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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务英语词汇(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  instruction, education 教育
5 I( d6 f& A' H+ `  culture 文化
! h. ~1 z$ P6 W' z$ y  primary education 初等教育
* l! Q2 x/ ]4 q5 f% a* o3 K  secondary education 中等教育3 d9 e$ \( U3 \6 A! o9 b; r
  higher education 高等教育( i5 W( H3 [% Z9 A$ x5 m
  the three R's 读、写、算. A" D+ `8 b+ x
  school year 学年
' C: o( @, E. X. I4 @  term, trimester 学季; u$ R4 l. S4 L% s# ]
  semester 学期
  [1 R# a$ B% p  school day 教学日
! W& q$ A/ M9 a/ X( E: I  school holidays 假期
2 U7 l9 J/ `# g' W3 k  curriculum 课程& ]/ i- A, e: S/ S/ f( S
  subject 学科
& h' ~, \* ^$ I& O  discipline 纪律, u  X* e; }$ t- |: p% T( K8 X
  timetable 课程表. ^: y1 M8 I1 l
  class, lesson 课, y3 m& h4 S7 s+ I9 L7 G7 [
  homework 家庭作业
4 N  Y" \& N' ^3 ?/ ~  _6 W5 d  exercise 练习" t' G4 G4 e" _3 A) R/ h
  dictation 听写
$ r/ v% y8 f, P# H( G1 M% M  spelling mistake 拼写错误
0 B4 _! o( c2 G9 ?  (short) course 短训班
) J5 p( m" a& A+ I! r4 `  seminar 研讨班) D9 d) t* |" E, a8 h. Y) N0 K7 U* U
  playtime, break 课间,休息
& o$ ?9 v: T) F- @7 u  to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课: e% F( Q$ b1 O
  course (of study) 学业4 k* X& h3 {1 B
  student body 学生(总称)* Y$ L1 C9 L) w* |# Q# {! y, m/ b7 D  K
  classmate, schoolmate 同学6 n: K: ~0 Z  y+ P
  pupil 小学生. I) w# S2 {4 J2 s/ V: `/ ?
  student 大学生9 m9 q( N' u6 C: O! e$ Q. q' ?: c
  schoolboy 男生: s5 z3 W+ n  ]2 n0 ]% H
  schoolgirl 女生4 j7 _% l( D: M4 ]; K
  auditor 旁听生9 }7 F7 R6 m! C# J
  swot, grind 用的学生
: W1 t/ \6 T; t# |* ]% p  old boy 老生
, Q. F) k- K6 F3 T* P/ ?  grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金
/ Q! Q# i. K" R2 ~. m, a  holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者
; e' a5 l) {0 T+ s  Y& L  school uniform 校服0 k) x7 ]( a1 E& G7 l* h
  teaching staff 教育工作者(总称), v6 H  a' s2 T
  teachers 教师(总称)
* E) _& T+ ]1 G6 U2 a  primary school teacher 小学老师5 m) x" D  i: l" L
  teacher lecturer 大学老师
3 q3 e' ~, E- X3 F$ Y6 c* V  professor 教授" K& A6 Z  F2 f
  schooling 教授,授课

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


  assistant 助教5 c" k. }0 u. C0 }" B
  headmaster 校长 (女性为:headmistress)8 H, d) Y  j; L/ E
  deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长2 p$ e" K# F% ^; c: G0 ]( l4 o; N; a
  rector 校长
* ?- w; B+ U) U  dean 教务长
8 }3 C/ Q5 K$ G3 X. V  K  laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员* ]+ x8 Z& j$ s+ Z; i+ H( j
  beadle, porter 门房,学校工友
- }" d: A' X$ C* H  games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师
& m) ~; V( w! h% x  private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师. o8 M) v$ ]) e
  pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)( ?- E" s3 A* s# p
  of school age 教龄* i8 d/ J- g# g: u  }
  beginning of term 开学: ]5 O4 ^/ j1 Q
  matriculation 注册
5 I" s+ D4 g3 n7 A  [8 T  to enroll, to enroll 予以注册
% `, \4 F) g0 I: Q( `  to take lessons (学生)上课: P7 r8 ~0 P: ?8 a2 f% `/ M. \& w
  to teach (老师)上课
4 B* G, g) o, y5 R+ \, W  to study 学习. U4 }: a. Q% e8 O1 o  ]
  to learn by heart 记住,掌握
+ `- ^. O" {2 o; I  p& Z: \7 \1 H  to revise, to go over 复习
  w1 W* r0 ?! `  test 考试
- C1 u8 w1 A) A& U+ j: k. ~0 f  to test 考试  v( g- Z  P7 ]  i& B. d
  to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试, I! T1 j6 e) g! n. }0 Z6 ^8 ?% y
  convocation notice 考试通知0 s- w- W/ ]( @! o5 m: U" E
  examiner 考试者3 _- q. B+ H, D" k3 ^4 z7 D
  board of examiners 考试团
3 h$ \7 c+ e% }. B' U  examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试
. C1 W. E# h! }0 [) D/ J  question 问题  I, u/ @8 B! [1 ]% t7 h5 Z
  question paper 试卷4 X6 D; l, M6 ^$ y/ |! b
  crib 夹带 (美作:trot)
. I( ]7 M9 R2 I) ?. ]  to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试7 c5 N; A, c4 H" v( n
  pass, passing grade 升级
3 s2 J8 ?! q5 q8 r  prizegiving 分配奖品, i8 r2 z* d5 P! c3 L% h8 B
  to fall an examination 未通过考试5 H1 ~) B/ z; Z) e! K
  failure 未考好$ ~! ]/ l2 F* {( A; a
  to repeat a year 留级
) Q0 V( e, n  L8 `3 X  degree 学位
$ P( J; U  X/ h) D) l  graduate 毕业生
9 h2 T) K* ]; A# e: P0 q  to graduate 毕业4 U3 |0 P. {: T' T! X
  project, thesis 毕业论文! ]- u4 A; F4 g0 M# ~8 \
  General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书 (美作:high school diploma)
& R  ^4 a: j2 @! z  holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生 (美作:holder of a high school diploma)
& q" m: ]3 [/ t- _! S1 s0 Q% M  doctorate 博士学位
# @3 Q$ Z4 S4 T  doctor 博士
1 p% W7 d  p- {0 H) w  competitive examination 答辩考试 </p>
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