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[综合辅导] 商务英语口语900句(11):让步

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  291. In view of our good cooperation over the past few years, we are prepare to accept your price.3 s% A) k7 {+ k2 g9 P3 u; N& @
  鉴于过于几年的良好合作,我们准备接受你方的价格9 A9 b6 E6 r9 _- ?
  292.As a gesture of friendship , we accept the price of 50,000 $ for 10,000 pairs of leather shoes.* J8 x* Z( D: ?1 `3 v" [* Y
% N' _* ]% }: M( K1 f3 O( a+ e8 |  293.It’s seams there is nothing more I can do but to accept this price.
- ~3 O" ^6 ~* |: Y1 y. N3 j. ^6 B  似乎只有接受这个价格,别无它选
5 f; v4 o, T6 v; L' g  294.How about meeting each other half way and each of us make further concession so that business can be concluded.
: ^5 p5 g$ b8 A4 |7 i" S  会议一半,我们双方各让一步以使业务成交
# [. G( H; P. e! d( m6 q6 R& ?  295.I think that we should come to a compromise with each other in order to get the deal done.) X9 |$ E; n  S9 n3 R
  我认为我们应该各自折衷一下以便业务成交$ l2 [' q8 _+ ]
  296.Business is quite possible if each size makes some concessions.
3 ~! h# G# O- `" f- p  若双方各自做些让步,生意是很易达成的4 l2 `1 T1 ?3 Y- o" z  k& h
  297.If it is really so, we have to agree to your payment terms.
0 y% N2 @# n5 ?3 l4 H- b  如果真是这样,我们不得不同意你的付款条款* u5 d+ P# E3 E0 g
  298.We’d like to reduce the original offer slightly as a compromise.; D1 E! m: h1 x' S# u' K6 e8 |
  我们稍降原始报价,以示让步; H, @6 M1 ]: `$ l6 r5 f
  299.We may consider making some concessions in our price.
' z* f) ]8 T  E- K5 P9 e  我们可以在价格上做些让步( R, @8 I' C% D
  300.In order to encouraging business we are prepare to make reduction.3 O7 C1 z2 I' w& r$ }8 O$ l

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  301.We found we can make a step further provided that quantities will be no less 1,000,000 tons.
) M3 V4 x( I. {! P5 |  }  如果数量不少于1,000,000吨的话,我们发现我们可以做出让步
- w1 R& F/ x) ^& w( V  302.To show our sincerity ,we are prepare to make you a special concession of 6%.7 L- b) U" m" [; \
, b. {) q, X. |$ \  P  303.After serious consideration we can accept your counter bid.9 h) S8 r9 h4 {! H5 S4 T
  经过认真的考虑,我们能接受你的还盘9 k" {/ w9 j2 J" ^3 J! P; |! ]
  304.Considering your substantial order we can give you this exceptionally treatment.) w8 z5 M; u3 B5 a* m$ N0 a
  考虑到你的有效订单,我们对你做出特别对待  t% K5 ]3 T1 h0 A
  305.Since it is the case ,we would exceptionally comply with your request by reducing our price to 500$/piece.# }8 M; X2 G0 t, u3 y5 @4 D: b
, ?4 V$ R' B* p* T  306.We are please to grant you a 7% discount from the original offer since you agree to increase the order.5 ]9 t0 c1 P  C1 C! w! ^
  由于你方增加订单,我们乐意同意原价上给你7%的折扣& i  m# H: X" Y% e/ L$ f5 K$ R9 X
  307.To get business under way ,we are agree to take this as an exceptional case.
, I3 z* c( M+ w8 }8 E" ~5 V' }! l  为了在下述方式下成交,我们同意将此作为一个特例
7 b5 w- U' A/ N/ W; J& f$ X; h  308.We are prepare to reducing the price to 7.21$ .
+ X( x$ Z; o+ @% C  我们准备将价格降到7.21美金! O, t: x4 a. _# F
  309.10% is out the question but we are prepare to offer you 8%.  Y: D2 `! _0 R- m7 i+ k1 Z
6 b) Z; K! v/ ?5 X5 r" D2 b  310.As a special accommodation we are agree to your D/P payment terms, but only for once.' P5 ]" {* Z3 A) s; X
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