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[综合辅导] 商务英语口语900句(10):给予优惠

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  271. On orders for one hundred pieces or more we allow a special discount of 1.5%
! g7 Y1 `% v: G% U7 ]2 Y  对100匹或100匹以上的订单,我们可以给1.5%特别折扣。
) C( ?% R) n( V  272. A discount of 5% may be allow if the quantity for each specification is more than 1000 sets.
, N& ?- p, D! r; V* l$ \  如果每一种规格的量超过1000套的话,我方可以给5%的折扣。
7 P7 W: S) {, i- k  273. For quantities of more than 500 units, we can offer a discount of 15% on our price list.' s7 Z3 d. M  e, _1 @
  数量在500套以上的簅,我方可以按价目表给予5%的折扣。9 o+ L) s6 s( [) l0 R: K3 B
  274. We are glad to make a 5% discount for an order of 100 dozen or more., E& {8 u. [  n% f' A1 e
  对于100打以上的订单,我方乐意给予5%的折扣。: q- k: A& h5 S+ r! n9 m# O# g( @
  275. We should be pleased to allow you the requested discount of 5% if you are willing to raise your order to 50000 pieces.
3 G: O$ i, F3 k( M  若贵方愿将订单增加至50000件的话,我方乐意给予所要求的5%折扣。
; U) C5 H$ }9 o& X% D- k  276. We will entitle you to a 10% discount during July on anything you buy.
/ `' D, V, z4 H- j$ J( ^  您7月份来买任何东西时,价格均可按9折优惠。/ }1 o5 s. G5 T# L" N6 g
  277. You can receive a special 15% discount on orders placed before the end of December.
4 h0 ^- D! C) ]" K! M1 t! o  贵方能在12月底之前下订单的话,我方可以给15%折扣。- w% Y3 ^. A1 F9 b
  278. If your order is large enough, we are ready to reduce our prices by 5%
$ S7 y3 ~' _7 M9 N  如果你们的定货量相当多的话,我们打算降价5%.
* n5 o! [4 t( P2 Z  279. There's a 10% discount if you order in volume.
0 l; D8 n, R9 p/ g9 w1 S1 i  如果量大的话,有10%的折扣。6 P, o6 r% B8 x$ H4 N
  280. If an order is exceptionally large we are prepared to increase the discount.; S/ l$ U* T0 x
  如果订货量特别大,我们愿意回大折扣。! x% I7 G: J" ~% a$ J
  281. If you are willing to buy the whole lot once and for all, we can grant you a discount of 8% on the price.6 `( H, Q% K% I% G9 a% G, T
$ P7 Q5 Q! Y6 X0 ?$ V) Y  282. To help you sell our product, as an exception, we'll give you a special discount of 2%.& K. ^- g4 q! V
/ Q# g7 f  G7 Q/ C  283. We'll bring our price down by 4% for a good start for our business relationship.
$ U% X% l3 S9 t8 W$ I7 f8 V+ y  为了使我们的业务关系有一个良好的开端,我方准备给贵方5%的折扣。
; n6 A% v8 _4 {# Y! |3 ?. g1 n) _  D  284. In order to close this deal we shall further reduce our price by 5%% e( g9 {6 b- Y
  为了达成交易,我们将再次降价5%7 [8 S6 {% {5 b6 W3 Z5 _
  285. For the sake of our long-term friendship, we are going to accept the price reduction on the radios. How about 6% off?% z7 K% ^% Y3 c; j9 U5 X+ |4 k
  为了我们长期的友谊,我们准备接受收音机的减价,减价6%怎么样?/ w- _# f# Y1 ^- h6 c3 `% f
  286. In order to help you to develop business in this line, we are prepared to offer you a discount of 5%0 k" ]  l  L- A# W" C( [* I" V7 q
  为了帮忙你方发展这一行业的生意,我们愿提供5%的折扣。% X* h. k6 P  K7 A; k+ c
  287. In order to wind up this transaction with you, we are ready to take 3% off this original quotation.+ _2 @' e- T+ n7 n  E2 D9 _, r1 a5 z
! q+ Z" X7 w( s, L0 Q8 |( ]# q4 q" O  288. After careful consideration, we decided to bring the price down to $420 per unit.
; }& b6 M9 y4 i- |! }7 N! |1 A  经过认真考虑,我方决定每套降至420美元。
  Q$ E" X; Q# E; z8 m  289. We are prepared to offer our computers to you at the special discount rate of 15%
0 J' h7 N  l; }; ~/ X) M  我们准备按特惠价格供应贵方计算机,给你们打15%的折扣。2 p$ O$ ?( a+ b: o1 M
  290. Our quotation is subject to 5% commission.
' Y% \5 M' V& e  p0 e( }- G  我们的报价有5%的拥金。

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