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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语考试辅导:商贸常用词汇系列七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)! {6 C2 Y9 g1 \! l9 H
; S* k9 U! n7 ]: i  WTO (World Trade Organization)
- v; x! t$ i$ J  B/ x  世界贸易组织
2 J+ M1 n: b3 j+ K% N3 e  Uruguay Round
- Z+ d1 l: F5 Q; V/ v+ U  乌拉圭回合. S, z1 F. p! N6 P$ R2 [& B
  MFN (Most-favored-nation)(Treatment). ]; d  Q2 x, [6 z1 d
  最惠国贸易地位(待遇)$ |$ I& Q  ]1 [! |
  Dispute Settlement Body# j: V6 f6 B- m3 Y
& b5 r( A7 i" p& q, K: k2 y+ i. H  DSU(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes)
, L6 }" N# I+ ^  《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》
" t5 O/ g, h. m; E4 L  SPS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard )' L+ h2 K: I* S+ a6 L9 L" e: }0 E
4 n' n5 n! E2 [& a9 s9 F* x( C  AMS (Aggregate Measurement of Support)
: x7 }6 f& [8 v$ |  (农产品)综合支持量  J+ }8 ^+ y, v9 K; I9 }
  SSG (Special Safeguard)
3 R: w+ J1 m* V9 ?- k  (《农产品协议》)特殊保障
. A* t( p$ A* U4 D" b  ATC (Agreement on Textiles and Clothing)
; b" D* s' ]5 ?. o  《纺织品与服装协议》# S1 k& R4 \- P" ^# w3 v9 \
  GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services)6 M* b. |, Z# m: r5 M
  《服务贸易总协定》5 q3 ?0 v5 `  ~6 V% h9 L$ m" q
  ITA (Information Technology Agreement)
0 m7 p8 u0 O# [0 o) Y! o3 h  x  《信息技术协议》( P8 u' C+ e: \5 U
  MFA (Multifibre Agreement)
$ i# d6 R+ E' G* j* F( v# O! ?  《多种纤维协定》
0 c7 A4 x, [  j4 y- n1 G' a* q  NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
. E- E2 o: {8 l" F% ]: s0 K  《北美自由贸易协定》% W# X: M/ D$ V% y8 X% r
  ASEAN Free Trade Area8 R7 Z. F; o( ]4 M
  东盟自由贸易区1 z' i% y5 t  X& f; T
  COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa)
" |/ I" n3 O3 R" J  东部和南部非洲共同市场
1 x4 b+ a) f  d5 A1 J% y# P+ W  MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market)
: W( R: Y- M4 R' Y  南方共同市场(或称南锥体共同市场)) ^+ c# G4 ~" u$ O0 p. F
  SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional cooperation)5 j: z, O5 F/ m- V% H0 m6 `  |
' L3 W: C, K7 J' v4 E  Committee on Trade and Development
+ g& ^0 U' U) R5 m' Y& V9 j  贸易与发展委员会
5 P( q, z' u6 K) o7 s6 E  Committee on Trade and Environment# _1 b; T2 @; a0 d
  贸易与环境委员会! ?+ l! {: p- I9 e
  EFTA (European Free Trade Association)
  d! o2 j3 \+ D6 q- d. v  欧洲自由贸易联盟
" }  @' @$ x% f6 |3 v  FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
+ o9 k/ ^/ Z) g! d2 T  联合国粮农组织
+ u) N3 M1 j! U0 L1 @) q  ITC (International Trade Center)
# Z/ H  I& U0 S9 l  国际贸易中心$ o/ _2 w" k  Z' O$ o) F
  ITO (International Trade Organization)
/ t# A. q7 g" j" X4 V) _+ y3 ^2 a  国际贸易组织
* I& N4 K) s* L' i" W5 _  ICITO (Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization); u2 w0 l: h2 U- X3 X( V8 s
  国际贸易组织临时委员会7 P! E8 S1 ?* P! E! H
  ILO (International Labor Organization)
! p8 L& O) K  u4 r/ O9 l, Z" f% F  国际劳工组织4 F6 B, p  d% L2 }  k) A; a9 u
  IMF (International Monetary Fund)$ u" K5 ?, Y. R( V: R( }2 T, l
% N, h+ f" b; P0 v: a+ k  ISO (International Organization for Standardization)7 t' I* h4 ~' p/ a
  国际标准化组织2 \% q5 |2 R2 D. x: P0 t
  OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
" F! S) V, T: o3 G5 t  经济合作与发展组织+ B9 a- T: i' G( ^
  UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
$ g# x; [, w: E0 h2 j' ~  联合国贸易与发展会议! e  K2 g. r5 E3 }/ T
  UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
9 [; k2 e$ Q7 ?. O5 f' f, L# d  联合国开发计划署
* i' Z7 {0 X  ^/ E  @  UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)
& e/ D0 g; x; {  e( P, v4 W  联合国环境署
! ?$ I! M3 d& d, _( H/ Q8 V  WCO (World Customs Organization)1 v0 K, J: _- O, L) H- u* |$ j# i
  世界海关组织0 h* I8 i, |2 J* t
  WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)
, c1 u) W  ~! Q3 \. l( F& Q  世界知识产权组织

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