我方代理销售贵方的绿茶。0 h# s1 [) a2 D! N$ v8 {
  352. If you are not already represented here, we should be interested in acting as your sole agent.' Z. J' \. I  \9 V! r
  如果贵方尚未在我方市场上有委托代理的话,我方很有兴趣做你方的独家代理。! A) y: Q; Q" x! l3 N8 n8 W% k
  353. We should like to be pointed as your agent in our country.
( o) p" H+ Z# r3 @! }" o- o# _  我方很希望贵方能指定我方做在我们国家的代理。
7 L  X  d8 d* l4 R9 a) Y  354. We should be glad if you would consider our application to act as agent for sales of your plastic slippers.0 B) X1 ~( t% T& u# [
9 A0 Q2 G0 Z1 \  355. If you none represented you here in London yet, we would like to act as your sole agent.$ E& D8 m3 t* t; ~
3 d8 c) D. |" e  n5 P$ U) G  356. As we have learned from our customer Mr. Harry that you are anxious to extend your activity in our market and you are not represented at present. We would like to recommend our company as a most suitable agent for your products.
. g0 i- {6 r  [( Q6 Q- y6 X8 l0 D  我方从我们的客户亨利先生处得知,贵方急于想在我方市场拓宽业务,但目前还没有代理,作为一家代销贵方产品最合适的公司,我们想作自我推荐。
# N2 y$ u8 y4 O1 j# U% q2 d  357. We are in a good position to be your sole agent.
! x$ t$ e# z& W) ~. c# c1 t& G  我方完全能够做你们的独家代理。
6 t" ^4 _6 z, D/ w3 J! A2 F# k  358. We require the agency in our market for your precision apparatus.; V8 Z1 L3 {% n% }5 t: m. d, ~  k
  我们请求在我方市场代理你们的精密仪器。" u$ ~; F1 u2 \5 v! j6 a
  359. We hoped that you will point our company as the soled distributor in Japan." @. A- x5 b( X: b% B4 `
1 q& U) S$ q( l& {2 B# {! ]  360. You can entrust us with the soled agency for your shirt in our country.3 D# r1 t8 P5 e+ M1 z2 a* @
  贵方可授予我方在我们国家销售贵方衬衫的独家代理权。. s# e5 A, F! ^2 Z: Q( H7 C$ r
  361. We ask to be the sole agent for your clock in our territory.
/ m% i8 \5 d/ t, P, A4 I3 U8 j  我方要求在我方地区独家代理贵方的时钟。1 A& }) z8 L! V- j$ v
  362. We'd appreciated very much if you could give us the opportunity to act for you in this city.
( ]$ R5 S# }+ J6 G* V  如果贵公司能给我方在本市做你方代理的机会,我方会感激不尽的。( f: v4 ?" Z0 L! b0 l
  363. We can represent your chemical products if you agree.
6 U8 [" W+ s. X+ W  如果贵方同意的话,我方可以代理销售你们的化工产品。
- X# F, n2 a; Z- z; G8 @" L8 i& \  364. We'd like to offer our service in the sale of your refrigerators.
/ ~1 z1 f2 ?) ~5 \& F! _$ K; |  我方希望能代理销售你们的冰箱。
. d5 o1 G$ J: k) x, K  365. We shall be very much pleased to act as your sole agent in China for your products.
: l$ }- v. x/ z) g8 J  我们非常乐意担任你方的独家代理,在中国销售你方产品。$ r9 z. t' c, p3 H1 R
  Part Two
' X. K/ t: B' H* q. t  366. We are able to work as your sole agent because we have local knowledge and wide connections.
$ i; L+ H1 ?- I& o1 `8 G/ ^' l& K  我方可以做你们的独家代理,因为我方对当地市场很了解并且有广泛的销售网络。
4 y$ ^$ o2 r" y; H# M: y) b: @  367. We can be a good agent because we have a group of well trained salesman.' Z- r$ i& y- t
9 O8 f, D; k: K  368. If we may have the honor to act as your sole agent in the sale of handy crafts in our territory. No doubts such ties will do good to expend our mutual trade.$ s9 T8 q1 s  ?# v6 [
7 A5 X: j2 P( j  o( @# R  369. If you can sign a sole agency agreements with us will double our turnover.7 |, B5 v; w6 z* Q+ v6 \$ F% L
  如果你方能与我们签订独家代理协议,我们将会使我们的营业额翻一番。  H, G1 X4 \" C: g$ v2 T4 F& j
  370. If you make us your agent in China, we will try our best to push and publicize your products.6 h0 O! [$ f# X3 G& s
% R. I) ~6 o/ Z7 L6 P  371. We have many advantages to act as your sole agent.& r( c- t% r6 g; v$ B4 T
  我方有很多优势做你们的独家代理。6 Y3 J& N3 C- e
  372. We have sufficient canvassing abilities to be your sole agent.
, Y& w& o% C, Z% Z  我方有足够的推销能力做你们的独家代理。
4 h7 ~/ l8 D+ ?) ^: i. |  373. We have enough positive experiences to act as your sole agent.& Q2 Z5 [  f, J/ h
4 Y, R3 T$ @2 x/ u& C9 y' M6 A& e( |0 Z  374. We trust that our experiences in foreign trade marketing will entitle us to your confidents.& v4 t$ s, M6 ]9 {' {# p
  我方相信我们在外贸和推销方面的经验足以值得贵方的信任。) z' D4 \& h7 Q1 b# p/ O% W* I
  375. We believe that many years of our experiences in international trade will undoubtedly meet your requirement.% K9 ~7 e* k  U9 y5 E7 d- w
  我方相信我方多年在国际贸易方面的经验一定能满足贵方的要求。; e: t. N% E- x0 m" G7 r  `
  376. The salesman in our company is well trained and have rich canvassing experience.) Z$ f2 [& d: c: Z" f. E9 j7 L# t4 f
# u4 Z- i4 p- N) j  377. It is our hope that after knowing our sales ability you will consider according us the exclusive selling right for your portable cassette recorders.# t3 d4 m, F3 N% x( b
  希望你方在了解了我们的销售能力以后,全考虑给我们手提盒式录音机的独家经销权。3 S" l  V2 T* b: |! \
  378. We have 30 years experience in agency and we believe that we could work up very satisfactory in pushing the sales of your products.( t: @- W  M# T. V0 E8 t; j
  在代理方面我们有30年的经验,相信在推销贵方产品方面,我们一定可以取得令人满意的结果。9 {& C% l, C0 ]
  379. We can assure you that we are well experienced in this line.
7 T% j7 I! Y: o: s+ Z  我们可以向你们保证我方在这方面是很有经验的。7 C8 l" R  c+ v/ r* k8 ]) u
  380. Which our rich experience in marketing your products in our city, we have the ability to increase the turnover to 50,000 $.7 C" S8 d0 [* Z& h2 q. g$ ?4 a7 ^

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